
This is an automatic various multitrack audio player ( with live fft of each track under firefox)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

how to use

download the source code HERE

in the index.html, replace all the blocs by the ones you want

<div class='audio-container'  name='Example with existing sources'>
  <audio name="fisrt source" url="./data/sample.ogg"></audio>
  <audio name="second source" url="./data/sample.ogg"></audio>
  <audio name="third source" url="./data/sample.ogg"></audio>
  • each bloc must have the class audio-container and a name attribute like shown above.
  • audio track must have a name attribute and an url attribute (not src !)
  • all the audio tracks must be in the same domain than your webpage.
  • If you want not to preload audio files, add the preload="none" to you audio-container div, exemple :
<div class='audio-container'  name='Example with existing sources' preload="none">
  <audio name="fisrt source" url="./data/sample.ogg"></audio>
  <audio name="second source" url="./data/sample.ogg"></audio>
  <audio name="third source" url="./data/sample.ogg"></audio>

And that's all.. This seems more stable Under Firefox. Moreover if you open the page with a modern firefox you will have displayed the FFT of all the tracks beeing played.

Display the FFT in firefox on local files (not website)

  • in firefox go to the url about:config
  • search for the value : security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy
  • set it to false and reboot firefox


this player has been designed by Bastien Liutkus www.binarymind.org and released under the terms of the BSD license. don't hesitate to contact if you find any issue.

please acknowledge when using it.