
the languages for SteamBot (discord)


A bot for everything to do with Steam

Designed with ease of use in mind, SteamBot doesn't require any set up of vanity urls or making your profile public, just invite it to your server then you and your members are all ready to go.

Developed by Billyoyo

discord python

SteamBot Languages


To create a translation, just download one of the .json files in /languages and translate it.

DO NOT TRANSLATE THE KEYS, for example: "game": "Must wait another %t seconds before searching again (%cd second cooldown)"

You can translate the "Must wait another %t seconds before searching again (%cd second cooldown)" part, but don't translate the command name game.

Anything like %t, %cd or %s are where information will be added, don't remove these. Try and keep formatting the same please.

Once you've translated it, just send me a PM with the .json file (hastebin / pastebin / paste.ee / gist is fine), you'll be given a contributor Discord role and if requested tell me your github name and I'll add you as a collaborator too.


@Агри#5001 for the russian translation <3

@Psi Crow#3348 for the german translation <3

@Sigvard#8536 for the swedish translation <3

@Viniuau#3029 for the brazilian-portuguese translation <3

@Wolf#9626 for the french translation <3

@ediXedi#2353 for the romanian translation <3

@OtakuMan1980#6682 for the italian translation <3

@Yiid#0652 for the turkish translation <3

@Liederkranz#3395 for the spanish translation <3

@toniekubek#1561 for the polish translation <3