

You need to have installed python 3.6+ and pipenv

Installing pipenv

You can install pipenv via pip or an OS package manager

Ubuntu: sudo apt install pipenv

MacOS: brew install pipenv

Python : pip install pipenv

Windows: try google ?

Setup environment and depedencies

Setting up a virtual environment and installing all code dependencies is easy open a terminal

cd Unavailability-in-Transmission-Grid

pipenv install

Running the scapper

Run with

pipenv run python main.py

Run with supevisor

Most of the times running main.py alone will end up in a crash, due to network connectivity, server closing the connection or even refusing to serve your requests. To avoid this run main.py inside supervisor.py which restarts the scrapper when it crashes until it completes it's tasks.

pipenv run python supervisor.py main.py -v

Verbose logging

Produce more detailed log messages -v flag. Every time the file main.py is executed, log file is overwritten if you have enabled the option to save logs to file, need to add this to config.json.

pipenv run python main.py -v

Config file

The script needs a config file formatted as JSON. A missing or corrupted config file will produce a runtime error. You only need to fill in "session" fields, you can leave empty or completely remove "advanced" fields.

A simple config.json

  "session": {
    "from_date": "14.01.2019",
    "to_date": "16.01.2019",
    "country": "FR",
    "asset_type": [
      "AC Link",
      "DC Link",
      "Not specified"
    "outage_status": [
    "outage_type": [
    "area_type": "BORDER_BZN"
  "advanced": {
    "log_file": "logs.log",
    "time_delay": 1,
    "data_dir": "data"