An application to simply life of a data scientist.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Education is one of the natural rights of each and every person on this earth, and its proven that good educational tools make a great difference in the mental orientation of an individual. Tools like Matlab, auto-cad have changed the way engineers look at data, So here we present our idea towards the same in the field of data science.

Every machine learning and data analysis aspirant/researcher faces the issue of not being able to visualize or comprehend the data. Finding what matters the most from this bottomless abyss, people get lost in the echoes of darkness and are not able to reach the solution they are looking for.

ML-GO helps to get up and running with data visualisation, model training and gives all tiers of people an idea of what models to proceed with and what the data feels like by allowing to tweak with various parameters and play with various data models and advanced visualisation tools. There are not many applications which provide these services. We on our hand provide one of the best visualizations of data and training results in this age of growing aspiration of data science on an ever-accessible platform of the Web.


Facets Facets Scatter Scatter Pairplot

Learning Models
