
Tanda Internship Code Challenge - Ping Backend

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Tanda Internship Code Challenge - Ping Backend


To complete this project I decided to use;

  • node + express for the server as they allow simple and powerful creation of api servers,
  • mongodb for the database as a relational database is overkill for this api with only a single entity and mongodb works well with node.

This stack was used as together they are commonly used for running simple api servers and setup and use is very straightforward.

Other depencies for this project are;

  • dotenv for server configuration files,
  • moment.js for handling/parsing dates and unix times,
  • mongoose for easy connection to the mongodb server,
  • morgan for server logging.

steps to build

  • install node & npm sudo apt install nodejs

  • install mongodb sudo apt install mongodb

  • install ruby (optional used for testing only) sudo apt install ruby

  • clone or download this repo

  • rename example.env -> .env and edit any config settings if needed, default is recommended

  • run npm install to install node dependencies

  • run node app to start the server (default server listens on localhost:3000)

  • run ruby pings.rb (optional used for testing)