PHP and MySQL Mini Projects

This repository contains a collection of small projects designed to help beginners learn PHP and MySQL. Each project focuses on different aspects of development using PHP and MySQL, enhancing both frontend and backend skills.

Projects List

1. Personal Contact Book

  • Description: A simple web application to store and manage personal contacts with essential details like name, phone number, and email.
  • Skills and Focus: PHP CRUD operations, MySQL database integration, Form handling.

2. User Login System

  • Description: Implement a user authentication system with capabilities to sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Skills and Focus: User authentication, Password hashing, Sessions management in PHP.

3. Blog Comments Section

  • Description: A comments section for a blog where users can post comments and read others' comments on blog posts.
  • Skills and Focus: MySQL relational databases, CRUD operations, Real-time data handling.

4. To-Do List Manager

  • Description: A web application to manage daily tasks with options to add, edit, and delete tasks.
  • Skills and Focus: Dynamic user interface, AJAX for no-refresh CRUD operations, PHP and MySQL integration.

5. Photo Gallery

  • Description: Create a platform where users can upload photos to a gallery and view them.
  • Skills and Focus: File handling in PHP, Image uploads, Gallery grid layout.

6. Inventory Management System

  • Description: Manage an inventory with functionalities to add, update, and delete items.
  • Skills and Focus: Complex forms, Advanced CRUD operations, Database design.

7. Event Calendar

  • Description: An application to add and view events in a calendar format.
  • Skills and Focus: Date handling in PHP, MySQL date queries, Interactive calendar UI.

8. Online Polling System

  • Description: A system where users can participate in polls and view results.
  • Skills and Focus: Poll algorithms, Data visualization, Real-time web interactions.

9. Appointment Booking System

  • Description: Schedule and manage appointments with capabilities to book, modify, or cancel.
  • Skills and Focus: Scheduling algorithms, Time slot management, User notifications.

10. Restaurant Reservation System

  • Description: Handles reservations for a restaurant, including checking table availability.
  • Skills and Focus: Complex SQL queries, Customer management, Real-time table status updates.

Getting Started

Clone this repository using:

git clone

Contributing Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests. You can also open an issue for bugs, suggestions, or new project ideas

License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

This README provides a structured and comprehensive overview for anyone looking to explore or contribute to your projects, highlighting both the learning aspects and technical skills developed through each project.