A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern.
- 2
Alias parsing was not enabled in ruby3.2
#87 opened by minorun99 - 0
- 2
- 0
License in the release
#82 opened by mensfeld - 2
Nested attributes can't be changed dynamically
#57 opened by joegatt - 36
Abandoned project? Any active development?
#71 opened by theopolis - 2
- 2
Add default config options
#3 opened by skateinmars - 0
application.yml getting locked by rails process
#77 opened by Frexuz - 12
Nested settings overwrite defaults
#21 opened by zetlan - 1
- 0
%Z - Time zone abbreviation name
#70 opened by LukasBeaton - 3
- 0
Problems updating values in 2.0.9
#65 opened by TildeWill - 2
Uninitialized constant error
#48 opened by dlangerenken - 5
Comaptibility with ruby 1.8.7
#28 opened by dush - 0
- 1
Circular dependency and weird behaviour
#64 opened by nicohvi - 1
- 0
Unused code in instance#method_missing?
#62 opened by leonelgalan - 1
- 1
Ability to override settings with ENV variables
#34 opened by woahdae - 1
- 0
Save optional / dynamic settings
#53 opened by ingithub - 1
Partial setting override
#46 opened by sweatpantsninja - 2
Suggestion: combining configs
#8 opened by aaronchi - 2
Eval (string)?
#39 opened by rutgerg - 4
Implement "symbolize_keys" method
#33 opened by vovayartsev - 1
source does not accept multiple filenames
#35 opened by bodaro - 2
reload settings without server restart
#5 opened by godwinko - 1
array in yml is read as string on Heroku
#24 opened by nextofsearch - 0
- 4
Name method conflicts with ZenTest
#11 opened by jbhannah - 5
sourcing additional files
#17 opened by brewster1134 - 1
Cannot use this with ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) on Rails 2.3.8
#18 opened by phuong-nguyen - 2
#15 opened by rklubenspies - 0
variables within YML
#13 opened by brewster1134 - 0
- 1
suggestion: I18n awareness
#6 opened by grimen - 0
overriding not working when nesting?
#10 opened by marceloverdijk - 1
Doesn't work with nesting
#4 opened - 4
- 1
Merging bug
#1 opened by dsmalko