The projects in this repository demonstrate working with genomic data via Google BigQuery. All examples are built upon public datasets.
You can execute these examples by:
- Copying and pasting the queries into
- the BigQuery Browser Tool
- the bq Command-Line Tool
- one of the many third-party tools that have integrated BigQuery
- Running the chunks of R code within the RMarkdown files in R or RStudio
- Running the chunks of Python code within the iPython Notebooks in iPython
With minor modification, you can run the same analyses on your own genomic data within BigQuery.
- Set up a BigQuery project.
- Follow the BigQuery instructions on how to sign up for BigQuery and set up a new API project.
- You can use the Team tab to share a project with co-workers and colleagues.
- Run a query.
- go to the BigQuery Browser Tool
- click on the Compose query button
- paste the SQL query for 1,000 Genomes indel length counts into the query textbox
- click Run query to get your results
- Note: you do not need to enable billing to run the smaller queries.
- All of the queries for the small phenotypic dataset available in the data story "Exploring the phenotypic data" should be runnable in this free mode.
- If you see an
Exceeded quota
error, that means you will need to enable billing and you will be charged for that query. See BigQuery pricing for more detail. - For example, queries within the 1,000 Genomes dataset that examine sample genotype columns will process approximately 1TB of data per query. (1,000 GB * $0.005 per GB processed = $5.00)
- Add the public datasets to your project so that they show up in the left-hand naviation pane
- go to the BigQuery Browser Tool
- click on the drop down icon beside your project name in the left navigator
- pick ‘Switch to project’ in the menu, and ‘Display project...’ in the submenu
- enter in the ‘Add Project’ dialog
Sample analyses upon VCF data from the 1,000 Genomes Project
Project Name:
Sample analyses upon the Personal Genome Project
Project Name:
The Google Genomics API spec includes a not-yet-implemented import method that loads VCF files directly from Cloud Storage. Until an implementation of the method is available, you will need to transform your VCF data into JSON with a schema similar to what you see in these examples, and then load the JSON into BigQuery. See Preparing Data for BigQuery and also BigQuery in Practice : Loading Data Sets That are Terabytes and Beyond for more detail.
The Google Genomics Discuss mailing list is a good
way to sync up with other people who use googlegenomics including the core developers. You can subscribe
by sending an email to
or just post using
the web forum page.