======== REDBEARD ======== Current version 0.8 12/12/2010 Created by Brack3t Authors: Kenneth Love (kenneth@brack3t.com) and Chris Jones (chris@brack3t.com). INSTALLATION ============ Clone the repository. Create a virtual environment and do: `pip install -r requirements.txt`. Then launch Redbeard with: `python redbeard.py` and load "" in your browser of choice. USAGE ===== Redbeard allows you to view and edit (some) redis keys. Select the database from the dropdown, click on the key in the list on the left side and edit the values on the right. Currently only *hashes* and *strings* can be edited but the other datatypes will follow soon. Click the save icon to save the key or the refresh button to load the new value if it may have changed elsewhere.