
Record the literature I have read and my corresponding review.


Base Network

Datasets and Simulators

  • nuScenes : public large-scale dataset for autonomous driving [dataset]
  • A LiDAR Point Cloud Generator: from a Virtual World to Autonomous Driving [pdf]
  • Ford Campus Vision and Lidar Data Set [pdf, dataset]
  • Oxford RobotCar dataset dataset 1 Year, 1000km: The Oxford RobotCar Dataset pdf
  • Udacity based simulator [link, git]
  • Tutorial on Gazebo to simulate raycasting from Velodyne lidar [link]
  • Udacity Driving Dataset [link]
  • Virtual KITTI [link]
  • LiDAR-Video Driving Dataset: Learning Driving Policies Effectively [pdf]
  • KAIST Complex Urban Data Set Dataset [dataset]
  • Semantic KITTI [dataset]
  • A*3D: An Autonomous Driving Dataset in Challeging Environments [dataset], [video]

Interest Point

  • ICCV2019, UnsuperPoint: End-to-end Unsupervised Interest Point Detector and Descriptor paper review

Local Descriptor

  • DELIGHT: An efficient descriptor for global localisation using LiDAR intensities review

Pose Estimation


  • Joint Ego-motion Estimation Using a Laser Scanner and a Monocular Camera Through Relative Orientation Estimation and 1-DoF ICP paper review
  • Selective Sensor Fusion for Neural Visual-Inertial Odometry paper review
  • A General Optimization-based Framework for Global Pose Estimation with Multiple Sensors paper review code



Loop Detection

  • CVPR2017, BB+ICP: Efficient Global Point Cloud Alignment using Bayesian Nonparametric Mixtures paper code
  • SegMatch Segment based place recognition in 3D point clouds paper review code

Mapping System

  • Design, Calibration, and Evaluation of a Backpack Indoor Mobile Mapping System paper review

Semantic Mapping

  • Lidar Mapping Optimization Based on Lightweight Semantic Segmentation paper review

Scence Flow