
A simple discord bot that displays reddit content in discord.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple discord bot that displays reddit content in discord.

Features Outline

  • Grab hot posts from any subreddit
  • Get comments for the posts
  • Display those posts and comments in nicely formatted interactive discord embeds!
  • Smart resizing of comments to maximize amount of text to fit in the embds
  • Server, channel and user info
  • Configurable NSFW channel permissions

NOTE: Currently there are no permissions with this bot (like allowing/disallowing discord users to use certain functions).

Screenshot Example

Post + Comments

(post in screenshot)


Note: exact commands may differ between systems


  • Python >=3.6 (Note: Python 3.7 is currently not supported by discord.py)
  • Modules listed in requirements.txt (instructions below)
  • Reddit API access (instructions below)
  • Gfycat API access (instructions below)
  • Discord API access (instructions below)


Clone this Repository (or download release from the releases tab)

git clone https://github.com/colethedj/r-botreborn.git

Install Requirements

cd rbotreborn
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Open config.ini in your favorite text editor. I'm using gedit here.

gedit config.ini

Discord API

Follow these instructions to get a discord bot account and add it to your server.

Add the bot token in config.ini (TOKEN NOT ID)

# token for discord API
token = TOKEN_HERE

Reddit API

Go to https://reddit.com/prefs/apps/ and create a new app.

Give it a name. For the redirect uri you can make it go to this repository (or wherever)

Copy the id (below the 'personal use script' text) and the secret and paste it in the config.ini file

client_id =  CLIENT_ID_HERE
client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET_HERE

Gfycat API

This is used to convert videos etc into gifs so they are viewable in a discord embed (as videos and other formats are not supported by discord embeds)

Sign in with your gfycat account here (create an account if you don't have one already)

Fill in the key request form (again app URL can just go to this respository)

Paste the API credientials you recieved in your email in the config.ini file

client_id = CLIENT_ID_HERE
client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET_HERE

Edit any other values in the config.ini file to suit you.


# make sure you are in the bots directory 
python3 rbotreborn.py
type <chosen prefix>help in the chat to display available commands

Note: You may have to add a role to the bot in your server to give enough permissions (read, send, delete messages and reactions)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Current Issues

See the Issues tab for latest known issues and fixes.

but basically some things I'm aware of:

  • No Permissions to control what functions users can use
  • Spamming the navigation reactions on comments may 'crash' the embed (display comments not received error)

Other info and Q&A

Q: Why is it "reborn"

A: I had another earlier "test" bot for this idea named "R-BOT" (reddit-bot) and I just wanted to rewrite it so named it R-BotReborn

Note: This was my first python (and github) project I've worked on. I've used this as a way to learn the python programming langauge. So excuse any 'bad code' (feel free to make improvements).