
A collection of OSS tools and handy links

  • 98% OSS
  • 1% free-as-in-beer closed source software
  • 1% in-browser tools
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Table of Contents

Tools by Category

  • X Asset Management
  • X AWS Tools
  • X Backups
  • X Chef
  • X Cloud File Sync and Sharing
  • X Collaboration Tools
  • X Configuration Management
  • X Containers
  • X Data Visualization and Dashboards
  • X Distributed Systems Tools
  • X Editors
  • X Git Tools
  • X Graphics Stuff
  • X High Availability Clustering Tools
  • X HPC Tools
  • X Live CD Tools
  • X Logging
  • X Metrics and Time Series Data
  • X Monitoring and Alerting
  • X Networking Tools
  • X Network Performance Analysis Tools
  • X Orchestration
  • X Package Patch and Repository Tools
  • X Performance Analysis Tools
  • X Provisioning Tools
  • X Python Tools and Resources
  • X Python Programming Tutorials
  • X RDBMS and SQL Tools
  • X RDBMS Performance Analysis Tools
  • X Regular Expressions
  • X Ruby Tools and Resources
  • X Ruby Programming Tutorials
  • X Secrets Management
  • X Security Tools
  • X Shell Scripting and Tools
  • X Software Development Tools
  • X SSH Tools
  • X SSL Tools
  • X Storage Tools
  • X Storage Performance Analysis Tools
  • X Terminal Tools and SSH Clients
  • X Tracing and Profiling
  • X Two Factor Authentication
  • X Virtualization and SDN
  • X VMware Tools
  • X VPNs and Tunnels
  • X Web and HTTP Tools
  • X Web and HTTP Performance Analysis Tools
  • X Misc Tools and Learning Opportunities

IT News

A mix of industry and technical, traditional and next generation, dev and ops

Linux News and Articles

Linux-centric news and articles

Linux Message Boards and Forums

Resources for troubleshooting and technical questions

Asset Management

Asset management, inventories, asset discovery, CMDB, and IPAM - see also Configuration Management

  • Collins - Infrastructure source of truth, created by Tumblr -- Scala
  • iTop - IT Service Management (ITSM), asset tracking, and ITIL -- PHP
  • Fusion Inventory - Multi-lingual, can be paired with GLPI for a killer solution -- perl
  • Genesis - Hardware discovery, by Tumblr, can report to Collins -- Ruby
  • GestioIP - IP address management (IPAM), web based, supports discovery -- perl
  • GLPI - Also provides license management, software auditing, and ticketing -- PHP
  • IP Plan - IPAM -- PHP
  • ITDB (IT ITems DataBase) - Includes purchase order management, floor plans, and ISO20000-like features -- PHP
  • NetBox - IPAM and DCIM by Digital Ocean -- Python
  • Netdisco - Web-based network management and discovery tool, written in perl, uses SNMP -- perl
  • NIPAP - Next-generation IPAM -- Python
  • OCS-NG (OCS Inventory NG) - Automated inventory, deployment system, can sync with GLPI -- perl
  • openDCIM - Data center infrastructure management -- PHP
  • Open-AudIT - Track and report assets and configurations, supports Windows too -- PHP
  • phpIPAM - IPAM -- PHP
  • RackTables - Data center asset management, being updated again! -- PHP
  • racktables-contribs - RackTables user-contributed plugins -- PHP
  • Ralph - DCIM and CMDB, supports auto-discovery -- Python pip
  • Snipe-IT - Uses Bootstrap, web based, supports mobile -- PHP

AWS Tools

Tools for interacting with the Amazon Web Services ecosystem

  • Aminator - Create application-specific custom AMIs, by Netflix -- Python
  • assume-role - CLI tool making it easy to assume IAM roles through an AWS Bastion account -- shell
  • Awesome AWS - Curated list of AWS resources -- collection
  • aws-shell (formerly Supercharged AWS CLI (SAWS)) - The best CLI for interacting with AWS -- Python pip
  • aws-vault - A vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments -- Golang
  • AWS SAM Local - CLI tool for local development and testing of Lambda applications -- Golang
  • Chrome AWS SAML Token Expiry Reminder (CASTER) - Automatically re-logs into AWS via ADFS before credentials expire -- Chrome
  • CloudBerry Explorer - Windows client for accessing AWS S3 buckets -- closed source Windows
  • CloudCraft - Create professional AWS architecture diagrams -- in-browser
  • CloudMapper - Generates network diagrams of Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments and displays them via your browser, by Duo Security -- Python
  • credstash - Secrets management using AWS KMS -- Python pip
  • eb_deploy - Elastic Beanstalk blue-green deployment automation -- Ruby gem
  • ec2instances.info - Open source and up to date instance price comparison tool -- Python
  • haproxy-autoscale - Wrapper for haproxy that handles auto-scaling EC2 instances -- Python
  • Ice - AWS usage tool, by Netflix -- Grails
  • ION Roller - Immutable deployment framework for web services -- Scala
  • jungle - awscli wrapper to make commands simpler and more UNIX-like -- Python pip
  • kappa - CLI tool that makes it easier to deploy, update, and test Lambda functions -- Python
  • localstack - A fully functional local AWS cloud stack for offline dev and test -- Python
  • s3cmd - Backup to AWS via the command line -- Python
  • Serverless (formerly JAWS) - Javascript + AWS stack, the entire backend is Lambda functions, server-free -- JavaScript
  • Sneaker - Store secrets on S3 using Amazon KMS -- Golang
  • ssh2ec2 - SSH into EC2 instances by tag name and/or other metadata filters -- Python pip
  • StarCluster - Toolkit for using AWS for high performance computing (HPC), by MIT -- Python
  • Stout - Easy way to reliably upload a static website to S3, capable of configuring CloudFront and Route 53 -- Golang
  • Terraforming - Export all AWS resources into Terraform -- Ruby gem
  • Tools for Amazon Web Services - Amazon's portal for their official tools -- various lang
  • troposphere - Python library to create CloudFormation descriptions -- Python pip
  • Zappa - Build and deploy serverless, event-driven Python applications -- Python


Traditional backup software - see also Cloud File Sync and Sharing

  • Amanda - The classic -- C perl
  • Backupninja - Centralize way to configure and schedule many different backup utilities -- shell
  • BURP (BackUp and Restore Program) - Reduces network traffic and the amount of space required by using librsync -- C
  • BackupPC - Dedupe and a web GUI for restores -- perl
  • Backup - Gem for backup and restore, supports tons of platforms and notifiers (RDBMS, S3, Dropbox, rsync, Hipchat, Zabbix) -- Ruby gem
  • Bacula - Open source backup tool, lots of downloads so I guess it's good I don't know -- C
  • Back in Time - Similar to TimeMachine, simple GUI backup program -- Python
  • Bareos (Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced) - Fork of Bacula with additional features -- C
  • borgmatic - A simple wrapper script for the Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups-- Python
  • bup - Uses the git packfile format, supports global dedupe, can use "par2" redundancy -- Python
  • DAR (Disk ARchive) - Better than tar, focuses on disks instead of tapes -- C++
  • ddrecover - This should be the first data recovery tool you use -- C
  • Deja Dup - GUI for duplicity -- C
  • Duplicati - Supports encryption and dedupe -- Mono
  • Duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm -- Python
  • Elkarbackup - Comes as a ready to use VM, supports Linux and Windows -- PHP
  • Fpart - Packs file systems into "partitions" so you can do multi-threaded or multi-node rsyncs -- C
  • FSArchiver - Save the contents of a file system to a compressed archive, if one of the checksums doesn't match the file is lost, not the whole backup -- C
  • Grsync - GUI for rsync -- Windows OS X C
  • Mondo Rescue - Disaster recovery, supports tapes, disks, network and CD/DVD as backup media, multiple filesystems, LVM, software and hardware RAID -- C
  • rdiff-backup - Combines the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup in a bandwidth efficient manner -- Windows OS X Python
  • Redo Backup and Recovery - Simple bare metal backup and restore, live CD -- Windows
  • Relax and Recover (REAR) - BMR, simple, integrates with commercial backup solutions -- shell
  • rsnapshot - Uses rsync and hard links, can keep multiple full backups available while using very little disk space -- OS X perl shell
  • SafeKeep - Superb project, uses LVM snapshots -- Python
  • SnapRAID - Backup program that also stores RAID parity information -- C
  • Unison - Multi-OS file sync tool, syncs from both sides, no master -- OS X
  • UrBackup - Supports Windows, has a web interface -- Windows C++
  • ZBackup - Globally deduplicating backup tool -- C
  • zpaq - Free incremental and journaling command-line archiver -- Windows OS X C++


Chef gets it's own category because they're MY links - see also Configuration Management

  • Bento - Chef's collection of baseboxes configured to work with Packer and Vagrant, great for testing -- Ruby
  • Berkshelf - Like gem bundler for Chef cookbooks, manages dependencies -- Ruby gem
  • Chake - Tool that helps you manage multiple hosts with chef-solo, think simple mini self-contained Chef (no server) -- Ruby gem
  • chef-guard - feature rich Chef add-on that protects your Chef server from untested and potentially dangerous cookbooks -- Ruby
  • chef-vault - Allow specified node(s) to dencrypt the contents of encrypted data bags -- Ruby gem
  • chef-whitelist - Library that enables easy rollout of changes to one or more hosts, by Etsy -- Ruby
  • ChefDK (Chef Development Kit) - Includes Berkshelf, Test Kitchen, ChefSpec, Foodcritic, Knife, Chef Zero, Ohai, and more -- Ruby
  • ChefSpec Examples - A billion code snippets and tests for ChefSpec -- Ruby
  • Chef Partner GitHub Repos - Official repo for tools, provisioners, and knife plugins from partners (VMware, GCE, Azure, AWS, etc) -- collections
  • Chef Sugar - Syntactic sugar for Chef by Seth V -- Ruby gem
  • Chef Supermarket (community) - Official community site for cookbooks -- various lang
  • Chef Supermarket (self-hosted) - Cookbook repository for Chef, can be hosted internally -- Ruby
  • Citadel - Cookbook to store secrets in AWS S3 buckets using EC2 and IAM -- Ruby
  • Foodcritic - Chef linter and static code analysis -- Ruby gem
  • grocery-delivery - Utility for managing cookbook uploads to distributed Chef backends, by Facebook -- Ruby
  • Handlers - The official list of community written handlers (Airbrake, IRC, Campfire, etc) -- Ruby
  • Itamae - CM tool inspired by Chef, but simpler and lightweight, formerly LightChef -- Ruby gem
  • Inspec - Drop-in replacement for ServerSpec, can be used for audit purposes too -- Ruby gem
  • knife-backup - Knife plugin to help backup and restore a Chef server -- Ruby gem
  • knife-push - Official push jobs - action or a command to be executed against a subset of nodes -- Ruby
  • Knife Plugins - The official list of community written plugins for Knife -- collection
  • omnibus - Create full-stack installers for your project -- Ruby gem
  • Policy File - Policyfile is a single document to specify the cookbooks and recipes that should be applied to node(s) -- official experimental
  • Ridley - Chef API client -- Ruby gem
  • ServerSpec - RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else -- Ruby
  • spiceweasel - Quickly automates the creation of whole Chef environments (batch loading) -- Ruby
  • Test Kitchen - Automated testing for configuration management tools (mostly Chef) -- Ruby gem

Cloud File Sync and Sharing

Sync files to and share from public or private file stores (think Dropbox, Google Drive, etc) - see also Backups

  • boar - Stores snapshots of directory trees in a local or remote repository, for BLOBs (pictures, videos , etc) -- Python C
  • Drive - Push or pull files to Google Drive via the command line -- Golang
  • git-annex Assistant - Sync folder(s) to any device (NAS, mobile, thumb, cloud, etc) via git -- C OS X mobile
  • lsyncd - Watches a local directory trees event monitor interface (inotify or fsevents) and kicks off an rsync when things change -- Lua
  • Mackup - Sync your Mac application settings to various cloud services or git -- Python OS X
  • Nextcloud - Fork of and replacement for OwnCloud, a self-hosted Dropbox -- various lang Windows OS X
  • Pydio - Formerly AjaXplorer, AGPL license -- PHP
  • Seafile - Also offers a paid professional edition with more features, supports most platforms -- C
  • SparkleShare - Uses git under the hood, neat -- Windows OS X
  • Syncany - Supports tons of different protocols for the transfer (SCP, FTP, Samba, S3, etc) -- Gradle
  • Syncthing - Uses an ID rather than an IP address, share your ID with friends and go -- Golang
  • Tahoe-LAFS - Free and open decentralized cloud storage system -- Python

Collaboration Tools

ChatOps, code review, groupware, webmail, code sharing, and more - see also Dashboards and Data Visualization and Graphics Stuff and Editors and Git Tools and Software Development Tools

  • Citadel - Messaging, collaboration tools, and groupware - an all-in-one package -- C
  • dev-setup - Automated setup scripts for laptop tools like Sublime Text, AWS, Spark, Android dev, and more -- collection
  • Etherpad - Enter, save, and share text/code in a web browser -- JavaScript
  • FreeIPA - Identity, policy, and audit suite, think Active Directory for Linux (LDAP, CA, x509, DNS, Kerberos) -- various lang
  • FreeMind - OSS mind mapping software, great for brainstorming -- Java Windows OS X
  • gcalcli - CLI for Google Calendar -- Python pip
  • gmvault - Export/backup and restore your Gmail account -- Python
  • Haste / hastebin - Open source pastebin alternative for sharing code, can be installed locally / on-site -- JavaScript
  • Hubot - Chat bot that can do deploys, look up images, integrate with Google Maps, and tons of other stuff -- CoffeeScript
  • Isso - A commenting server similar to Disqus -- JavaScript
  • Kolab - Unified communication and collaboration system -- PHP
  • LDAP Account Manager (LAM) - Full featured LDAP management GUI, can manage almost anything -- PHP
  • Let's Chat - Self-hosted open source HipChat clone -- JavaScript
  • Mattermost - OSS Slack alternative -- Golang JavaScript
  • Mailtrain - Self hosted news letter e-mail app, similar to Mailchimp -- JavaScript
  • OpenProject - Web-based project management system built on Ruby on Rails -- Ruby
  • osTicket - Routes inquiries created via email, web-forms and phone calls into a web-based customer support platform -- PHP
  • OTRS - Open source help desk software -- perl
  • OwnTracks - Self-hosted location tracking you can share - use for diaries, work orders, etc -- various lang mobile
  • Pandoc - Convert files from one markup format to another, supports a ton of formats -- Haskell
  • Phabricator - Suite of web-based software dev collaboration tools, and all-in-one project management tool -- PHP
  • PrivateBin - Pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data, data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES -- various lang
  • QueryClips - Pastebin for Postgres or my mySQL SQL query sharing -- in-browser
  • RainLoop - Simple, modern & fast web-based email client -- PHP
  • Redmine - Project management webapp -- Ruby
  • Request Tracker - Bug tracking, help desk ticketing, customer service, workflow processes, change management and more -- perl
  • Review Board - Code review tool for multiple SCM systems -- Python
  • Rocket.Chat - OSS Slack clone built with Meteor.js -- JavaScript
  • Roundcube - Browser-based multilingual IMAP client -- PHP
  • Say What - Using speech-to-text to fully check out during conference calls -- Python
  • Scribus - Open source desktop publishing (layout, typesetting, etc), Adobe InDesign alternative -- C++ Windows OS X
  • SOGo - Groupware that integrates with Microsoft, Android, and Apple products -- Objective-C OS X
  • Sovereign - Set of Ansible playbooks to deploy a suite of self-hosted apps (mail, colab, calendar, file sync, and more) -- Python
  • Synergy - Share a single keyboard and mouse with multiple physical computers, only the old version is free now -- closed source Windows OS X
  • Taiga - Project management web application with agile/ scrum in mind -- Python CoffeeScript
  • TermRecord - Record and playback terminal sessions, outputs self-contained HTML -- Python
  • VisioCafe - The largest collection of free Visio stencils -- collection
  • WeKan - OSS Trello-like kanban board -- JavaScript
  • YOURLS (Your Own URL Shortener) - Lets you run your own URL shortener a'la TinyURL or bit.ly -- PHP
  • Zulip - Group chat with chat threads, by Dropbox -- various lang mobile Windows OS X

Configuration Management

OS-level configuration management, Chef has it's own category because - see also Asset Management and Orchestration and Package Patch and Repository Tools

  • Ansible - CM and orchestration, also can do provisioning -- Python
  • Ansible Galaxy - Community site for finding, reusing, and sharing Ansible content -- various lang
  • Ansible Interactive Tutorial - Interactive tutorials for Ansible via Docker, super simple -- Shell
  • Automatic Server Hardening - Linux hardening cookbooks/manifests/playbooks for Puppet, Chef, and Ansible -- various lang
  • awx - Upstream to Ansible Tower - REST API, task engine, etc -- Python
  • Blueprint - Reverse engineer a server configuration -- Python pip
  • BOSH - Cloud orchestration, supports Docker containers too -- Ruby
  • Boxen - Mac / OS X configuration management -- Ruby gem OS X
  • hiera-eyaml - Backend for Hiera that provides per-value encryption of sensitive data within Puppet yaml files -- Ruby
  • Juju - Ubuntu focused but works on RHEL / CentOS now -- Golang
  • librarian-puppet - Bundler for Puppet, manages dependencies -- Ruby gem
  • Oxidized - RANCID replacement, supports many platforms (Cisco, Brocade, Juniper, Citrix, etc) -- Ruby gem
  • puppet-lint - Check that your Puppet manifest conform to the style guide -- Ruby gem
  • Puppet Dashboard - Web based dashboard for Puppet -- JavaScript
  • Puppet Forge - The official community repository of Puppet modules -- collection
  • puppet-module-skeleton - Skeleton modules for Puppet -- Ruby
  • r10k - General purpose toolset for deploying Puppet environments and modules -- Ruby gem
  • RANCID - (Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ) - Pulls and saves network device configs and saves them into a CVS, now supports git -- C
  • Rudder - Automation and compliance, uses CFengine -- Scala
  • Salt / Saltstack - Orchestration, server provisioning, and configuration management -- Python


Linux containers, container orchestration, provisioning, networking, PaaS, Kubernetes, and related tools - see also Distributed Systems Tools and Virtualization and SDN and Web and HTTP Tools

  • Alpine Linux - Super minimal BusyBox based Linux distro, perfect for hosting containers -- various lang
  • appscale - Open source implementation of Google App Engine -- Python
  • Awesome Docker - Massive Docker collection -- collection
  • Awesome Kubernetes - Collection -- collection
  • cadvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers -- Golang
  • Clear Linux - New name for Clear Containers, attempts combine the security advantages of VMs with the deployment advantages of containers -- various lang
  • Cloud Foundry - Open source PaaS by VMware and Pivotal -- Golang Ruby
  • crane - Docker orchestration, similar to Docker Compose -- Golang
  • ctop - ncurses top-like UI for containers -- Golang
  • docker-gc - Docker garbage collection of containers and images -- shell
  • DockerSlim - Uses static and dynamic analysis to create skinny image variants of your fat images -- Golang
  • Docker Compose - Define and run multi-container apps with Docker, previously known as fig, official -- Python
  • Docker Distribution - AKA Docker Registry 2.0 - pack, ship, store, and deliver containers -- Golang
  • Docker Hub - Official Docker images for many projects -- various lang
  • Docker Swarm - Docker-native clustering system -- Golang
  • Docker Swarm Visualizer - A visualizer for Docker Swarm using the Docker Remote API, Node.JS, and D3 -- JavaScript
  • Docker Toolbox - Docker Client, Machine, Compose, Kitematic, VirtualBox, and the boot2docker VM in a single package, official -- various lang
  • Dokku - Docker powered mini-Heroku (PaaS) in around 100 lines of bash -- shell
  • draft - Streamlined Kubernetes development with sandbox testing & deployment in seconds -- Golang
  • drone - CI platform built on Docker / containers, can also deploy to Kubernetes -- Golang
  • dumb-init - Minimal init system for containers, by Yelp -- C
  • Fabric8 - Open source microservices platform based on Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins -- Java
  • Flannel - Network fabric for containers via etcd, designed for Kubernetes -- Golang
  • Flynn - PaaS built on top of Docker, can run stateful services -- Golang
  • Heapster - Container cluster monitoring and performance analysis for Kubernetes and CoreOS -- Golang
  • Helm - tool for managing Kubernetes charts (packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources) -- Golang
  • helm-value-store - Manage working with multiple values.yaml files for nearly identitcal deployments -- Golang
  • Heptio Ark - Manage disaster recovery for your Kubernetes persistent volumes and cluster resources -- Golang
  • Heptio Sonobuoy - Kubernetes end to end conformance testing and debugging tool -- Golang
  • Kata Containers - A mix of Clear Containers / Clear Linux and Hyper's runV -- frankencontainers various lang
  • Kismatic - Set of production-ready defaults and best practice tools for creating enterprise-tuned Kubernetes clusters, supports bare metal. -- Golang
  • Kitematic - GUI Docker management on Mac & Windows (laptops), official -- JavaScript Windows OS X
  • kops - CLI for managing, upgrading, maintaining, creating, etc Kubernetes clusters -- Golang
  • kubeadm-dind-cluster - kubeadm and DIND (Docker in Docker) create a multi-node Kubernetes cluster on your laptop for dev -- Shell
  • kube-applier - service that enables continuous deployment of Kubernetes objects by applying declarative configuration files from a Git repository to a Kubernetes cluster -- Golang
  • kube-bench - Compliance checker for Kubernetes CIS benchmarks -- Golang
  • kubectx - Easily switch between kubectl contexts and namespaces -- Ruby
  • kubed - Perform periodic cluster snapshots, provide temp storage for deleted objects, automatic event forwarding, deliver notifications via various channels for Kubernetes -- Golang
  • kubernetes - Open source orchestration system for Docker containers, by Google -- Golang
  • kubicorn - Multi-provider deployment abstraction layer / library for Kubernetes -- Golang
  • Logspout - Log router for Docker containers -- Golang
  • minikube - Kubernetes environments on your laptop -- Golang
  • Minishift - OpenShift in a VM for testing / learning -- Golang
  • OpenShift Origin - Docker + Kubernetes, the upstream for Red Hat's OpenShift 3.x -- Golang
  • Panamax - Containerized app creator with an open-source app marketplace hosted in GitHub -- various lang
  • pipework - SDN for Linux Containers -- various lang
  • Portainer - Web interface for Docker aka us-for-docker -- JavaScript
  • Project Atomic - Super stripped down Linux OS designed to only run containers and nothing more, aka RHEL Atomic -- various lang
  • Prometheus Operator - Creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes -- Golang
  • Rancher - Provides a complete platform for operating Docker in production -- various lang
  • Registrator - Service registry bridge for Docker, supports Consul, etcd -- Golang
  • rkt (Rocket) - New container system by the CoreOS guys -- Golang
  • Rocker - Adds new instructions to the Dockerfile instruction set for smaller images and faster builds -- Golang
  • Tectonic Installer - Install an opinionated Kubernetes cluster the "Tectonic Way", a sane predefined deployment and workflow -- various lang
  • Telepresense - Local development against a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster -- Python
  • Tsuru - Docker-based PaaS -- Golang
  • Watchtower - Monitors your running Docker containers and restart them when a new image is available -- Golang
  • Weave - Virtual network that connects Docker containers deployed across multiple hosts -- Golang

Dashboards and Data Visualization

Dashboards for monitoring, alerting, metrics, data visualization tools, and status boards - see also Metrics and Time Series Data and Logging and Monitoring and Alerting

  • Bigdesk - Live charts and statistics for Elasticsearch cluster -- JavaScript
  • Cachet - Create beautiful, responsive status pages -- PHP
  • Cacti - Web-based network monitoring and graphing tool designed as a front-end to RRDtool -- PHP
  • CactiEZ - Super simple, added features, works right out of the box -- PHP
  • Dashing - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework, no longer maintained, successor is Smashing -- Ruby gem
  • Dashing Widgets - Massive collection of widgets for Dashing -- collection
  • Facette - Time series data visualization and graphing software -- Golang
  • Flame Graphs - Stack trace visualizer by Brendan Gregg -- perl
  • Gource - Software version control visualization tool -- C++
  • Graphene - Graphite dashboard in D3 and Backbone -- JavaScript
  • Graphiti - Graphite dashboard using Ruby and Redis -- Ruby
  • Hygieia - Visualize near real-time status of the entire delivery pipeline, by Capital One -- Java
  • Hystrix Dashboard - Dashboard for Netflix's Hystrix tool -- Java
  • Kibana - Visualization component of the ELK stack -- JavaScript
  • ksar - Creates pretty graphs from sar output -- Java
  • logstalgia - Web site access log visualization tool, aka Apache Pong -- C++
  • Grafana - Modern dashboard for Graphite -- JavaScript
  • Mozaik - Create beautiful dashboards using Node/React/D3 -- JavaScript
  • MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) - Still being updated -- perl
  • Nagdash - Dashboard / NOC screen for Nagios -- PHP
  • NagVis - Visualization suite for Nagios -- PHP
  • Nagiosgraph - Another visualization tool for Nagios data -- perl
  • Network Weathermap - Network visualization tool, create a "weather map" just like big ISPs use, not dead yet -- PHP
  • pdash - web dashboard for linux using data mainly served by psutil -- Python pip
  • PNP4Nagios - Analyzes performance data provided by plugins and stores them automatically into RRD-databases -- PHP
  • promviz - Visualize the traffic of your clusters in realtime from Prometheus data -- Golang
  • redash - Web application that allows to easily query an existing database, share the dataset and visualize it in different ways -- various lang
  • ServerStatus - Display and monitor your servers statistics in a beautiful way -- C C++ JavaScript
  • Seyren - Alerting dashboard for Graphite -- Java
  • Smashing - Successor to Dashing -- Ruby
  • Stashboard - Status dashboard for APIs and software services, requires Google App Engine -- Python
  • Staytus - Complete solution for publishing the latest info about issues with your web applications, networks or services -- Ruby
  • Tasseo - Dashboards using D3, HTML5, Bootstrap, and others -- JavaScript CoffeeScript
  • Tessera - Graphite dashboard in Python -- Python pip
  • Thruk - Web interface for Nagios, Icinga, Shinken and Naemon, can create SLA reports, has a mobile client -- JavaScript
  • Uchiwa - Dashboard for Sensu -- Golang
  • vnstati - Creates PNG images using vnStat data -- built-in

Distributed Systems Tools

DCOSes, microservices, service discovery, schedulers, Mesos, and related tools for dynamic, warehouse-scale computing - see also Containers and HPC Tools

  • Aurora - Mesos scheduler for long running services and cron jobs, similar to Marathon -- Java
  • Avro - Data serialization system with backwards compatible schemas -- Java
  • Bamboo - HAProxy auto configuration and auto service discovery for Mesos and Marathon -- Golang
  • Celery - Async task/job queue based on distributed message passing -- Python
  • Chaperone - End-to-end Kafka auditing (data loss, latency, message duplication, etc), by Uber -- Java
  • Chronos - Distributed, fault tolerant cron scheduler that runs on top of Apache Mesos -- various lang
  • Cruise Control - Fully automate the dynamic workload rebalance and self-healing of a cluster, by Linkedin -- Java
  • consul - Service discovery and configuration via DNS or HTTP, great for auto-scaling -- Golang
  • consul Tools - Official, includes consul-template and others -- various lang
  • Curator - ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework, by Netflix -- Java
  • DC/OS - Pre-configured data center OS distribution that includes Mesos, Marathon, AdminRouter, and more -- Python
  • Envoy Proxy - Sidecar container for distributed applications or microservices, data plane service mesh / edge proxy -- C++
  • etcd - Distributed, consistent key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery -- Golang
  • eureka - AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover, by Netflix -- Java
  • fabio - Zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by Consul, by eBay -- Golang
  • Flink - Next-generation true stream processing platform for real-time analytics -- Java
  • Hystrix - Library to stop cascading failures -- Java
  • Ignite - General-purpose in-memory platform for in-memory computing use cases -- Java
  • Istio - Envoy + auth, policy enforcement, telemetry, traffic flow management etc control plane that runs on top of Mesos and Kubernetes, service mesh control plane -- various lang
  • jespen - A framework for distributed systems verification, with fault injection -- Clojure
  • Kafka - Stream processing platform (logs, IoT metrics, anything) -- Java
  • Kong - Microservice / API management layer -- Lua
  • linkerd - RPC proxy and request routing for microservices, includes service discovery, instrumentation, and load balancing, data plane service mesh -- Scala
  • LogDevice - A distributed data store for logs, by Facebook -- C++
  • Mantl - Complete microservices infrastructure built using OSS tools by Cisco -- various lang yowza
  • Marathon - Mesos scheduler for "always on" jobs (eg: web services) -- Scala
  • MaxScale - General purpose DB query proxy, router, and load balancer, by MariaDB -- C
  • mcrouter - memcached protocol router for scaling memcached, by Facebook -- C++
  • Mesos - Cluster manager and scheduler, similar to Google's Borg and Omega projects -- C++
  • mesos-consul - Automatically registers/deregisters services run as Mesos tasks -- Golang
  • Mesosphere - Apache Mesos schedulers for almost anything, commercial support is available -- C++
  • miniMesos - Spin up Mesos clusters on your OS X laptop, can be used for TDD too -- Java
  • Mitogen - Python library for writing distributed self-replicating programs like magic -- Python
  • nsq - Realtime distributed messaging platform / message queue -- Golang
  • Pinpoint - Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for distributed systems, based on Dapper -- Java
  • Pulsar - A Kafka alternative, by Yahoo -- Java
  • redis-cell - Redis module that provides rate limiting in Redis as a single command using GCRA -- C
  • Redisson - Distributed and scalable Java data structures on top of Redis -- Java
  • Riemann - Aggregates events from your servers and applications with a powerful stream processing language, for distributed systems, similar to Borgmon -- Clojure
  • Ringpop - Fault tolerant application-level sharding for Golang or Javascript -- JavaScript Golang
  • Serf - Decentralized solution for service discovery and orchestration -- Golang
  • SkyDNS - Service discovery via DNS for etcd -- Golang
  • Spark - Near real-time analytics processing platform, succeeded by Flink (real streaming vs Spark's microbatches) -- various lang
  • Spring Cloud Config - Allows Java Spring to read config info from service discovery or similar source -- Java
  • Synapse - Service discovery framework by Airbnb -- Ruby
  • uReplicator - Improved Kafka MirrorMaker by Uber -- Java
  • vulcand - Programmatically extendable proxy for microservices and API management -- Golang
  • Zookeeper - Distributed configuration service, synchronization service, and naming registry -- Java


IDEs, text & source editors, vim plugins, and similar tools - see also Graphics Stuff and Collaboration Tools

  • 010 Editor - Professional hex editor that supports binary templates for easy reading, scripting, and more -- closed source
  • activate-power-mode - Activate POWER MODE and write code in style, an Atom plugin -- CoffeeScript
  • Atom - Superb text editor, created by GitHub -- CoffeeScript
  • Atom Vim Mode - vi/vim style controls for Atom -- CoffeeScript
  • Atom Linters - A collection of lint tools for the Atom editor -- various lang
  • Brackets - Modern editor that understands and focuses on web design, by Adobe -- JavaScript
  • LargeFile - vim plugin that automatically disables certain things so you can edit large (multi-gig) files faster -- vim
  • Light Table - Next-generation editor that gives you instant feedback -- Clojure
  • Lime - Open source API-compatible alternative to Sublime Text -- various lang
  • livedown - Live, in-browser markdown previews for vim and Sublime -- various lang
  • MacDown - Markdown editor and live preview for Mac -- Objective-C OS X
  • MacVim - Has far more features than the vim that's included with the OS -- C
  • Nuclide - Collection of packages for Atom to provide IDE-like functionality for a variety of programming languages and technologies, by Facebook -- JavaScript
  • Notepad++ - Killer GPL'ed text editor for Windows -- C++
  • OpenVim - In-browser vim tutorial -- JavaScript in-browser
  • percol - Interactive grep (search) tool -- Python
  • Powerline - Provides various statues on the bottom of your session, flexible -- Python
  • Textmate - GUI text editor for OS X -- C++
  • UltiSnips - The ultimate snippet solution for vim -- Python
  • vim-json - A better JSON plugin for vim -- vim
  • vim-snippets - snipMate & UltiSnip snippets -- vim
  • Vimium - Chrome extension that provides vi/vim style shortcuts for navigation and control -- CoffeeScript Chrome
  • Vundle - Popular plug-in manager for vim -- vim
  • wasavi - vim/vi controls in browser text areas -- JavaScript Firefox Chrome
  • wxHexEditor - Free hex editor, disk editor, and big file editor for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X -- C
  • YouCompleteMe - Fuzzy-search code completion engine for vim -- Python

Git Tools

Tools for interacting with git and GitHub - see also Software Development Tools

  • BFG Repo-Cleaner - Scrub large blobs and sensitive data from git history -- Scala
  • blackbox - Safely store secrets in Git, by Stack Exchange -- shell
  • Completion - Shell tab completion for git branch names -- shell
  • Gerrit - Web based code review and repo management for Git -- Java
  • git-fat - Like git-media but without the Ruby dependencies -- Python
  • GitKraken - Probably the best multi-platform git GUI -- closed source Windows OS X Linux
  • GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin (gprbp) - Jenkins plugin that allows certain comment strings to kick off builds or take other actions -- Java
  • GitLab - Kinda like an open source GitHub, has both a community and paid version -- Ruby
  • GitLab CI - CI that integrates with GitLab -- Ruby
  • GitRob - Scan repos for sensitive information -- Ruby
  • gitsome - Supercharged CLI with GitHub integration -- Python
  • GitUp - Maybe the best git GUI -- Objective-C
  • gitwatch - Automatically commit changes when specified files or directories are modified -- shell
  • Git Interfaces, Frontends, and Tools - Massive list on the official kernel.org wiki -- various lang
  • Gogs - Painless, self-hosted Git service written in -- Golang
  • hub - Official CLI for GitHub -- Golang
  • myrepos - Flexible tool for managing many repos -- perl
  • Signing - Sign commits and/or tags using GPG keys to verify the identity of the commiter -- built-in

Graphics Stuff

Not everything happens in the browser or on the command line - see also Collaboration Tools and Data Visualization and Dashboards

  • Avidemux - Simple, all-in-one, GUI video editor and converter -- C++ Windows OS X
  • Blender - 3D graphics software for animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, and more -- C Python Windows OS X
  • blockdiag - Generate simple block/sequence/activity/network diagrams from text files -- Python pip
  • Darktable - Photography workflow application and RAW developer, Adobe Lightroom replacement -- C OS X
  • draw.io - Free online flow chart maker / Visio alternative, can be self-hosted -- in-browser
  • GlyphSearch - Search for icons from Font Awesome, Glyphicons, IcoMoon, Ionicons, and Octicons -- collection
  • GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) - Open source Adobe Photoshop replacement -- C
  • Graphviz - Graph visualization and flow chart software -- wacky license
  • Greenshot - The best Windows screenshot tool -- C# Windows
  • Inkscape - Open source vector image editor, Adobe Illustrator replacement -- C C++ Windows Mac
  • LICEcap - Capture an area of your desktop and save it to a GIF -- C Windows OS X
  • mac2imgur - Auto-upload screenshots to Imgur -- Swift OS X
  • maim - The most powerful and flexible Linux desktop screenshot tool -- various lang
  • Media Player Classic - Home Cinema (MPC-HC) - Open source media player for Windows -- C++ Windows
  • OpenShot - Video editing software, 2.0 will support other additional platforms -- Python Windows OS X
  • Origami - Interactive UI design prototyping without programming, by Facebook -- various lang
  • Pencil - Open source GUI prototyping and mockup tool, supports all platforms -- Windows OS X
  • ShareX - One of the best screenshot/screencast capture and sharing tools for -- Windows OS X
  • Skitch - Feature-rich screenshot editing, sharing, and annotation tool Mac/OS X -- closed source
  • VLC Media Player - Media (music, video, etc) player and streaming server -- C Windows OS X
  • yEd Graph Editor - Flowcharts and UML diagrams -- closed source

High Availability Clustering Tools

HA clustering tools including storage replication, failover, VIPs, and more - see also Distributed Systems Tools and Containers

  • AN! Cluster Tutorial 2 - Building clusters with OSS software, very detailed -- article
  • Cluster Manager (cman) - Clustering framework that's built into RHEL/CentOS/Fedora -- built-in
  • Corosync - HA framework and cluster engine -- C
  • csync2 - General purpose cluster file sync tool -- C
  • DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device) - Mirror block devices to a remote system aka replication -- C
  • Ganeti - Wrappers around existing tools to make it easy to create HA clusters, by Google -- Python
  • HAproxy - Open source software load balancer -- C
  • haproxyctl - Wrapper to talk to the HAProxy socket, as well as regular init (start stop restart) shit -- Ruby
  • keepalived - Load balancing and high availability -- C
  • huptime - Zero downtime restarts of unmodified programs -- C
  • Linux-HA - Building blocks for high availability systems -- wiki-and-collection
  • LVS (Linux Virtual Server) - Linux-based load balancer, also includes the IPVS kernel module -- C
  • Multibinder - Simple Ruby daemon that makes true zero downtime reloads simple, by Github -- Ruby
  • Pacemaker - HA resource manager -- C
  • rcron - cron redundancy and failover, ensures a job will only run on the "active" machine -- lost-to-the-internet C
  • rmanager - Resource group manager daemon for cluster services -- built-in
  • Seesaw - Load balancer based on Linux Virtual Server (LVS), by Google -- Golang
  • Traefik - Modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer, supports many backends -- Golang
  • UCARP - VIP management using the CARP protocol -- C

HPC Tools

High performance computing for simulations, supercomputing, shared memory systems, and grid computing - see also Distributed Systems Tools and Containers

Live CD Tools

Security, recovery, bootable USB/CD/DVD creation tools, diagnostics, and more - see also Security Tools and Backups and Provisioning Tools

  • BlackArch Linux - Penetration testing Linux distro, based off of Arch Linux -- various lang
  • Buscador - Live CD Linux distro preconfigured for online investigators -- various lang
  • CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) - Computer forensics on a live CD -- various lang
  • DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke) - Spinning disk wiper -- various lang
  • Easy2Boot - Create multiple bootable Linux ISOs on the same USB drive -- Windows
  • GParted Live - Small, bootable ISO that contains gparted - great for resizing a non-LVM root file system -- C
  • Kali Linux - Penetration testing Linux distro -- various lang
  • Network Security Toolkit (NST) - Live CD that includes most tools in insecure.org's top 125 tools list -- various lang
  • NirLauncher - USB live distro that contains all of the NirSoft utilities and more, essential for Windows -- closed source Windows
  • PALADIN - Easy to use Linux-based live CD for forensic analysis -- various lang
  • Rufus - Create bootable USB flash drives -- Windows
  • Security Onion - Linux distro for IDS, NSM, and log management -- various lang
  • Stresslinux - Hardware burn-in and stress testing -- various lang
  • System Rescue CD - System recovery CD that focuses on Linux system recovery -- various lang
  • Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD) - Tons of x86 diagnostic and stress test tools on a single CD -- closed source Windows
  • UNetbootin - Create custom, bootable USB Linux CDs -- Windows OS X
  • YUMI - Multiboot USB creator, Linux and -- Windows


Log management, analysis, analytics, and collection from any source - see also Data Visualization and Dashboards and Metrics and Time Series Data and Monitoring and Alerting

  • Adiscon LogAnalyzer - Slick web interface for syslog messages -- PHP
  • Countly - Mobile and web analytics and marketing platform -- JavaScript
  • ElasticDump - Import / export tools for Elasticsearch -- JavaScript
  • ElasticHQ - Does not yet support ES 5.x -- JavaScript
  • Elasticsearch - Component of the ELK stack, used for super fast searches -- Java
  • Elasticsearch Exporter - Script to import/export data from ElasticSearch to various other storage systems -- JavaScript
  • Eliot - Outputs causal chains of actions happening within and across process boundaries aka a logical trace of the system’s operation -- Python pip
  • Errbit - Self-hosted error catcher, Airbrake API compliant -- Ruby
  • Filebeat - By Elastic, the next generation Logstash Forwarder -- Golang
  • Fluentd - Unified logging layer -- Ruby gem
  • Flume - Distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data -- Java
  • GoAccess - Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal and/or dashboard -- Windows OS X
  • Graylog2 - Log capture and analysis -- various lang
  • IRCcat - Send log messages and alerts to an IRC channel, can also use IRC to send commands -- Java
  • lnav - Advanced log file viewer for the small-scale, terminal/ncurses based -- C++
  • Log Courier - Enhanced fork of Logstash Forwarder -- Ruby
  • Logplex - Distributed syslog log router, uses Redis, by Heroku -- Erlang
  • logstash - Collect, parse, and store logs. A component of the popular ELK stack -- Ruby
  • Logster - Utility for reading log files and generating metrics to configurable outputs by Etsy -- Python
  • Logwatch - Monitor logs and send an e-mail when event(s) occur -- perl
  • Mamomo - Web analytics platform with a killer UI, formerly PIWIK -- PHP
  • multilog - Reads a sequence of lines from stdin and appends selected lines to any number of logs -- DJB
  • multitail - Monitor multiple log files in a single terminal window -- C
  • netconsole - Kernel module that sends kernel log messages (dmesg, etc) to a remote system without using syslog -- C
  • NXLOG - Universal log collector and forwarder, supports many formats/platforms/sources including Windows -- C Windows
  • Open Web Analytics (OWA) - Track and analyze how people use your websites and applications -- PHP
  • Sentry - Application exception logging -- Python
  • Snoopy Logger - Logs commands that are executed and saves the information to syslog -- C
  • Snowplow - Web, mobile and event analytics -- Scala
  • swatch - Simple log watcher -- built-in
  • Webalizer - Web and FTP log analyzer -- C

Metrics and Time Series Data

Collection, analysis, and storage of metrics, telemetry, and instrumentation data from almost any source - see also Dashboards and Data Visualization and Monitoring and Alerting and Logging

  • Banshee - Real-time anomalies detection system for periodic time series -- JavaScript
  • collectd - Collects system performance statistics -- C
  • collectd Related Sites - Great tools that integrate with collectd -- collection
  • collectl - sar on steroids -- C
  • Diamond - Python daemon that collects system metrics and publishes them to Graphite (or similar), has an API -- Python
  • dim_STAT - Collects almost everything and stores it in a MySQL database, produces reports too -- C
  • FastForward - Flexible system event and metric forwarding agent by Spotify -- Ruby gem
  • Ganglia - Focused on HPC / distributed clusters, uses RRD -- various lang
  • Graphite - Store numeric time-series data and render graphs of the data on demand -- Python
  • Graphite Tools - Tools that work with Graphite -- collection
  • Heka / hekad - Stream processing, can gather logs or performance metrics, by Mozilla, based on Borgmon -- Golang
  • InfluxDB - Distributed time series database with no external dependencies -- Golang
  • jmxtrans - Connector between speaking to a JVM via JMX and whatever stats / TSDB you use -- Java
  • KairosDB - Time series DB written on top of Cassandra -- Java
  • Metrics - Metrics and instrumentation at both the JVM and application level -- Java
  • Micrometer - Provides a simple facade (fake interface) over the instrumentation clients for the most popular monitoring systems, allowing you to instrument your JVM-based application code without vendor lock-in -- Java
  • OpenTSDB - Store and serve massive amounts of time series data without losing granularity -- Java
  • Prometheus - Metrics collection and storage, can trigger alerts when thresholds are breached, based on Borgmon -- Golang
  • Sensu - Open source monitoring framework, cloud-focused, dynamic, scalable - also does metrics collection -- Ruby
  • Skyline - Real-time anomaly detection system to enable passive monitoring of metrics without the need to configure thresholds -- Python
  • SNMPcollector - SNMP collector that saves into InfluxDB for easy visualization -- Golang JavaScript
  • SNMP MIB Archive - Massive archive of SMMP MIBs, please fork and contribute -- collection
  • StatsD - Network daemon that listens for stats/counters/metrics and sends them to backend services (TSDB, Graphite, etc), by Etsy -- JavaScript
  • Telegraf - Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics -- Golang
  • TimescaleDB - PostgreSQL extension for time series ingestion and queries via SQL -- C
  • Whisper - Store time series info in regular file system files, a modern RRD -- Python

Monitoring and Alerting

Monitor stuff, send alerts, wake you up - see also Metrics and Time Series Data and Logging and Data Visualization and Dashboards

  • Adagios - Web based Nagios configuration interface -- HTML
  • Alerta - Distributed and de-coupled, requires MongoDB -- Python
  • Bosun - Monitoring and alerting system written by Stack Exchange, based on Borgmon -- Golang
  • Cabot - Self-hosted, easily-deployable monitoring and alerts service - like a lightweight PagerDuty -- Python
  • check_mk - Extensions / plugins for Nagios -- C
  • check_mk Multisite - GUI for check_mk -- various lang
  • Daemon Tools - Service monitoring and management tools -- DJB
  • FastForward (ffwd) - Flexible system event and metric forwarding agent by Spotify -- Ruby gem
  • Icinga - Nagios fork, updated frequently -- various lang
  • Icinga2 - Complete re-write of Icinga by the same folks -- various lang
  • LibreNMS - GPL fork of Observium -- various lang
  • Monit - Includes tools to automatically take action when certain conditions are met (eg: restart a process when it dies) -- C
  • Monitorix - So lightweight that it can be used in mobile devices, aka Mikaku -- perl
  • Naemon - Modular Nagios fork -- various lang
  • Nagios - One of the most widely used OSS monitoring programs -- various lang
  • nagios-herald - Gives context to Nagios alerts, by Etsy -- Ruby
  • Nagios Exchange - Centralized repository of Nagios plugins, addons, extensions, etc -- collection
  • NetXMS - Monitoring for all types of devices across the entire data center (hosts + network devices) -- C
  • OpenNMS - Network monitoring, also supports configuration/asset management -- various lang
  • Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD) - Nagios bundled with the most popular plugins and tools -- various lang
  • pmacct - IP and network traffic accounting / monitoring -- C
  • PHP Server Monitor - Simple monitoring package that can use built-in public SMS gateways for notifications -- PHP
  • Pynag - Interface with Nagios via Python -- Python pip
  • Sensu - Open source monitoring framework, cloud-focused, dynamic, scalable - also does metrics collection -- Ruby
  • Sensu Plugins - Official community site for Sensu plugins -- various lang
  • Shinken - Nagios-compatible monitoring, supports high availability -- Python
  • Tattle - Self service alerting and dashboard frontend for Graphite and Ganglia -- PHP
  • Uptime - Remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap -- JavaScript
  • Xymon - Fork of Big Brother -- C
  • Zabbix - Stores monitoring data in a DB, has agents for almost every OS, can be a virtual appliance -- various lang
  • Zenoss Core - Supports Nagios plug-in format, based on the Zope application server -- Python

Networking Tools

Hodge-podge of network tools - see also Security Tools and Network Performance Analysis Tools and Orchestration for parallel SSH tools

  • 2ping - Simple bi-directional ping utility, helps determine where packet loss occurs -- Python
  • aria2 - CLI for downloading HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink -- C Windows OS X
  • ARIN WHOIS in JSON - Authoratative (official) info including CIDR and OriginAS, updated every 8h -- collection
  • arp-scan - Create and send ARP requests -- C
  • Awesome PCAP - Huge list of tools that work with PCAP captures -- collection
  • bbcp - Copies files using multiple TCP streams to greatly increase throughput -- C
  • bbFTP - Uses it's own transfer protocol, optimized for large file transfers -- C
  • BIRD Internet Routing Daemon (BIRD) - (Almost) fully functional IP routing daemon for Linux, supports tons of standard routing protocols -- C
  • BPF Tools - BSD Packet Filter (BPF) and pcap toolkit, by CloudFlare -- Python
  • CERT NetSA Security Suite - Network flow analysis tools -- various lang
  • Cyberduck - GUI FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 & OpenStack Swift browser for Mac and Windows -- itsaduck
  • Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) - Data plane libraries and framework for fast packet processing -- C
  • dsniff - Great for level 2 analysis or service spoofing -- C
  • ElastiFlow - Netflow collection and visualization using the ELK stack -- various lang
  • ExaBGP - The BGP swiss army knife of networking -- Python pip
  • Fast Data Transfer (FDT) - For writing at disk speed over WANs -- Java
  • FBOSS (FaceBook Open Switching System) - FB's software stack for managing and controlling their internal switches -- various lang
  • FRRouting - Replacement for / fork of Quagga with more features -- C
  • ftptop - Monitor FTP connections in real time -- built-in
  • Gas Mask - Simple hosts file manager for Mac OS X, switch between host files easily -- Objective C
  • kcptun - Secure and fast tunnel based on KCP -- Golang
  • ipcalc - CLI tool to calculate subnets, netmasks, IP ranges, broadcast addresses, and more -- built-in
  • iptstate - A top-like display of IP Tables state table entries -- built-in
  • GridFTP - Supports parallel streams, optimized for WANs, part of the Globus Toolkit -- C
  • hosts - Consolidates several reputable hosts files and merges them into a unified hosts file with duplicates removed (ads, malware, gambling, porn, etc) -- collection
  • hping3 - Create custom TCP/IP packets, very flexible -- built-in
  • lftp - Supports many protocols (FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP), scheduling, bandwidth throttling, scripting, and more - feature-rich -- C C++
  • lldpd - Daemon that can talk LLDP aka the open version of Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), handy for network + host mapping -- C
  • Manito Networks Flow Analyzer - ELK stack netflow analyzer -- Python
  • moloch - Large scale IPv4 full PCAP capturing, indexing and database system -- JavaScript
  • mrsync (multicast remote sync) - Transfers from a master to many remote machines using Unix multicast sockets -- C
  • mTCP - High-performance user-level TCP stack for multicore systems -- C
  • Multipath TCP Checker - Multipath TCP client tester -- in-browser
  • My Looking Glass (myLG) - All-in-one CLI network diagnostic tool -- Golang
  • NAPALM (Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor support) -- Network automation and programmability abstraction layer, for both setting config and config validation -- Python pip
  • ncat - Improved netcat, written by the Nmap team -- C
  • Netconf - Web-based GUI for configuring API-less Cisco devices -- Python
  • netsniff-ng - High performance, zero-copy networking sniffer -- C
  • netstack - Multi-platform userspace network stack written in Go -- Golang
  • NfSen - GUI for and visualization nfdump -- perl
  • ngrep - Network grep -- C built-in
  • nping - Create custom network packets -- C
  • OpenBGPD - Free implementation of BGP v4 -- C
  • OpenBMP - BGP Monitoring Protocol collector with real-time monitoring, looking glass, analytics, etc -- various lang
  • OpenWRT - Full Linux distro for consumer-grade routers, allows for tons of non-vendor customization -- various lang
  • PFQ - Framework that allows efficient packets capture/transmission, in-kernel functional processing, and packets steering across sockets/end-points -- C
  • PowerAdmin - Simple Web UI for PowerDNS -- PHP
  • Quagga - Routing software suite, supports most routing protocols -- C
  • scapy - Interactive packet manipulation for Python -- Python pip
  • snabb - Worth seeing -- various lang
  • socat - netcat on steroids, supports serial devices -- C
  • sslh - Protocol multiplexer, let multiple daemons listen on a single port -- C
  • tcpflow - TCP demultiplexer, each flow is stored in it's own file -- C++
  • tcpreplay - Capture, edit, and replay network traffic -- C
  • tracepath - Traceroute that doesn't require root -- C
  • Trigger - Network automation toolkit written in Python, created by AOL -- Python
  • UDR - UDT wrapper for rsync that improves throughput of large data transfers over long distances -- C++
  • vFlow - High-performance, scalable and reliable enterprise netflow collector with Kafka integration, by Verizon -- Golang
  • WireShark - The classic network analyzer -- C
  • WireShark Tools - Superb list of network tools from the WireShark wiki -- collection
  • Zenmap - Official GUI for Nmap -- C Windows OS X

Network Performance Analysis Tools

Load generation, benchmarking, profiling, and latency simulation tools for TCP/IP networks - see also Web and HTTP Performance Analysis Tools and Performance Analysis Tools

  • ARGUS (Audit Record Generation and Utilization System) - Generates network activity reports -- C
  • Augmented Traffic Control (ATC) - A tool to simulate network conditions, by Facebook -- Python
  • bmon - Console based network monitor -- C
  • clumsy - Simulate poor network conditions on Windows -- C Windows
  • Comcast - Simulate crappy network connections -- Golang OS X
  • dummynet - Simulates/enforces queue and bandwidth limitations, delays, packet losses, and multipath effects -- C Windows
  • ESnet Fasterdata Knowledge Base - Provides proven, operationally sound methods for troubleshooting and solving performance issues -- collection hpcwisdom
  • EtherApe - Graphical network monitor, pretty output -- various lang
  • Flent - Python wrapper to run mutliple netperf/iperf3/ping in parallel, formerly netperf-wrapper -- Python
  • Flowgrind - Distributed TCP traffic generator -- C
  • iftop - top for network interfaces -- C
  • intrace - Enumerate IP hops using existing TCP connections -- C
  • iperf3 - Supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, protocols, and buffers -- C
  • iptraf-ng - Updated fork of iptraf -- C
  • jnettop - Terminal / ncurses traffic visualizer -- C
  • mtr (my traceroute) - Combines ping and traceroute into a single program -- C
  • Muxy - Muck with your system and application context layers 4-7 -- Golang OS X
  • namebench - Hunts down the fastest DNS servers for your computer to use -- Python Windows OS X
  • netatop - Kernel module for atop to watch and report on network packets -- C
  • netem - Network emulator for testing variable delay, loss, duplication and re-ordering -- C
  • NetHogs - Displays per-process bandwidth usage -- C C++
  • Network Link Conditioner - Simulate bandwidth, latency, and packet loss, by Apple -- closed source OS X
  • nfdump - Captures network flows including sFlow, NetFlow, NetFlow v9, ipfix, etc -- perl
  • nicstat - vmstat for network interfaces -- C
  • nload - Console application that monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time, neat ASCII graphs -- C++
  • ntopng / ntop-ng - New version of the popular ntop tool -- C
  • netperf - Network load generator, by HP -- C
  • Outages.org Mailing List - Report and discuss major outages, network status updates, etc -- mailing list
  • Paris Traceroute - Shows proper network topology when load balancers and load-balanced routers are used -- C
  • SmokePing - Network latency visualizer, written by the MRTG and RRDtool guy -- perl
  • ss - Socket statistics, a modern netstat -- built-in
  • Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - Network Monitoring Tools - MASSIVE list of network monitoring tools -- collection
  • tc - Built-in Linux kernel traffic control -- built-in
  • TCP Throughput Calculator - See name -- in-browser
  • tcpdive - TCP performance analysis tool, implemented as SystemTap scripts -- C
  • tcptrack - Console based connection tracker -- built-in
  • TCPWatch - TCP monitoring and logging tool -- Python pip
  • Tracebox - Detect middleboxes (NAT, transparent proxies, etc) in a network path -- C++
  • trickle - Userspace bandwidth shaper -- built-in
  • vnStat - Console based traffic monitor, supports statistic collecting -- C
  • Yconalyzer - Monitor and analyze TCP connections -- C++


OS and VM level orchestration as well as parallel SSH tools - see also Terminal Tools and SSH Clients for SSH clients and SSH Tools for misc SSH tools and Provisioning Tools

  • Ansible - CM and orchestration, also can do provisioning -- Python
  • Archipel - Use XMPP push notifications to manage, supervise, and orchestrate VMs -- Objective-J
  • Batou - Define and perform automated service deployments -- Python pip
  • Capistrano - Use Ruby to run scripts/commands and push software via SSH, uses a Rake DSL -- Ruby gem
  • ClusterSHISH - Cluster SSH for Windows, works with PuTTY and OpenSSH for Windows -- closed source Windows
  • ClusterSSH - Make a change on many servers at the same time -- perl
  • csshX - Cluster SSH for OS X -- C
  • Fabric - Uses paramiko to implement a higher-level API for performing commands over SSH, particularly for deployment sysadmin tasks -- Python pip
  • KeyBox - Web-based SSH console that executes commands on multiple shells simultaneously and supports terminal sharing -- Java
  • KeyBox-OpenShift - KeyBox for OpenShift gears -- Java
  • ManageIQ - Upstream OSS project for Red Hat's CloudForms -- Ruby
  • Mass Parallel SSH (mpssh) - Simple parallel SSH -- C
  • mcollective (Marionette Collective) - Orchestration, can be used independently of Puppet -- Ruby gem
  • mussh - MUltihost SSH -- C built-in
  • OpenLMI (Open Linux Management Infrastructure) - Manage, monitor, and configure servers via API calls (instead of SSH), included in RHEL 7 -- various lang
  • orgalorg - Next generation parallel SSH tool because most other major ones are no longer maintined -- Golang
  • parallel - Execute jobs in parallel using one or more computers -- built-in
  • parallel-ssh (pssh) - Parallel version of OpenSSH tools - comes with prsync, pscp, pnuke, and pslurp too -- Python built-in
  • Parallel Distributed Shell (pdsh) - Kick off many SSH sessions in parallel -- C
  • paramiko - SSH2 protocol library for Python, provides both client and server -- Python pip
  • PyDSH - Python Distributed Shell, parallel SSH -- Python
  • RadSSH - Paramiko-based parallel SSH -- Python pip
  • Rex - Framework for server orchestration and to simplify system administration -- perl
  • Rubber - Capistrano/rails plugin that makes it easy to deploy/manage/scale to various service providers -- Ruby
  • Rundeck - Job scheduler and runbook automation, enable self-service access to existing scripts and tools -- Groovy
  • Salt / Saltstack - Orchestration, server provisioning, and configuration management -- Python
  • Spacewalk - Remote commands/orchestration, patch management, and more - the upstream for Red Hat Satellite 5.x and earlier -- various lang
  • Teleport - Front-end for teams, includes session capture and replay, auditing, 2FA, session sharing, and more -- Golang
  • tmux-cssh - Cluster SSH via tmux -- shell
  • xCAT (Extreme Cloud Administration Toolkit) - Complete all in one management solution (provisioning, orchestration, management, etc) supports almost every UNIX and next generation platform, by IBM -- legit

Package Patch and Repository Tools

Repos, RPM/APT packages, packaging guidelines, patching, and patch management - see also Provisioning Tools

  • apt-dater - Simple ncurses frontend for package management via SSH, also supports yum -- C
  • aptly - Swiss army knife for Debian repository management, has the ability to take snapshots for easy rollback -- C
  • AutoPkg - Packaging and distribution for OS X, great for managing many laptops -- Python OS X
  • CentOS Errata for Spacewalk (CEFS) - Import errata information from CentOS-announce into Spacewalk -- useit
  • CentOS Repositories - Large list of both official and unofficial CentOS software repositories -- collection
  • CentOS Software Collections (SCL) - Use multiple versions of software on a system without disturbing the system default version -- C
  • Copr - Automatic build system providing a package repository as its output, by Fedora -- C
  • cowbuilder - Package builder that uses copy-on-write (COW) to speed up the build process -- C
  • DNF - Package management system that will replace Yum in upcoming Fedora/RHEL/CentOS releases -- article
  • ELRepo - Repo that focuses on hardware related packages, supports RHEL and CentOS -- repo
  • Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) - Supports CentOS, RHEL, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux -- repo
  • Extra Packaging Guidelines and Policies for EPEL - Packaging guidelines, great even if not creating EPEL stuff -- readit
  • Fedora Packaging Guidelines - Excellent information that can be applied to CentOS & RHEL -- readit
  • Flatpak - Standalone, sandboxed apps so you can avoid package management all together -- C
  • fpm (Fucking Package Management) - Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity -- Ruby gem
  • fpm-cookery - Tool for building software packages with FPM -- Ruby gem
  • Homebrew (aka brew) - Tons of packages for Mac -- Ruby OS X
  • Koji - Software that builds packages for Fedora, can be used for other stuff too, uses mock -- C
  • Mock - Build packages in a simple chroot so you don't blow up your system -- C
  • mrepo - RPM repository management tool supporting ftp/http/sftp/rsync/rhn/you, formerly Yam -- Python
  • Munki - Managed software installation for OS X, great for managing laptops -- Python OS X
  • OStree - Tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees (not really a package manager but...) -- thefuture C
  • pkgr - Made deb or RPM packages out of any Ruby, NodeJS, or Go app -- Ruby
  • Pulp - Next generation repository management, a component of Red Hat Satellite 6 -- Python
  • Red Hat Software Collections (SCL) - Use multiple versions of software on a system without disturbing the system default version -- repo
  • reposync - Synchronize yum repositories to a local directory -- built-in
  • rpm-ostree - Hybrid image/package system with atomic upgrades and package layering -- C thefuture
  • RPM Fusion - Provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't ship -- repo
  • schroot - Allow non-root users to create chroot environments, great for package testing -- built-in
  • Spacewalk - Patch management, remote commands, and more - the upstream for Red Hat Satellite -- various lang
  • Tito - Tool for managing RPM based projects using git for their source code repository -- Python
  • yum-presto - yum plugin that provides support for downloading package deltas -- article
  • yum-security - Plugin to only install security updates -- built-in

Performance Analysis Tools

Non-specific and all-in-one performance monitoring tools - see also web, network, storage, and RDBMS and Tracing and Profiling

  • atop - Supports both real-time and historical performance monitoring -- C
  • bwm-ng - Small and simple console-based live network and disk I/O bandwidth monitor for a wide variety of UNIXes and Windows -- C
  • Conky - Lightweight system monitor for X windows -- C++
  • dstat - Versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat, netstat and ifstat -- Python
  • Glances - Real-time performance monitoring, written in curses and Python -- Python
  • hazelnut - Python lib to parse /proc/meminfo -- Python pip
  • htop - top replacement, has a few additional features -- C
  • Linux Performance Observability Tools - Awesome graphic that shows you which tool to use, by Brendan Gregg -- the man
  • Linux Performance - Centralized page for all of Brendan Gregg's Linux performance material (slides videos pages etc) -- see above
  • mem_logger.sh - Monitor a processes' memory usage over time -- shell
  • Munin - Historical performance monitoring to help determine when you server became "slow" -- perl
  • NetData - Real time performance visualization and dashboards -- C
  • nmon - Provides both real-time and historical performance metrics -- C
  • NumaTOP - top for NUMA systems, shows hotspots, call chains, etc -- C
  • PerfKit Benchmarker - Open effort to define a canonical set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings (disk, network, CPU, etc) -- various lang
  • Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) - System performance and analysis framework, included in RHEL 7 -- C
  • Phoronix Test Suite - Benchmarking and profiling suite, very feature-rich and versatile -- PHP
  • pidstat - vmstat type output for CPU, disk I/O, page faults, and more on a per-process basis -- built-in
  • pmap - Shell scripts for tracking memory usage using "pmap" -- shell
  • PowerTOP - Real-time power consumption on a per-process & per-thread basis, by Intel -- C++
  • ps_mem - Accurately reports core memory usage for a process -- Python
  • ptop - top/ntop-like task monitor written in Python -- Python pip
  • recap - Collects info from various standard utilities (free, sar, vmstat, etc) at specified intervals, by Rackspace -- various lang
  • saidar - ncurses based program for viewing system statistics -- built-in
  • slabtop - Tutorial on how to use slabtop, useful when you have no idea on how your RAM is being used -- article
  • smem - Reports memory usage based on proportional set size (PSS) instead of the usual resident set size (RSS) -- C
  • sysdig - Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers -- C++
  • USE Method - Brendan Gregg's rosetta stone for performance analysis and tuning -- article

Provisioning Tools

OS provisioning, image creation, installation, bootstrapping, and lifecycle management - see also Package Patch and Repository Tools and Containers and Distributed Systems Tools and Live CD Tools

  • Bento - Baseboxes provided by Chef, for Packer + Vagrant -- various lang
  • bootrino - Provision run-in-RAM / diskless OSes (Linux, etc) in various clouds -- various lang
  • Box-Cutter - Hashicorp's community repo for Packer & Vagrant templates -- Ruby
  • Clonezilla - Disk image/cloning tool, supports most file system types -- perl shell
  • cloud-init - Configures settings the first time a system spins up (SSH keys, hostname, variables, etc), note NoCloud -- C
  • Cobbler - Provisioning system used in Red Hat's Satellite -- Python
  • Crowbar - Multi-purpose provisioning tool, created by Dell -- Ruby
  • Fog - Computer / OS cloning tool, also has remote client management capabilities -- C++
  • Foreman - Provisioning and life cycle management -- Ruby Windows OS X
  • iPXE - GPL'ed version of PXE, official replacement for gPXE -- C
  • Katello - Candlepin + Pulp + Foreman, the core of Red Hat Satellite 6 -- various lang
  • Kickstart - The classic Red Hat tool -- various lang
  • Metal as a Service (MaaS) - Ubuntu provisioning system -- various lang
  • netboot.xyz - Simple iPXE menu and installer -- shell
  • Overcast - VM orchestration and provisioning for DigitalOcean, Linode and Amazon, or locally using Vagrant + Virtualbox -- various lang
  • Packer - Automates VM creation for multiple platforms (VMware, AWS, etc) -- Golang
  • Terraform - Infrastructure provisioning using existing tools, supports many providers (AWS, Azure, DO, OpenStack, etc) -- Golang Hashicorp
  • Terragrunt - Tools for keeping your Terraform configurations DRY, working with multiple Terraform modules, and managing remote state -- Golang
  • Vagrant - Quickly spin up environments for local testing and development -- Ruby
  • Vagrant Plugins - A list of Vagrant plugins on the official Hashicorp wiki -- collection
  • Vagrant Manager - GUI to manage Vagrant boxes -- Windows OS X
  • vagrant-cachier - Cache BLOB downloads to reduce network usage -- Ruby
  • vagrant-host-shell - Simple plugin to run commands on the VM when it boots (think cloud-init) -- Ruby
  • vagrant-hostsupdater - Plugin to add your own /etc/hosts to the VM -- Ruby
  • vagrant-lxc - Provision to Linux containers instead of the usual VirtualBox -- Ruby
  • vagrant-triggers - Run arbitrary scripts on the guest before and/or after Vagrant commands -- Ruby
  • vagrant-vbguest - Auto-install the latest VirtualBox tools at boot time (if necessary) -- Ruby
  • veewee - Easily (and repeatedly) build custom Vagrant base boxes, KVMs, and VM images -- Ruby
  • veewee-to-packer - translate veewee templates to Packer templates -- Ruby gem
  • Salt / Saltstack - Orchestration, server provisioning, and configuration management -- Python

Python Tools and Resources

Python stuff of note

  • Awesome Python - Very large list of Python resources -- collection
  • bpython - Killer interface for the Python interpreter -- Python
  • Common Python Mistakes - Link and discussion on HN -- article
  • Easy-Python - Collection of Python resources that "you didn't know you would need" -- collection
  • Faker - Generate fake data easily -- Python pip
  • Google Python Style Guide - Google's Python style guide -- article
  • IPython - Interactive Python shell and the kernel for Jupyter -- Python
  • Jinja2 - Templating language for Python -- Python pip
  • Jupyter - The language-agnostic parts of IPython -- Python
  • PyPI (Python Package Index) - Software repo for Python packages, like Ruby gems or a RPM repo -- collection
  • Python Reference - A collection of useful scripts, tutorials, and other Python-related things -- collection
  • PyPy - Python alternative with advance features (JIT compiles, sandboxing, etc) -- Python
  • python-prompt-toolkit - Library for building interactive command lines -- Python pip
  • Requests - The best HTTP library -- Python pip
  • sh - Library that allows you to call any program (shell command) as if it were a function -- Python pip
  • virtualenv - Tool to create isolated Python environments -- Python pip
  • virtualenvwrapper - Extensions to virtualenv -- Python pip
  • xlwings - Replace your Excel VBA code with Python -- Python pip

Python Programming Tutorials

Tutorials, exercises, and challenges for learning Python. I have no idea how good/bad these are

RDBMS and SQL Tools

Tools for interacting with and related to the major DBs and SQL

  • Adminer - GUI for database management in a single PHP, formerally phpMyAdmin -- PHP
  • CockroachDB - Open source version of Google's Spanner storage system -- thefuture Golang
  • DB Browser for SQLite - GUI database browser for SQLite instances -- C++
  • Flyway - Version control for DB schemas, supports most DBs -- Java
  • gh-ost - Online schema migrations for MySQL, by GitHub -- Golang
  • HeidiSQL - GUI SQL DB browser and editor -- Windows OS X
  • Large Hardon Migrator (LHM) - Live, online MySQL migrations -- Ruby
  • Liquibase - Tracking, managing, and applying database schema changes, SVN for DBs -- Java
  • MaxScale - General purpose DB query proxy, router, and load balancer by MariaDB -- C
  • mycli - CLI for MySQL and derivates with auto-completion and syntax highlighting -- Python
  • mydumper (MySQL Data Dumper) - Much better than mysqldump, works in parallel -- perl
  • MyRocks - RocksDB with a MySQL front-end / interface -- C++
  • MySQL sys schema - Collection of views, functions and procedures to help MySQL administrators get insight into MySQL usage -- SQL
  • MySQL Utilities - Official collection of MySQL tools -- various lang Python
  • MySQL Workbench - The official MySQL GUI for admins, devs, DBAs, and architects -- various lang
  • Oracle TPT Scripts - Tab completion for Oracle -- SQL
  • orchestrator - MySQL replication topology management and visualization tool, GUI -- Golang
  • Peloton - Self tuning, self optimizing DB -- C++
  • Percona Toolkit for MySQL - Percona's special toolkit -- various lang
  • pgcli - Postgres CLI with autocomplete and syntax highlighting -- Python
  • pgloader - Fast data loader for PostgreSQL -- Lisp
  • pgweb - Web-based PostgreSQL DB browser -- Golang
  • pg_repack - Remove bloat from tables and indexes without using an exclusive lock -- C
  • Phinx - Database migrations in SQL or PHP -- PHP
  • Postgres-XL - Scale-out version of PostgresSQL -- C
  • Postgres.app - All-in-one version of Postgres for local testing on a laptop -- C
  • PostgREST - Create a REST API for any Postgres DB -- Haskell
  • PostgreSQL GUI Tools - A huge list on the official wiki -- collection
  • Presto - Distributed SQL query engine for big data, by Facebook -- Java
  • rdbms-subsetter - Generate a random sample of rows from a relational database that preserves referential integrity, great for using production data for testing/dev -- Python
  • rlwrap - Add history and tab completion to SQLplus -- C
  • SchemaSpy - Analyze the metadata of a schema and visualize it in HTML -- Java
  • Sequel Pro - MySQL management GUI for Mac -- OS X
  • shift - Schema migrations for MySQL, by Square -- Ruby
  • SQLite - Self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine, great for testing -- C
  • sqlmap - Detect and exploit SQL injection flaws, pen testing tool -- Python
  • SQL Fiddle - Write and test SQL -- in-browser
  • wal-e - Simple continuous archiving for PostgreSQL -- Python
  • WebScaleSQL - Huge scale MySQL with contributions from Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter -- C C++
  • WWW SQL Designer - Designing RDBMS schemas features saving, exporting to XML, and SQL script creation, free SaaS version here -- JavaScript

RDBMS Performance Analysis Tools

Load generation, benchmarking, telemetry, and profiling for various RDBMS platforms - see also Storage Performance Analysis Tools and Performance Analysis Tools and Tracing and Profiling and Network Performance Analysis Tools and Metrics and Time Series Data

Regular Expressions

regex checkers, creators, evaluators, debuggers, and tutorials - see also Shell Scripting and Tools and Software Development Tools

  • Debuggex - Online regex debugger -- in-browser
  • perlretut - perl-focused but very useful for all regex -- article
  • Refiddle - Online, supports JavaScript, Ruby, and .NET only -- in-browser
  • regex101 - Online regex tester and debugger, supports multiple languages -- in-browser
  • RegexOne - Learn regular expressions with simple, interactive examples -- tutorial
  • regexper - Regex visualizer using railroad diagrams, great for debugging -- in-browser
  • RegExr - Another online regex tool that includes cheat sheets, examples, and community-contributed expressions -- collection
  • RegularExpressions.info - THE BEST regex site -- collection
  • Regular Expressions - A Gentle User Guide and Tutorial - The easy way -- tutorial
  • RexV.2 - Online Regex evaluator, supports multiple languages -- in-browser
  • Rubular - Online Ruby-only regex evaluator -- in-browser
  • txt2re - Regex generator, recommended -- in-browser
  • txt2regex - Converts human sentences to regex, written in bash -- shell

Ruby Tools and Resources

Ruby toolbox full of junk

  • Awesome Ruby - A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software -- collection
  • Bundler - Manage Gem dependencies using simple config files -- Ruby gem
  • did_you_mean - Suggestions for typos in Ruby code -- Ruby
  • fog - Library for communicating with clouds -- Ruby gem
  • Omniref - A better search site for Ruby documentation -- collection
  • Pry - IRB alternative, very feature-rich, great for debugging -- Ruby gem
  • Rake - Make / Makefile-like build utility -- Ruby gem
  • rbenv - Alternative to RVM -- shell
  • replicate - Dump and load relational objects between Ruby environments (eg: prod and dev) -- Ruby gem
  • RSpec - Behavior-driven development (BDD) testing framework -- Ruby
  • RuboCop - Static code analyzer that enforces guidelines -- Ruby gem
  • Ruby Gems - The Ruby package manager, gems are essentially libraries -- Ruby gems
  • Ruby Toolbox - Trillions of Ruby projects, categorized -- collection
  • RVM (Ruby Version Manager) - Install, manage, and work with multiple Ruby environments -- Ruby

Ruby Programming Tutorials

Tutorials, exercises, and challenges for learning Ruby. I have no idea how good/bad these are

Secrets Management

Password, private key, and API key storage and management tools - see also Security Tools and SSL Tools and Two Factor Authentication and VPNs and Tunnels

  • blackbox - Safely store secrets in Git, by Stack Exchange -- shell
  • Diceware - Neat IRL passphrase generator -- doitirl
  • credstash - Secrets management using AWS KMS -- Python pip
  • GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) - The original! Store em in text files and encrypt -- C pro
  • GRC Password Generator - Generates 63 bit passwords -- in-browser
  • Kee - Auto-fill website logins using KeePass as a source, like LastPass -- C# Firefox
  • Keybase - Upload your public key and find other people's public key via their social media user name(s) -- in-browser
  • KeePass - Lightweight, easy to use, GUI password manager, runs on most platforms -- C# Windows
  • Keepass2Android - Compatible with KeePass 2.x -- Android
  • KeePassDroid - Open source version of KeePass 1.x for Android -- Android
  • KeePassXC - Supports YubiKey and TOTP, forked becasue KeePassX is no longer being updated -- C++
  • KeeWeb - Cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass -- JavaScript
  • Keywhiz - A system for distributing and managing secrets (API keys, certificates, etc), by Square -- Java
  • kpcli - Command line interface / CLI for KeePass -- perl
  • lastpass-cli - CLI for LastPass -- C
  • MacPass - A free, open-source, KeePass-compatible password manager for macOS -- Objective-C
  • msktutil - Keytab client for a Microsoft Active Directory environment -- built-in
  • One-Time Secret - Create links that self-destruct after a single viewing, great for sharing passwords -- Ruby
  • pass (passwordstore) - Uses GPG at it's core, supports tracking password changes in git -- shell
  • passff - Addon for interacting with the a pass aka passwordstore repository -- Firefox
  • Password Pusher - Links to passwords expire after a certain number of views and/or time has passed, RoR app -- Ruby
  • Password Safe - Designed by Bruce Schneier himself -- bam
  • pwd.sh - Script to manage passwords in an encrypted file using GPG -- shell
  • pwgen - Password generated, included in most Linux distros -- built-in
  • Secrets OPerationS (SOPS) - Secrets management, by Mozilla -- Python
  • Sneaker - Store secrets on S3 using Amazon KMS -- Golang
  • TeamPass - Collaborative password management using the LAMP stack -- PHP
  • Vault - Tool for storing secrets (API keys, passwords, certs, etc) by Hashicorp -- Golang
  • vault-ui - React UI for Hashicorp Vault -- JavaScript
  • xca - OSS all in one PKI -- C++
  • zxcvbn - Password strength estimator, written by Dropbox, operates in a browser window -- CoffeeScript in-browser

Security Tools

Misc security tools - see also Live CD Tools and Networking Tools and Secrets Management and SSL Tools and Two Factor Authentication and VPNs and Tunnels and Logging

  • afl-fuzz (American Fuzzy Lop) - One of the best fuzzers -- C
  • AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) - File integrity checker, alternative to Tripwire -- various lang
  • Angry IP Scanner - GUI network scanner, supports plugins, -- Java Windows OS X
  • Armitage - GUI for Metasploit -- Java
  • ATA Secure Erase - Send a signal to an ATA drive to perform a hardware-based erase, the ONLY way to wipe a SSD properly -- article
  • Awesome Honeypots - Curated collection of honepots and honeypot resources -- collection
  • bro - Framework for network analysis and security monitoring -- C++
  • CALDERA - Automated adversary emulation system that performs post-compromise adversarial behavior within Windows Enterprise networks -- Python
  • chkrootkit - Rootkit checker, best used from a live CD -- C
  • CIS Linux Benchmarks - Linux OS hardening guides, superb! -- collection
  • ConfigServer Security and Firewall (CSF) - Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion Detection and Security application for Linux servers -- various lang
  • cuckoo - Feed in malware URL, it fires up VM, and provides a report about the actions the malware took -- in-browser
  • dcfldd - Enhanced dd with security and forensics features -- C
  • Dradis CE (Community Edition) - Reporting framework for generating one-click reports (vuln scanning, pentest, etc) -- Ruby
  • Dshell - Network forensic analysis framework, written by the US Army -- Python
  • EncFS - Encrypted file system in user space via FUSE -- C++
  • fail2ban - Watches log files to ban IPs based on rules (too many failed logins, exploit attempts, brute force attacks, etc) -- Python
  • Forensics Acquisition of Websites (FAW) - Download and save social media sites, paid version has more features -- closed source Windows
  • Forensics Wiki - Digital forensics wiki, tons of tools and information -- wiki
  • FTimes - System baselining and evidence collection tool -- C
  • fwknop (FireWall KNock OPerator) - Single Packet Authorization (SPA), authoriation packet from you opens firewall rules so only you can get in -- various lang
  • Google Safe Browsing Site Status - Use Google for site/URL malware analysis -- in-browser
  • GRR Rapid Response - Live forensics for incident response via a Python agent, dump memory, isolate host, snoop syscalls etc -- Python
  • hashcat - World's fastest CPU password cracker / password recovery -- C
  • Hybrid Analysis - Dree malware analysis service that detects and analyzes unknown threats using a unique Hybrid Analysis -- in-browser
  • Information Security Cheat Sheets and Checklists - An assortment of IS checklists and cheat sheets -- collection
  • geoiplookup - Uses the GeoIP DB and library to determine which physical country an IP or host originates in, includes PAM library -- built-in
  • Hindsight - Internet history forensics for Google Chrome/Chromium -- Python
  • Jailkit - chroot toolkit -- C
  • Joe's Sandbox (Cloud Basic) - Deep automated malware analysis -- in-browser
  • Kali NetHunter Linux Root Toolkit (LRT) - Collection of bash scripts that setup and install Kali Linux NetHunter from a Linux/OSX environment onto a NetHunter supported device -- shell
  • Lynis - Auditing and hardening tool, supports most Unix-like operating systems -- shell
  • Metasploit - Classic exploit framework -- various lang
  • National Checklist Program - U.S. government repository of publicly available security checklists (or benchmarks) that provide detailed low level guidance on setting the security configuration of operating systems and applications -- collection
  • National Software Reference Library (NSRL) - Large collection of diskprints from various software and malware -- collection
  • Nikto2 - Web & app server vulnerability scanner -- perl
  • nmap - Classic port scanner -- various lang
  • nmap_vulners - Emumerate and list vulnerabilities during an nmap scan similar to Nessus -- collection
  • nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) - Tons of scripts for nmap -- various lang
  • oclHashcat - World's fastest CPU + GPU password cracker / recovery software -- C
  • OpenSCAP - NIST Certified SCAP 1.2 toolkit -- C
  • OpenVAS - Vulnerability scanner, forked from the now closed-source Nessus scanner -- C
  • Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) - Focus on web application security -- organization
  • Oracle Database Attacking Tool (ODAT) - Open source penetration testing tool that tests the security of Oracle databases remotely -- Python
  • OS X Auditor - Forensics tool for Mac -- OS X JavaScript
  • OSSEC - Host based intrusion detection system (HIDS), supports most Unix-like OSes -- C Windows OS X
  • PALADIN - Easy to use Linux-based live CD for forensic analysis -- various lang
  • pfsense - The best firewall software, supports appliances and live CDs -- C
  • preeny - Some helpful preload libraries for pwning stuff -- C
  • Prey - Open source anti-theft software for almost all platforms -- shell Java mobile
  • ProcDOT - All in one visual malware analysis and visualization, by CERN -- closed source various lang
  • Qubes OS - A reasonably secure operating system -- various lang
  • ReconScan - Glue together pen testing workflows IFTTT style -- Python
  • Red Baron - Automate creating resilient, disposable, secure and agile infrastructure for red teams, Terraform based -- Golang
  • Red October - Go server for two-man rule style file encryption and decryption -- way cool
  • Regshot - Snapshot and compare the Windows Registry for before/after analysis -- C
  • Rootkit Hunter - Compares hashes of important files with known good hashes that are stored in online databases -- perl shell
  • Samhain - HIDS, file integrity checker, rootkit detection, log file monitoring, and more -- C
  • scrub - Supports many disk-wiping standards including military / government grade wipes -- built-in
  • Security Onion - Linux distro for IDS, NSM, and log management -- various lang
  • Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) - Guides to securing almost every application, by the US military -- collection
  • SELKS - Debian based based IDS/IPS with ELK stack, installable or live CD -- various lang
  • simplewall - Simple app to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP), VERY powerful -- Windows
  • Snort - The classic network intrusion prevention system (NIPS) -- C
  • SPARTA - GUI to simplify the scanning and enumeration phases -- Python
  • Spiderfoot - Automate the process of gathering intelligence about a given target -- Python
  • SubBrute - Subdomain enumeration tool for penetration testers -- Python
  • sudosh2 - Records all keystrokes and output and can play back the session as just like a VCR -- C
  • SWORD Dropbox -- $15 OpenWRT + Pi based DIY disposable pen-test tool -- various lang
  • symon-config - Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing -- XML!!!! Windows
  • theZoo - These are real and they are smarter than you, do not fuck around -- collection
  • tink - Smiple, small, secure crypto library by Google -- C++
  • Tripwire - File integrity checker and monitor, replacement for the now closed-source Tripwire -- C
  • URLquery - Free service to scan a URL for web-based malware -- in-browser
  • urlscan.io - Similar to URLquery -- in-browser
  • usbkill - Kill switch that takes action when a USB device is connected -- Python
  • VeraCrypt - OSS successor to and fork of TrueCrypt, supports Linux, Windows, and Mac -- C C++
  • VirusTotal - Allows you to upload a file and have it scanned by tons of virus scanners -- in-browser
  • Tomb - zsh wrapper script for cryptsetup + gpg + LUKS volumes -- shell
  • VulnHub - ISOs and more for hands-on security practice -- collection
  • w3af - Web application attack and audit framework, OSS vun scanner -- Python
  • Yaptest - Glue together and automate pentesting using IFTTT type workflows -- various lang
  • Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) - Pen testing too that focues on web applications -- Java
  • ZMap - Scanner designed for large address spaces -- in-browser
  • zzuf - Transparent application input fuzzer that works by intercepting file and network operations and changing random bits in the program's input -- C

Shell Scripting and Tools

Shell scripting tutorials, collections of note, Linux shells for Windows, and misc neat tools - see also Terminal Tools and SSH Clients and Orchestration for parallel SSH tools and Regular Expressions

  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide - By the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) -- tutorial
  • awk Tutorial - Easy to understand awk tutorial -- tutorial
  • Awesome dotfiles - All kinds of . files -- collection
  • autojump - Small database of directories that you visited in the past, used to quickly navigate complex directory structures -- Python
  • Awesome Shell - Massive collection of shell tools -- collection
  • Babun - Pre-configured Cygwin with many more features and a better design -- various lang
  • BashGuide - Targeted at beginners -- wiki
  • Bash Hackers Wiki - Human-readable bash documentation so you don't have to dig through the man page -- wiki
  • Bash Pitfalls - Common errors that bash programmers make -- wiki
  • bro pages - Simplifed man pages and examples -- collection
  • cheat - create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line -- Python
  • comm - Display lines that two files have in common (eg: the opposite of diff) -- built-in
  • CommandlineFu - Killer code snippets -- collection
  • CRUSH (Custom Reporting Utilities for SHell) - Killer toolset for working on delimited data, by Google -- C
  • Cygwin - GNU shell and tools for Windows -- C Windows
  • dotfiles by Paul Miller - Beautiful and flexible Mac terminal configuration files and utilities, ZSH-based -- shell OS X hawt
  • dotfiles - Unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub -- collection
  • Environment Modules - Dynamic modification of your shell environment using modules -- Tcl Windows
  • Explain Shell - Enter a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument -- in-browser
  • fu - CLI for CommandlineFu.com, allows for easy searches -- Python
  • fzf - Command line fuzzy finder, supports tmux/bash/zsh -- Golang
  • gt5 - A "du browser" in curses, handy for finding large files -- shell
  • icdiff - diff tool that highlights the differences -- Python OS X
  • moreutils - "Collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago when unix was young" -- neat
  • notify - Send a notification from your Linux system to an Android app on your phone, good for long running shell commands -- JavaScript Android
  • pigz - Parallel gzip for multi-processor/core systems -- C
  • pv - Shows the progress of data as it flows through a pipe -- built-in
  • ShellCheck - Checks shell scripts for common mistakes, essentially a linter -- in-browser
  • sysadmin-util - A collection of small but useful utilities -- perl
  • tldr - Simplified and community-driven man pages, cuts out a lot of cruft -- collection
  • Unix Toolbox - A collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks for advanced users -- collection

Software Development Tools

Build systems, stubs/mocks, CI/CD, cheat sheets, and other - see also Git Tools and Collaboration Tools and Editors and Shell Scripting and Tools and Web and HTTP Tools and Tracing and Profiling and Web and HTTP Performance Analysis Tools

  • ack2 - grep-like tool designed to search source code -- perl
  • afl-unicorn - Fuzz any piece of binary that can be emulated by Unicorn Engine -- C
  • ag (aka The Silver Searcher) - Source code searching tool, a better grep -- C
  • Barkeep - Code review tool, kinda sorta like GitHub -- Ruby
  • Bazel - Google's build system -- Java
  • Bento - Links to tutorials based on subject (programming, sysadmin, protocols, standards, etc) -- collection
  • Buildbot - CI framework -- Python
  • cwrap - Wrappers for creating test scenarios and faking behavior/ stubbing, mostly network focused, by the Samba guys -- C
  • deployinator - Etsy's deployment framework -- Ruby gem
  • dev-setup - Automated setup scripts for laptop tools like Sublime Text, AWS, Spark, Android dev, and more -- collection
  • DevDocs - Documentation browser for almost every API -- collection
  • drone - CI platform built on Docker / containers, can also deploy to Kubernetes -- Golang
  • dropwizard - Simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services -- various lang
  • Fossil - Simple all-in-one SCM -- various lang
  • fswatch - Cross-platform for watching files and taking action when they change -- C++
  • GoCI - Go continuous delivery platform by ThoughtWorks -- Java
  • Guard - Flexible framework to take action on file system change event -- Ruby gem
  • Gulp - Built system / toolkit that helps you automate time-consuming tasks in your development workflow -- JavaScript
  • Jenkins - The most popular CI orchestration tool, supports a billion plugins -- various lang
  • jenkins-job-dsl (Jenkins Job DSL Plugin) - Groovy-based DSL for writing Jenkins jobs -- Groovy
  • Jenkins job-config-history Plugin - Tracks changes to system and job configurations -- Java
  • Jenkins ThinBackup - Jenkins plugin that backups configurations (not workspaces or archives) -- Java
  • JSON Server - Full fake REST API for quickly prototyping and mocking in 30 seconds -- JavaScript
  • LearnXinYMinutes - Super fast tutorials for almost every programming language -- collection
  • MockServer - Web server to remotely or locally mock HTTP/HTTPS and similar -- Java
  • mountebank - Stub downstream resources for testing, supports HTTP HTTPS SMTP TCP -- JavaScript Windows OS X
  • Ninja - Small build system with a focus on speed -- Python
  • OverAPI - Large collection of cheat sheets for almost anything -- collection
  • PatchELF - Simple utility for modifying existing ELF executables and libraries -- C
  • PEview - Easily and quickly view the structure and content of Windows EXE DDL LIB Portable Executable (PE) files -- closed source
  • PRoot - chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc without privilege/setup -- C
  • Proxygen - Modern C++ HTTP library, by Facebook -- C++
  • REST-assured - Java DSL for testing of REST services -- Java
  • RocksDB - Library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage - by Facebook -- C++
  • scrypt - More secure against hardware brute-force attacks than alternatives such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt -- C
  • Serverless by Design - In-browser or self-hosted GUI for making flow charts for serverless apps -- various lang
  • SonarQube - Platform and dashboard for managing code quality -- Ruby Java
  • Sonatype Nexus - Software / binary artifact storage -- Java
  • Spinnaker - Cloud-focused CI/CD system for immutable infrastructure, by Netflix -- Python
  • SymbolHound - Search engine that doesn't ignore special characters, great for programming questions -- try it
  • watchman - Watch files and take action when they change (eg: kick off the CI system), by Facebook -- C
  • WireMock - Flexible stubbing and mocking services -- Java

SSH Tools

Misc SSH stuff - see also Terminal Tools and SSH Clients for clients and Orchestration for parallel SSH tools and Shell Scripting and Tools

  • Advanced SSH Config - Enhances ssh_config file capabilities -- Python pip
  • autossh - Automatically restart SSH sessions that stop passing traffic -- C
  • Ballast (Balancing Load Across Systems) - Balance user load across SSH servers based on configured policies -- C
  • Corkscrew - Tunnel SSH through HTTP proxies -- C
  • Keychain - Manage SSH and GPG keys, acts as a frontend to ssh-agent, only enter passphrase once per reboot -- shell
  • Match - Creates a conditional block, great for controlling actions on a per-user and/or per-host basis in sshd_config -- built-in
  • Mosh (Mobile Shell) - Remote shell that supports roaming (client IP address changes) and intermittent connectivity, by MIT -- C++
  • rssh - Restricted shell for SSH, only allows scp, sftp, rdist, rsync, and cvs -- C
  • scponly - Shell that only allows incoming SCP, supports chroot -- C
  • Shuttle - A simple SSH shortcut menu for macOS -- Objective-C
  • ssh-chat Instead of a shell you get a chat prompt -- Golang
  • ssh-ldap-helper - Store public keys in LDAP -- built-in
  • SSHFS - Mount remote file systems using a SSH tunnel -- built-in
  • sshmuxd - SSH jumphost style proxy -- Golang
  • sshrc - Sources the ~/.sshrc on your local computer after logging in remotely -- shell
  • sshttp - Port multiplexer that hides a SSH daesmon behind HTTP, HTTPS, or SMTP on a single port -- C
  • SSH Guard - Think fail2ban for SSH -- C
  • SSH Power Tool (sshpt) - Execute commands and upload files to many servers simultaneously via SSH without using pre-shared keys -- Python pip
  • storm - CLI and GUI tool to manage your SSH connections (add, delete, list, search) -- OS X

SSL Tools

SSL, TLS, CAs, and similar tools for interacting with HTTPS and SSL certificates - see also Web and HTTP Tools and Security Tools

  • BadSSL.com - Test various clients (browsers, etc) against bad SSL configs -- in-browser
  • BoringSSL - Google's fork of OpenSSL, does not guarantee API and ABI compatibility -- C
  • cfssl - PKI/TLS swiss army knife, has CLI and a HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates -- Golang
  • cipherscan - Find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target -- Python
  • Dogtag Certificate System - PKI component of FreeIPA, by Fedora -- C
  • HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Secuirity) - Forces browsers to interact with a site by only using HTTPS -- article
  • Lemur - Broker between CAs and environments providing a central portal for developers to issue TLS certificates with 'sane' defaults -- Python
  • Let's Encrypt - Free SSL certs from a real CA -- in-browser
  • LibreSSL - OpenBSD's fork of OpenSSL, Linux compatible -- C
  • Mozilla Server Side TLS - Mozilla's extensive server side TLS configuration guide -- wiki
  • Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator - Generate SSL configs for Apache, Nginx, ELB, HAproxy and more -- in-browser
  • nogotofail - Spot and fix weak TLS/SSL connections and sensitive cleartext traffic, by Google -- Python
  • Qualys SSL Server Test - Evaluates and provides recommendations for the SSL settings of any web site -- in-browser
  • s2n - Amazon's implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols in C99 (simple, small, fast, secure) -- C
  • Server Name Indication (SNI) - Think vhosts for SSL -- article
  • sslconfig - CloudFlare's Internet facing SSL cipher configuration, patches for Nginx and OpenSSL -- C
  • SSLsplit - Transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception -- C
  • sslyze - Fast and full-featured SSL scanner, written in Python -- Python OS X
  • SSL Decoder - Decodes a SSL connection and displays certificate information, CLI -- PHP
  • SSL Decoder - Same as above but web based -- in-browser
  • stunnel - Create simple TLS tunnels for existing services (eg: telnet, nc, etc) -- C

Storage Tools

The storage junk drawer - see also Backups and Cloud File Sync and Sharing and Live CD Tools

  • BeeGFS - Parallel cluster file system, worth examining -- C++
  • CrystalDiskInfo - S.M.A.R.T. GUI tool for Windows -- closed source Windows
  • FlashCache - General purpose, write-back block cache -- C
  • fs-cache - Modern NFS client-side caching -- built-in
  • Linux-IO Target (LIO) - Create and share iSCSI, Fibre Channel, FC over Ethernet, and other storage targets from Linux VMs -- built-in
  • Linux Journal - Linux Swap Space - Superb article about Linux swap, includes some tuning parameters -- article
  • lsblk - List block devices -- built-in
  • ncdu - ncurses version of "du" -- built-in
  • Parted Magic - Resize, grow, shrink, clone, recovery, wiping, benchmarking, and more. Supports Linux and Windows file systems -- Windows
  • snapper - CLI tool to manage Btrfs snapshots, snapshot timelines, and more -- various lang
  • System Storage Manager (SSM) - Generic CLI for managing all types of storage (DM, LVM, multipath), added in RHEL 7 -- built-in

Storage Performance Analysis Tools

Grind your disks into dust - see also Performance Analysis Tools and Tracing and Profiling

  • blktrace - mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug && blktrace -d /dev/md2 -o - | blkparse -i - -- article
  • Bonnie++ - The classic, still updated -- built-in
  • Connectathon Test Suite - NFS stress testing and benchmarking tools -- various lang
  • findswappers - perl script that identifies swapped processes -- perl
  • fio - Supports 19 different I/O engines (sync, mmap, libaio, posixaio, etc), very powerful -- C
  • Fnotifystat - Dumps the file system activity in a given period of time -- C
  • iometer - Multi-platform, by Intel -- C++
  • ioping - Monitor I/O latency in real time -- C
  • iorate - Originally written by EMC, now open source -- C
  • iotop - top for I/O requests, displays information on a per-process basis -- Python
  • IOzone - Supports NFS, still being updated! -- C
  • Threaded I/O Tester (tiobench) - Threaded I/O tester, tiotest and tiobench -- C

Terminal Tools and SSH Clients

Fancy SSH clients, terminal sharing, and similar tools - see also SSH Tools and Orchestration for parallel SSH tools and Shell Scripting and Tools

  • Bitvise SSH Client - Feature-rich SSH & SFTP client for Windows, free for individual use -- closed source Windows
  • Byobu - An enhanced version of the "screen" utility -- shell OS X
  • ConnectBot - Open source SSH client for Android -- Java Android
  • Guacamole - Clientless (in-browser) remote desktop gateway, supports VNC and RDP -- various lang
  • iTerm2 - Killer terminal replacement for Mac -- OS X -- Objective-C
  • KiTTY - PuTTY fork with additional features -- Windows
  • MobaXterm - Tabbed SSH, VNC, and RDP client for Windows, free for personal use -- closed source Windows
  • mRemoteNG - Open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager -- Windows
  • MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY) - Multiple PuTTY sessions in a single window -- Windows
  • NoVNC - Client-less VNC in a web browser, uses HTML5 and WebSockets -- in-browser
  • PuTTY - The classic SSH client -- Windows
  • PuTTYtray - PuTTY in the systray + additional features -- C
  • reptyr - Reparent a running program to a new terminal -- C
  • screen - Detatch and re-attach to shell sessions while they continue to run in the background -- C
  • SuperPutty - Allows the PuTTY SSH client to be opened in tabs -- Windows
  • tmate - Instant terminal sharing, a tmux fork -- OS X
  • tmux - Alternative to GNU screen, also used for terminal sharing -- C
  • tmux-cssh - Cluster SSH for tmux -- shell
  • tmux Resurrect - Persists tmux environment across system restarts -- shell
  • Warp - Securely share your terminal, like handing a co-worker your keyboard -- Golang
  • WinSCP - The well-known SCP client -- C Windows
  • x2go - One of the best remote-desktop-over-SSH clients -- Windows OS X
  • Xshell - SSH client for Windows, free for personal use -- closed source Windows

Tracing and Profiling

OS kernel and process-level tracing and profiling tools - see also Performance Analysis Tools and Network Performance Analysis Tools and Web and HTTP Performance Analysis Tools and Metrics and Time Series Data and RDBMS Performance Analysis Tools

  • bcc - Next generation, Linux 4.x kernel tracing tool suite, uses eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filters) -- C
  • eBPF - DTrace + SystemTap, requires 4.x kernel, mostly uses bcc -- various lang
  • kdump - Linux kernel dump facility (where to save it, what to save, etc) -- C
  • Linux Trace Toolkit - Next Generation (LLTng) - Linux kernel tracer and profiler, lower overhead than System Tap -- C
  • Linux Tracing Workshop - Hands on exercises with perf, bcc, and similar tools -- various lang
  • ltrace Tutorial - ltrace (library call tracer) tutorial by Red Hat -- article
  • lttng-analyses - Official collection of LLTNG scripts and snippets -- collection
  • Mastif Visualizer - Visualizer for the Valgrind's Mastiff utility -- C++
  • OpenSnoop - Continually monitor for file opens -- shell
  • OProfile - System-wide statistical profiling tool -- C
  • perf - User-land performance analysis tool, a sampling profiler -- C
  • perf-tools - Uses perf and ftrace, includes iosnoop -- Brendan Gregg
  • pstore - Save kernel crash info in a platform-specific persistent memory so data is not lost (eg: disks failed so write dump to NVRAM instead) -- article
  • Record and Replay (rr) - Record the failure once, then debug the recording deterministically, supports C and C++, by Mozilla -- C C++
  • strace - System call tracer for user space processes -- built-in
  • SystemTap (stap) - Linux kernel tracing and performance analysis tool -- C C++
  • Valgrind - Tool suite that includes cache profilers, heap profiles, thread race condition checkers, and more - a CPU-level emulator -- C

Two Factor Authentication

Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) is the successor to two-factor authentication / TFA / 2FA and multi-factor authentication / MFA. Avoid using SMS if possible - see also VPNs and Tunnels and Secrets Management

  • Two Factor Auth (2FA) - Web sites that do and don't support 2FA, organized by category -- checkit collection
  • CentOS 7 2FA VPN - VPN with CentOS 7 + FreeRADIUS + SSSD + Google Authenticator -- tutorial
  • FreeOTP - Open source fork of Google Authenticator, by Red Hat -- C mobile
  • Google Authenticator - Official project, supports Android, iOS, and has a PAM module for SSH 2FA -- C
  • Nitrokey - Open source thumb drive for authentication -- various lang
  • pam-u2f - PAM module for auth via U2F compatible devices, by YubiKey -- C
  • yubico-pam - PAM module for use with YubiKey devices -- C
  • yubikey-full-disk-encryption - Encrypt storage on a LUKS partition using a Yubikey -- Shell

Virtualization and SDN

OS, network, and storage virtualization, emulation, and simulation including SDN, load balancers, and firewalls - see also Containers for container-only network meshes and VMware Tools

  • BusyBox - Bootable Linux with tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable -- C
  • Calico - L3 fabric that runs a vRouter on each node, supports containers -- Python
  • DOSbox - Open source DOS emulator, great for running old games or utilities -- C C++
  • FreeNAS - BSD-based NAS, supports ZFS -- C
  • GNS3 - Cisco and other network simulator that runs in VirtualBox or Qemu/KVM -- Python
  • HAproxy - Open source software load balancer -- C
  • haproxyctl - Wrapper to talk to the HAProxy socket, as well as regular init (start stop restart) shit -- Ruby gem
  • KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) - The one, the only -- C
  • kvm-tools - CLI tools for managing qemu-kvm domains -- C
  • KVM Management Tools - Great list of KVM management tools on the KVM wiki, updated frequently -- collection
  • libvirt - Open source API, daemon and management tool, used with many virtualization solutions -- C
  • Linux-IO Target (LIO) - Create and share iSCSI, Fibre Channel, FC over Ethernet, and other storage targets from Linux VMs -- built-in
  • LVS (Linux Virtual Server) - Linux-based load balancer, also includes the IPVS kernel module -- C
  • Mininet - Easily setup networks for testing on your laptop with VirutalBox -- various lang
  • Minio - An open source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs -- Golang
  • ns-3 - Network simulator, mostly focuses on wireless IP such as Wi-Fi, WiMAX, or LTE and routing protocols such as OLSR and AODV -- C
  • Open vSwitch (OVS) - Production quality software switch -- C
  • OpenFiler - Linux-based NAS, supports most protocols and storage types -- C
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox - Easy, simple virtualization -- C C++ Windows OS X
  • oVirt - Virtualization management platform, the upstream for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) -- Java
  • Packet Tracer - Cisco network simulator, by Cisco -- closed source Windows OS-X
  • pfsense - The best firewall software, supports appliances and live CDs -- C
  • phpVirtualBox - Web front-end for VirtualBox -- PHP
  • QEMU (Quick EMUlator) - Also supports hardware emulation (SPARC, RISC, etc) -- C
  • Seesaw - Load balancer based on Linux Virtual Server (LVS), by Google -- Golang
  • Shadow - Network simulator that runs real applications like Tor and distributed systems of thousands of nodes on a single machine -- C
  • Squid - Reverse proxy, caching server, web traffic filter, and more -- C++
  • Traefik - Modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer, supports many backends -- Golang
  • Unicorn Engine - CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, X86) via QEMU -- various lang
  • virt-manager - KVM / Xen / LXC GUI -- Python
  • WANem (Wide Area Network Emulator) - WAN emulator -- C
  • WINE - Compatibility layer for running Windows apps on POSIX-compliant OSes -- C OS X
  • Xen - It's a hypervisor! -- C
  • XenServer - Successor to Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) -- C
  • xhyve - Lightweight OS X virtualization based on bhyve -- C OS X
  • ZeroTier - Cloud / provider-agnostic private network backplanes, network virtualization -- C++ all platforms

VMware Tools

Mostly unofficial VMware tools and scripts - see also Virtualization and SDN

  • Compliance Checker for vSphere - Provides detailed compliance checks against vSphere hardening guidelines, official tool -- closed source
  • FastSCP - Super fast SCP client for Windows for moving stuff around in a VMware environment (ISOs, VMDKs between data stores, etc) -- closed source
  • Flings - Tons of very useful apps written by VMware engineers, worth exploring A++++ -- closed source? various lang
  • Onyx - Do something in vSphere and it will create a PowerCLI script to do that thing that you just did -- closed source PowerShell Windows
  • open-vm-tools - OSS alternative to VMware Guest Tools -- C
  • PowerCLI - VMware's CLI -- closed source
  • RVtools - Killer GUI for viewing information about your VMware environment -- closed source .NET Windows
  • RVtools Export - Wrapper script to save daily snapshots of your environment using RVtools -- PowerShell
  • Sexigraph - Graphite-based visualization appliance for Sexilog -- various lang
  • Sexilog - ELK stack virtual appliance designed for vSphere / VMware ESXi logs -- various lang
  • vCheck - Get an overview of a new environment or check the health of an existing one -- PowerShell
  • vDisk Informer - Check vDisks alignment and see if they have wasted space -- closed source Windows
  • vGhetto Script Repository - Various scripts from virtuallyGhetto -- various lang
  • VMware Community PowerPack - A variety of scripts from Virtu-al.net and now other blogs such as ict-freak.nl and ntpro.nl -- lost-to-the-internet PowerShell
  • VMware on Github - VMware's Github repos -- various lang
  • VMware Sample Exchange - Code samples & scripts by both VMware and the community -- various lang
  • vSphere Health Check Report - Reports a massive amount of information, run it on a schedule -- closed source perl
  • vSphere Mobile Watchlist - Monitor VMs on your phone -- closed source mobile

VPNs and Tunnels

VPN client & servers, tunneling proxies, DNS tunneling, simple host-to-host tunnels, and related tools - see also SSL Tools and SSH Tools and Virtualization and SDN

  • Algo VPN - IKEv2 Ubuntu-based strongSwan VPN server deployed to any cloud via Ansible -- Python
  • AutoVPN - Spin up and autoconfigure OpenVPN instances in AWS -- Python
  • CentOS 7 2FA VPN - VPN with CentOS 7 + FreeRADIUS + SSSD + Google Authenticator -- stepbystep
  • Corkscrew - Tunnel SSH through HTTP proxies -- C
  • DNS Leak Test - See if DNS queries are leaking outside of your VPN / secured network -- in-browser
  • dnscrypt-proxy - DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols such as DNSCrypt v2 and DNS-over-HTTP/2 -- Golang
  • dnscrypt-wrapper - Add dnscrypt support to any resolver, server-side dnscrypt proxy -- C
  • fwknop (FireWall KNock OPerator) - Single Packet Authorization (SPA), authoriation packet from you opens firewall rules so only you can get in -- various lang
  • Go HTTP Tunnel - Fast and secure reverse tunnels over HTTP/2 and TLS, share localhost without having a public IP -- Golang
  • kcptun - Secure and fast tunnel based on KCP, can increase throughput -- Golang
  • localtunnel - Share a HTTP/web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings -- JavaScript Windows OS X
  • MACsec aka 802.1AE - Use me for confidentiality and integrity at layer 2, useful for WAN links -- standard
  • Magic Wormhole - Safely and simply send arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another -- Python
  • n2n - L2 over L3 VPN that uses a peer-to-peer architecture -- C
  • OpenVPN - The one and only -- C
  • Pritunl - Distributed enterprise VPN server built using the OpenVPN protocol, supports Google sign-in -- Python
  • Shadowsocks - A secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your Internet traffic -- various lang most platforms
  • SoftEther - Perhaps the best VPN software out there -- C
  • spiped - Create encrypted pipes between socket addresses using pre-shared keys (PSKs), similar to ssh -L -- C
  • sshttp - Port multiplexer that hides a SSH daemon behind HTTP, HTTPS, or SMTP on a single port -- C
  • sshuttle - Transparent proxy server / VPN, doesn't need admin, forwards over SSH, supports DNS tunneling -- Python OS X
  • SSH Through or Over Proxy - How to create a HTTP(s) tunnel for your SSH traffic -- article
  • Streisand - Set up a server running a wide variety of privacy software, so easy that grandma can use it, Ansible-based -- Python
  • strongSwan - IPsec-based -- C
  • stunnel - Create simple TLS tunnels for existing services (eg: telnet, nc, etc) -- C
  • tinc - Simple, multi-platform VPN -- C
  • WireGuard - Performant in-kernel VPN server with DJB Crypto and very modern primitives -- C
  • Ubuntu IKEv2 VPN Setup - Simple script that sets up a IKEv2 VPN with strongSwan on Ubuntu -- shell

Web and HTTP Tools

RPC is dead, long live RPC - see also SSL Tools and Networking Tools

  • API Blueprint - Supports bindings/plugins for many APIs -- various lang
  • Awesome JSON - It's the new XML -- collection
  • Awesome Nginx - A collection of resources covering Nginx, Nginx + Lua, OpenResty and Tengine -- collection
  • curlish - Improved curl, includes cookie management and OAuth 2.0 support -- Python pip
  • Fiddler - HTTP/HTTPS debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform -- closed source
  • GoReplay - Capture and replay HTTP traffic for testing -- Golang
  • gRPC - High performance RPC via HTTP/2, by Google -- C
  • h2i - Go's interactive HTTP/2 console debugger, send raw frames, etc -- Golang
  • Hamms - Simulate/create connection failures, malformed response data, slow servers, fat headers, and more! -- Python
  • Hipache - Distributed HTTP and websocket proxy, supports load balancing -- JavaScript
  • htaccess Snippits - Huge collection of common and useful .htaccess snippets, please contribute -- collection
  • http-traceroute - Shows the entire route including cookies, redirects, and response codes -- Ruby
  • httpdiff - Perform the same reuqest against two HTTP servers and diff the results -- Golang
  • httpie - curl replacement with many new features -- Python
  • htty - A console application for interacting with web servers -- Ruby gem
  • Huginn - Build agents that perform automated tasks/workflows for you online or locally, like IFTTT -- Ruby
  • Insomnia REST Client - An alternative to POSTman, additional features -- Electron Windows OS X Linux
  • JSON Server - Full fake REST API for quickly prototyping and mocking in 30 seconds -- JavaScript
  • jq - Command line JSON processor and manipulator -- C
  • Lighthouse - Chrome extension to audit a web page for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, and more, by Google -- in-browser
  • localtunnel - Share a HTTP/web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings -- JavaScript Windows OS X
  • mitmproxy - Intercept, modify, replay and save HTTP/S traffic - even edit flows on the fly -- Python pip
  • mountebank - Stub downstream resources for testing, supports HTTP HTTPS SMTP TCP -- JavaScript Windows OS X
  • Newman - CLI companion for Postman -- JavaScript
  • ng-admin - Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API -- JavaScript
  • nghttp - CLI HTTP/2 client, similar to curl/wget and more -- C
  • ngrok - Reverse proxy that creates a secure tunnel from a public endpoint to a locally running web service and captures & analyzes all traffic over the tunnel for later inspection and replay -- rocks Golang
  • OpenResty - Turn nginx into a non-blocking API server -- C
  • PageKite - Makes HTTP servers or SSH publicly available on any server -- Python
  • POSTman - Create and share API and HTTP requests, great for testing and sharing -- Chrome
  • Puppeteer - Provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome over the DevTools Protocol -- JavaScript
  • Pushpin - Proxy server that adds WebSockets to existing request-response APIs -- C++
  • RapidJSON - Super fast JSON parser and generator -- C++ Windows
  • Redirect Detective - See the complete path a redirected URL goes through -- in-browser
  • Repose - REST proxy, solutions to API tasks such as auth, rate limiting, API validation, HTTP logging, and much more -- Java
  • Resty - CLI REST client you can use in shell/bash/zsh pipes -- shell
  • SecurityHeaders.io - Scan your web site's HTTP headers -- in-browser
  • Swagger - Popular API development library, now the OpenAPI standard -- various lang
  • tengine - A distribution of Nginx with some advanced features, by Alibaba -- C
  • tortilla - Easily wrap web APIs -- Python pip
  • Tyk - API gateway -- Golang
  • urlscan.io - Displays tons of stats and info about any given URL -- in-browser
  • Varnish - Caching HTTP accelerator -- C
  • vcr - Record and play back HTTP sessions -- Ruby gem
  • webhook - Super simple webhook server -- Golang

Web and HTTP Performance Analysis Tools

Load generation, debugging, benchmarking, and profiling for SaaS, webapps, and HTTP(S) - see also Performance Analysis Tools and Network Performance Analysis Tools

  • Awesome Web Performance Optimization - Collection of web performance optimization (WPO) tools, articles, and more -- collection
  • Betwixt - Web debugging proxy with a Chrome DevTools look -- JavaScript
  • Brotli - Modern alternative to gzip, better packing, performs well with HTTP/2, HTTPS only -- zoooooom
  • django-debug-toolbar - Panels that display profiling information about the current request/response -- Python pip
  • Chrome DevTools - Many built-in tools for performance analysis -- mostly OSS
  • Gatling - HTTP, JMS, and WebSocket load generator -- Scala
  • Firefox Developer Tools - A full list of built-in Firefox developer tools including performance tools -- various lang
  • flask-debugtoolbar - The Django Debug Toolbar ported to Flask -- Python
  • FunkLoad - Functional and load web tester -- Python pip
  • h2load - HTTP/2 and SPDY load generation tool, part of the nghttp2 suite -- C
  • HAR Analyzer - HTTP Archive analyzier for troubleshooting from a browser perspective, by Google -- in-browser
  • Hey - HTTP load generator written in -- Golang
  • High Performance Browser Networking - What every web developer needs to know about the various types of networks (WiFi, 3G/4G), transport protocols (UDP, TCP, and TLS), application protocols (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2), and APIs available in the browser (XHR, WebSocket, WebRTC, and more) -- book
  • httperf - HTTP load generator, originally created, by HP -- C
  • httping - Simple program that "pings" a URL and shows response time -- C
  • JChav - Visualize JMeter output -- Java
  • Jaeger - OpenTracing compatible distributed tracing system, by Uber -- Golang
  • JMeter - Designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance, written in Java -- Java
  • Locust - Load generation tool written in Python that allows you to define user behavior -- Python
  • ngxtop - Real time top for nginx -- Python
  • OpenTracing - Vendor-neutral distributed tracing -- various lang
  • OpenZipkin - Distributed tracing systems for SaaS and webapps, by Twitter, based on Google's Dapper -- Scala
  • Packetbeat - Distributed packet monitoring system that can be used for application performance management -- Golang
  • PageSpeed Insights - Analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster, by Google -- in-browser
  • PageSpeed Module - Open-source server modules that optimize your site automatically (nginx and Apache), by Google -- various lang
  • peep - Heap inspector for live memcached instances -- Ruby
  • phantomas - JS web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool -- JavaScript
  • redis-faina - Query analyzer that parses Redis' MONITOR command for counter/timing stats about query patterns, by Facebook -- Python
  • Siege - CLI based HTTP load generation tool, supports basic authentication, cookies, and HTTPS -- C
  • Speed Tracer - Helps you identify and fix performance problems in your web applications, by Google -- Chrome
  • Tsung - Distributed stress tester, also supports stress testing DBs -- Erlang
  • vegeta - HTTP load testing tool, written in Go -- Golang
  • Web Page Test - Free website speed test from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers (IE and Chrome) and at real consumer connection speeds -- in-browser
  • wrk - Multi-threaded CLI-based HTTP load generation tool -- C
  • wrk2 - Fork of wrk that fixes the "coordinated omissions problem" -- C
  • YSlow - Analyzes web pages and why they're slow based on Yahoo!'s rules for high performance web sites, customizable -- JavaScript
  • UpTrends Uptime Checker - Check a URL's response time from ~30 different sites around the globe -- in-browser
  • Varnish Dashboard - Realtime dashboard for Varnish cache servers -- JavaScript

Misc Tools and Learning Opportunities

Everything else - see also everything else

  • Archive.org aka The Internet Archive aka The Wayback Machine - Yo donate, this is beyond important -- the biggest collection
  • Awesome - Top level list of awesome lists -- collection
  • AutoHotKey - Automate input (desktop and web forms, data entry, keybinds, etc) -- C++ Windows
  • Awesome AutoHotKey - A collection of AutoHotKey scripts and libraries -- various lang
  • BlueStacks - Android emulator that you can run on Windows, run apps from the Play store, etc -- various lang
  • Caffeine - Simple menu bar app to stop your Mac from sleeping -- closed source OS X
  • Cloud Design Patterns - Useful for building reliable, scalable, secure applications in the cloud -- collection
  • Command Line Text Processing - awk grep sed etc - interactive tutorial for newbies -- shell
  • conserver - Virtual console server with many features (multi-user, console log history, etc) -- C
  • CRIU (Checkpoint Restore in Userspace) - Freeze a process, save it to disk, then resume it later -- insane
  • Design Patterns for Humans - An ultra-simplified explanation of repeatable software design patterns -- article
  • Design Patterns - Wonderful collection of software development design patterns with examples, includes anti-patterns and refactoring guidelines -- collection
  • DevOps Conferences - Add and remove via PR, please contribute -- collection
  • f.lux - Changes your screen from blue light to yellow light when the sun sets to tell your brain it's night time -- closed source OS X Windows
  • Fossor - Automate on-call investigation steps, by LinkedIn -- Python pip
  • Geocities-izer - Make any HTML web page look like a Geocities page -- sweeeeeeet
  • Google Advanced Operators for Web Search - Search modifiers for more accurate results, by Google -- collection
  • Google's Technical Development Guide - Hands on, free, self-paced courses to help you develop your programming skills -- collection
  • googler - Google search, news, and site search from the terminal, slick -- Python
  • Hoopla - Digital movies, music and ebooks for USA public library members -- explore yours today
  • Huginn - Build agents that perform automated tasks/workflows for you online or locally, like IFTTT -- Ruby
  • inxi - "a full featured system information script" (hardware info, etc) -- shell
  • Kanopy - Streaming movies for USA public library members -- explore yours today
  • Libby - App for ebooks and audio books for USA public library members, from OverDrive -- explore yours today Android iOS Windows 10
  • maybe - Allows a dry run of almost any Linux binary, see the files it will modify, calls made, etc -- Python pip
  • Memory Management Reference - All in one reference for memory management and garbage collection -- collection
  • MIT OpenCourseWare - MIT's real course materials from 2400+ courses -- collection
  • Mjolnir - Automation for OS X, think AutoHotKey for Mac -- C OS X
  • Multibinder - Simple Ruby daemon that makes true zero downtime reloads simple, by Github -- Ruby
  • MultiRBL - SMTP blackhole lookup tools -- in-browser
  • MX Toolbox - SMTP blacklist lookup, header analysis, and more -- in-browser
  • Network UPS Tools (NUT) - Manage power devices from over 100 manufacturers using a single web interface -- C Windows
  • Networking Cheat Sheets by PacketLife - Protocols, devices, ports, physical connectors, and more -- collection
  • Open Source Society University (OSSU) - A complete education in computer science using free online materials -- collection
  • Open19 - Open data center hardware for standard size racks -- neat
  • OpenBMC - Framework to build a complete Linux image for a Board Management Controller (BMC), by Facebook -- C
  • Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces - Probably the best OS book out there, free -- book
  • OverDrive - Ebooks and audio books for USA public library members -- explore yours today
  • OWASP Secure Coding Practices - Quick Reference Guide -- Great cheat sheet, language-agnostic -- collection
  • PrivacyTools.io - All in one collection, web site source is on GitHub -- collection
  • runwhen - Utilities for running commands at particular times, cron on steroids -- C
  • Secure Messaging Apps - True comparison of the technical features and merits of various apps, which are TRULY secure? -- collection
  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) by Google - Full, free, online version of the O'Reilly book -- the best
  • Steps Recorder (aka Problem Steps Recorder) - Windows 7+, user records themselves reproducing a problem, they send video to you, you playback -- closed source
  • SymbolHound - Search engine that doesn't ignore special characters, great for programming questions -- try it
  • The Art of Command Line - The BEST interactive Linux tutorial, newbie focused -- learn it
  • Twelve-Factor App - Language-independent rules for codebase, dependencies, build/release/run, dev and prod, logs, etc for a cloud/web-centric app -- collection
  • Twilight - F.lux for Android -- closed source
  • Unix Rosetta Stone - The one and only resource for a mixed Linux/Unix environment -- translator
  • Vim Adventures - A game to learn vi / vim using your browser -- in-browser