
Welcome to the README file for the Decentralized Exchange project! This document provides an overview of the project, its features, setup instructions, and other relevant information.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decentralized Exchange

The Decentralized Exchange project aims to create a decentralized trading platform where users can exchange cryptocurrencies directly with each other without the need for intermediaries like traditional exchanges. This project leverages blockchain technology to ensure secure, transparent, and censorship-resistant transactions.

Installation & Setup

Install DEX with npm

  npm run install-client
  npm run install-server

Run DEX with npm

  npm run start-client
  npm run start-server


  • List their tokens for trading.
  • View the available trading pairs and order book.
  • Place buy or sell orders for the desired cryptocurrencies.
  • Execute trades when buy and sell orders match.
  • Monitor their transaction history and portfolio.


  • Token Listing: Users can list their tokens on the decentralized exchange platform for trading.
  • Trading Pairs: The platform supports various trading pairs, allowing users to exchange one cryptocurrency for another.
  • Pool Creation & liquidity: The platefporm supports pool creation and lets its users to provide liquidity in liquidity pools.
  • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are used to facilitate the execution of trades and ensure the integrity of transactions.
  • Wallet Integration: Users can connect their wallets (e.g., MetaMask) to the decentralized exchange to manage their funds securely.
  • Decentralized Governance: The platform may implement decentralized governance mechanisms, enabling token holders to participate in decision-making processes.
  • Bridge: The platform has the functionality of bridge that lets you transfer your assets from on blockchain to another.

Tech Stack

1. Blockchain:

  • Ethereum
  • Binance Smart Chain 2. Smart Contracts:
  • Solidity
  • Vyper 3. Web Development:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React

4. Wallet Integration:

  • MetaMask
  • WalletConnect

5. Testing:

  • Truffle
  • Ganache


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App Screenshot App Screenshot

App Screenshot App Screenshot

