
A simple reddit bot in python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Useful bot


A reddit bot in python, using praw.

To use:

The only requirement that you should have to download is praw pip3 install praw All the other modules should already be installed but if they are not use pip3 install sqlite3 logging make sure you have your own api credentials. If you do not head here and click create application -> script. Once you have those credentials add them to botinfo.example.py and rename the file to botinfo.py. To run: python3 main.py

  • Replies to posts
  • Replies to comments

  • No issues currently known. If you find one please submit it in the issues tab

Possible Future Features:
  • Reply to messages
  • Be able to blacklist subreddits if contacted
  • Respond to username mentions