This project is a software that tracks the activities of employees of an organization. It allows Admin to take the snapshots of his/her employees' screens at a single click and can see the screenshots on his/her screen.
Following are the steps to be followed to deploy the web-app (adapt according to your OS):
On Server
- Install NodeJS.
- Place SnapAll web-app folder somewhere on the server.
- Go to the SnapAll directory and open the terminal.
- Type npm install on the terminal and hit Enter.
- Open config.js file inside SnapAll directory. Add username and password according to your requirements. Specify ServerPort and ClientPort.
- Run the command node server.js.
On Client side
- Place the client.js script in the system.
- Configure it to run on the system startup.
- Make sure that port number specified in config.js file placed on server is available, otherwise, edit port number in config.js file on server.
- After Deploying the web-app on server, admin can access the web-app interface by specifying the "http://IP:Port" as the url on browser (in any system connected to the network).
- Enter the Netmask and the initial address of the network.
- Click on GetSnap button after entering network details.
- Screenshots with related IPs will get displayed (there might be some delay depending on the size and speed of the network).