
implementation of fisheye in webgl

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WEBGL/CANVAS fisheye preview here

If you just want to launch the fisheye

clone the repo and copy paste the dist folder wherever you want. If you want to change the files of the texture it has to be in a wamp/Lamp server (local or not)

Installation of the dev environment

needed: Git, Ruby, Mongodb & Compass

Install mongodb


Install node.js & NPM

the website of node.js propose the last stable version of node in various installers (windows, mac etc) with NPM included nodejs.org

Install the Yeoman stack

Yeoman includes Yo, Grunt & Bower

npm install -g yo

-g signify that the node-module is installed globally

Install the generator (facultative)

usefull only if you plan to code new modules. github.com/mrichard/generator-marionette

npm install -g generator-marionette

Clone the repo git & install the dependances

Install the NPM dépendances (back end)

npm install

Install the Bower dependances (front end)

bower install

Dev Workflow

launch mongodb


on other terminal tab, launch the node preview server


to build the application

grunt build

Important Notes

  • The fisheye manipulations are done in the file /app/scripts/views/canvas-view.js, there is mainly the "globals" hash to modify.
  • To load on the fly texture images the file mirror.php must be in the same folder & server as the index.html.