
Use the context menu or the button in the navigation bar to open a video in mpv.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

open in mpv

A minimalist extension to open the current website or a link in mpv. You only need to put a .desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications/mpv-scheme-handler.desktop.

And if you don't have that file installed, you get a shell-script to put it into place. No more "nothing happens" and no-one knows why! You still need to have mpv installed though.


Currently supported platforms: Linux only
Windows support is planned: #11

Inspired by Open In mpv by Leonardo and ff2mpv by yossarian, which require additional binaries installed but don't tell you when they are missing.




Go to the add-on store and install the extension "minimalist open in mpv"


Go to the BetterDiscord plugin repository and download the extension "open in mpv" and put it into your plugins folder.

Local (development) installation


  1. go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  2. click "load temporary add-on"
  3. select the manifest.json.


  1. replace manifest.json with manifest-chrome.json
  2. go to chrome://extensions/
  3. enable developer mode
  4. click "load unpacked"
  5. select the folder containing this extension.


  1. have BetterDiscord installed
  2. copy/link open-in-mpv.plugin.js into your plugins folder

Support and Contributing

Got an idea? Having a bug? Want to help? Open an issue!

Know how to code and are ready to contribute? Fork the repo and create a pull request!


Licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later