
🗂 BIMData.io documentation repository

Primary LanguageSCSS

Documentation BIMData

Welcome to the BIMData's documentation git repository.

After cloning this git repository, build your own local version:

~: cd doc_sphinx && sphinx-build -b html . ../html_doc


GitHub pull requests


We work with 2 main branches, currently named master and develop:

  • master: latest and stable version of the documentation
  • develop: base branch for branches with content under edition. This branch is hosting upcoming documentation.


Sphinx version: 3.0.3

We are using Sphinx to generate our documentation. The configuration file conf.py contains the settings for the build of our Sphinx edition.

Note: we are using Python3.

The requirements.txt file lists all the extensions used for this Sphinx documentation. To install all the dependencies, use:

~: pip install -r doc_sphinx/requirements.txt


The Sphinx theme is custom and based on the sphinx-rtd-theme.

API Documentation:

Our API Reference is served by Spectacle in the directory named api/.

The API Documentation build command is:

~: cd doc_sphinx && npm run build:apiref

Contribute to this project:

Create a branch based on develop and push it as a Pull Request in the repository.


Launch the test suite:

~: cd doc_sphinx && npm test


This documentation is under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)