
BIT-HDTV.com API client

Primary LanguagePython


Connects to BIT-HDTV.com via their API can lets you freeley search their database for contents.


  • Makes a local database from IMDb.com free data
  • Tries to figure out from filename what Movie/TV that is
  • Shows cover and rating from IDMb.com
  • If there are several torrents from from the same Moveie/TV/Episode they're batched together and you can scoll among those (same is true for IMDb candidates)
  • Right click a torrent to bring it with you are you reqeust next page
  • Click on any of Resolution, Filesize, Seeder, Leechers, Time to sort the torrents accordingly


pip install -r requirements.txt --user

Start by running: python3 bithdtv.py

I run Linux only and do not own any copy of Windows therefore I do not know if this works outside Linux at all.