Fires are made from trees 😄 v19 🎉 slack messages :dance: AnnOy need a better way to test amg... again, again

final one please :<, you missed this pr :)

🔥 States and Labels 🔥

We all hate states,since lables are the same

🔥 FIRE 🔥

  • If i did things better from the start i would have less pain
  • atleast labels migration not to hard
  • i wonder if state labels will die completely

🌴 Github Apps 🌴

  • Synchronise
  • Review
  • State Labels 3.0
  • apply labels :simple_smile:

🔥 Ignore labels 🔥

  • opened
  • synch

Repo Member Reviews

regret everything :'( :< :C. :S

  • Remove repo_member_id

Add reviwers

Big test try again with conditions, should work now. third time is the charm TIME TO ANNOY PEOPLE 😢

Growing up

dates will be a problem

#SHA FIRE already double breaks on initial debug mistake refresh not same as exec statement in postico wish branch tracking was in already