
Unused code in instance#method_missing?

leonelgalan opened this issue · 0 comments

# Called for dynamically-defined keys, and also the first key deferenced at the top-level, if load! is not used.

  # Called for dynamically-defined keys, and also the first key deferenced at the top-level, if load! is not used.
  # Otherwise, create_accessors! (called by new) will have created actual methods for each key.
  def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
    key = name.to_s
    return missing_key("Missing setting '#{key}' in #{@section}") unless has_key? key
    value = fetch(key)
    value.is_a?(Hash) ?, "'#{key}' section in #{@section}") : value

I notice the code after the return is not covered in tests and I wasn't able to hit it on my own. Anyway I tried, private method instance is called in the Settingslogic class, which creates accessors for fields that do exist, for keys that don't exist the method returns.