
Samuele Malavasi | mat.182551

The third assignment for the course of introduction of service design (a.a. 2016-2017) aims to implement a soap service on a heroku server and a client able to consume the service offered. I used Ivy to manage dependencies and ant to automate the ivy installation, dependencies retrieving, java compiling and execution. The server is already deployed on heroku.

About the code

Client Makes a bunch of requests to the remote heroku server to test its functionalities and tests the response, every request-response is printed in a log file

  • M7 Firstly retrieves the different types of measures inside the Measure table
  • M1 Asks for the complete List of people inside Person table
  • M2 Retrieves the Person instance with the first id found in the previous list
  • M3 Updates firstname and lastname of the retrieved person
  • M4 Creates a new person inside the db and check the id of the new entry
  • M5 Deletes the just created person
  • M6 Retrieves the whole list of measures belonging to a specific person for a given type e.g. height
  • M8 Retrieves one specific measure
  • M9 Creates a new measure inside the db and check the id of the new entry
  • M10 Updates the measure value of a specific person

About the tasks

Everything written in build.xml is useful to run execute.client target. Before running execute.client ant will,

  • compile the classes
  • run the client against the selected server

How to run

It is possible to make the client work locally by running:

git clone

cd introsde-2016-assignment-3-client

ant execute.client