
A REST api using Flask for managing/recording/polling i2c sensors and data on my Raspberry pi

Primary LanguagePython


A REST api using Flask for managing/recording/polling i2c sensors and data on my Raspberry pi


  1. Get a raspi
  2. Enable i2c
  3. Stick an i2c muxer on bus 1 (I used a TCA9548A)
  4. Stick a SHT20 and others on the muxer!

To run the server:

  1. Install your db of choice (postgres used here). Create a DATABASE
  2. vi ~/.bashrc (or .bash_profile)
  3. add envars:
export FLASK_ENV=development   
export JWT_SECRET_KEY=somesupersecretkeyshhhdontshare   
export PORT=8080   
  1. cd Garden
  2. python3 manage.py db init
  3. python3 manage.py db migrate
  4. python3 manage.py db upgrade
  5. python3 run.py

Ill document the API and i2c device interface later!

Janky API docs so far:

POST /garden/v1/users - create a user (auto assigned role = 1). api-token returned.
Expected Body:

    "name": "Some Name",
    "email": "email@google.com",
    "password": "pAs5woRd",

GET /garden/v1/users - gets all users (only if role = 0)
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

GET /garden/v1/users/{INT} - Get user by id. Only own user accessable if role != 0
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

PUT /garden/v1/users/{INT} - Update user by id. Only own user accessable if role != 0
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

Expected Body:

    "name": "Some Name",
    "email": "email@google.com",
    "password": "pAs5woRd",

DELETE /garden/v1/users/{INT} - Delete user by id. Only own user accessable if role != 0
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

GET /garden/v1/users/me - Get current user info.
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

POST /garden/v1/login - Login. api-token returned.
Expected Body:

    "email": "email@google.com",
    "password": "pAs5woRd",

POST /garden/v1/devices - Add i2c device
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

Expected Body:

	"name": "Air Sensor",
	"device_clazz": "SHT20",
	"address": 64,
	"bus": "1",
	"mux_address": 112,
	"mux_channel": 16

GET /garden/v1/devices/ - Get a list of all devices
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

GET /garden/v1/devices/{INT} - Get single device
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

PUT /garden/v1/devices/{INT} - Update device
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

Expected Body:

	"name": "Air Sensor",
	"device_clazz": "SHT20",
	"address": 64,
	"bus": "1",
	"mux_address": 112,
	"mux_channel": 16

DELETE /garden/v1/devices/{INT} - Delete device
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json

GET /garden/v1/devices/{INT}/poll - Poll device
Expected Headers:

api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json