
parses nginx's cache folder and files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Version Minimum node version License: MIT

parses nginx's cache folder and files


This is a CLI client for quickly viewing nginx cache folder information. It can read keys from the cache folder and extract the contents of it.

This can also be used as a library. See API


  • node >=12.x.x
  • suggested that you enable strictatime for accurate atime. Read this askubuntu post for more info


npm install -g nginx-cache-reader


nginx-cache-reader --help
Usage: nginx-cache-reader [options] [command]

  -v, --version                                               output the version number
  -q, --suppress-errors                                       Invalid cache files are ignored
  -h, --help                                                  display help for command

  readfolder [options] <nginxcachefolder>                     Displays each cache file info
  readfile [options] <nginxcachefile>                         Displays cache file info
  extractfile [options] <nginxcachefile>                      Extracts body content of cache file
  extractfolder [options] <nginxcachefolder> <extractfolder>  Extracts body content of all cache files to a folder
  help [command]


const nginxCacheReader = require('nginx-cache-reader');

nginxCacheReader.parseFolder(nginxCacheFolder, throwError = false)

returns Promise<Array<nginxCacheReader.nginxCacheFile>>.

If one of the cache files is invalid, and throwError is false, the array element will hold {error: true, relativePath, absolutePath} instead.


returns Promise<nginxCacheReader.nginxCacheFile>

type nginxCacheReader.nginxCacheFile

    key, // nginx key
    statusCode, // http status code. example: 200
    headers,// http headers. example: {'content-type': 'text/html'}
    body, // stream body of cache file. example usage: body.pipe(destination)
    rawHTTPStatus, // raw http status. example: "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
    rawHeaders, // raw headers. example: "Content-type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 100"
    relativePath, // relative path of process.cwd(). example: path_to_cachefile
    absolutePath, // absolute path. example: /path/to/cachefile
    size, // size of cache file
    birthtime, // time of birth. taken directly from fs.statSync(cacheFile)
    mtime, // last modified time. same as above
    atime // same as above

API examples

Extracting body of cache file

let cacheFile = await nginxCacheReader.parseFile('path_to_cache_file');

Reading a cache folder

let cacheFolder = await nginxCacheReader.parseFolder('path_to_cache_folder');
for (let eachFile of cacheFolder) {
    if (!eachFile.error) {
      console.log('Key: ' + eachFile.key);


npm test


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