
Automatically generate App IDs for Deriv.app after feature branch has been deployed.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Repository Relocation Notice

This repository has been relocated to the deriv-com organization. Please access it at the following URL: deriv-app-id-action

Thank you!


Enabling this action on your repository will automatically generate Deriv.app production App IDs for any PRs opened to your target branch (specified in your workflow, see .github/workflows/example.yml).

Please ensure you're using a dedicated Deriv API token for this

How it works

The action retrieves all open PRs for the installed repository, it will then compare this list with the created apps on Deriv. If any of the apps has a github_url which no longer points to an open PR, it will be recycled.

  • You may find an example workflow in the .github/workflows folder.


  • DERIV_API_TOKEN: The Deriv token to be used to generate App IDs. Please use a dedicated token. See https://app.deriv.com/account/api-token (pass as GitHub secret!)
  • DERIV_APP_ID: The App ID to be used with Deriv API to identify the API connection to Deriv.
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: The GitHub token to be used with Octokit to identify the API connection to GitHub.
  • max_retries (optional): Amount of times to retry in case of error(s) (default: 5).
  • vercel_preview_url: The Vercel deployment URL to generate an App ID for.


  • pr_url: The URL of the GitHub pull request.
  • app_id: The newly created or updated Deriv App ID.
  • should_post_comment: Signals the next step whether to post a comment or not.


All of the logic is in a single file (index.js). After making changes to the file run npm run build to compile dist/index.js and all node_modules into a single JS file (it'll be placed in dist/index.js).