Wabisabi is a REST ElasticSearch client. It is extremely minimal, eschewing any sort of parsing, formatting or other such complication.
Wabisabi is based on the dispatch
asynchronous HTTP library. It is, therefore, somewhat different to use as all
of the returned values are Future[Either[Throwable,String]]
This library is dreadfully incomplete. It's also possibly wrong, as maybe I'll
change my mind. But it is spiritually about right, imposing almost no choices
– save Future
and Either
– on the user.
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import wabisabi._
val client = new Client("http://localhost:9200")
// Create the index
Await.result(client.createIndex(name = "foo"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to create index: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Verify the index exists
Await.result(client.verifyIndex("foo"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to verify index: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => {
// Nothing to do, as it just returns 2XX on success
// Add a document to the index.
index = "foo", `type` = "foo", id = Some("foo"),
data = "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", refresh = true
), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to index: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Fetch that document by it's id.
Await.result(client.get("foo", "foo", "foo"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to index: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Search for all documents.
Await.result(client.search("foo", "{\"query\": { \"match_all\": {} }"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to search: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Validate a query.
Await.result(client.validate(index = "foo", query = "{\"query\": { \"match_all\": {} }"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to validate query: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Explain a query.
Await.result(client.explain(index = "foo", `type` = "foo", id = "foo2", query = "{\"query\": { \"term\": { \"foo\":\"bar\"} } }"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to explain query: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Delete the document.
Await.result(client.delete("foo", "foo", "foo"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to index: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Delete by query, if you prefer
Await.result(client.deleteByQuery(Seq("foo"), Seq.empty[String], "{ \"match_all\": {} }"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to delete by query: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Count the matches to a query
Await.result(client.count(Seq("foo"), Seq("foo"), "{\"query\": { \"match_all\": {} }"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => println("Failed to search: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)
// Delete the index
Await.result(client.deleteIndex("foo"), Duration(1, "second")) match {
case Left(x) => failure("Failed to delete index: " + x.getMessage)
case Right(body) => println("Worked: " + body)