Compile-minifier is a tool to minify and compile a structure code python.
Python 3.5+
You can install using:
pip install compile-minifier
Or you can install directly from sources :
pip install git+
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
The package is used exclusively on the command line:
compile-minify run
This command minify the code with python-minifier and compile all .py in .pyc recursively.
By default, no python file modifications are executed in the root folder.
The deployment on pypi is automated by circle when a tag is pushed on master.
For manual deployment, you can run the following command :
VERSION=<VERSION_TAG> python sdist && twine upload dist/*
Command line interfaces are generated with Fire
For display help:
compile-minify --help