
Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

MATSim website source

This uses Material for MkDocs, a Markdown-based static site generator.

  • You can edit markdown files in the docs folder directly to update the site. Edits gladly accepted!
  • Or follow instructions below to build it locally on your computer:

To add a news item, copy one of the pages in docs/news, rename to have the correct date and a useful filename, and edit the content header and news items as needed.

Building locally

This site uses MkDocs which requires a recent install of Python.

  • Clone the repo
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then you can run a local server with mkdocs serve so you can edit files and test/review changes before publishing
  • Any changes you push to the master branch will be built and published automatically using Github Actions

Important files and folders:

  • mkdocs.yml contains all of the site navigation, settings, and theme
  • docs folder has all of the markdown content files
  • docs/news contains all news/blog items.
  • extra.css has our matsim.org styling such as front page layout, colors, etc
  • overrides has HTML templates for home page, gallery, news pages, etc