
A MicroPython library for the I2C Silicon Labs Si70xx series of relative humidity and temperature sensors

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



A MicroPython library for the I2C Silicon Labs Si70xx series of relative humidity and temperature sensors.
This library should work with the Si7006 Si7013 Si7020 Si7021 Si7034

This class is a subclass of the [billyrayvalentine/micropython-Si705x] (https://github.com/billyrayvalentine/micropython-Si705x) and must therefor be available to Micropython.

This module has currently only been tested on the Si7021. Please report your milage


There are only four methods:

get_temperature - Perform a measurement and return the temperature in Celsius

get_humidity - Perform a measurement and return the relative humidity percentage

get_model - Return the hardware model e.g. Si7021

get_firmware_version - Return the hex value of the firmware version

Example in REPL

>>> from machine import Pin, I2C
>>> from Si70xx import Si70xx
>>> i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4))
>>> sensor = Si70xx(i2c)
>>> sensor.get_temperature()
>>> sensor.get_humidity()
>>> sensor.get_model()
>>> sensor.get_firmware_version()
