
Primary LanguageRust

How to Use

Usage: rust_compiler_construction.exe [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

  [INPUT]  Specifies the path to an input .jj file. If None, it means stdin is used for input

  -o, --output <OUTPUT>  Specifies the path to an output file. If None, it uses the input filename. If that's also None, it defaults to "output"
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version


These examples demonstrate how to build and run the compiler using Cargo.

Run with input from stdin:

echo "fn main() { print(42); }" | cargo run && ./output

Run with specified input path, without specifying an output path:

cargo run -- example.jj && ./example

Run with specified input path and specified output path:

cargo run -- input.jj -o output && ./output

Language Features

  • Literals
  • Var
  • BinaryOp
  • UnaryOp
  • Let
  • If
  • Functions
    • Return
  • Loop
    • Break
    • Continue
  • While
  • Sequences
  • Structs

AoC Wishlist for Christmas

  • Fixing that not very nice bug.
  • Pass raw strings for testing (allows testing AoC problems).
  • Compile + run


  • Updated README, with 3 new colors!
  • Add documentation where necessary.
  • Improve error handling for parsing pass.
  • Improve error handling for type checking pass.
    • Make errors prettier.
  • Improve algorithm for colouring the interference graph.
  • Add read and write functionality to the bencher to update locally.
  • Lots, and lots, of refactoring!
  • Write test input in comments.

Upcoming Language Features

  • Type inference.
  • Implement comments in code.
  • Algebraic Data Types.
    • Structs.
    • Enums.
  • First-class functions.
  • Constants.

Upcoming Optimizations

  • Dead code.
  • Constant folding.
  • Improve prologue and epilogue.
  • Tail calls.
  • And probably more...

Lofty Goals

  • Make the compiler suggest hints.
  • Nested definitions.
  • Match statements.
  • LSP.