
Synchronize a Gitlab.com repo and LAMP website

Primary LanguagePHP

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Sync Gitlab with your LAMP website

A webhook is a facility that allows a URL to be triggered for specific Gitlab actions. For instance, code can be deployed to a production server whenever pushing code or tagging a branch is done.

For accuracy's sake, this guide was prepared for a new installation of Ubuntu 14.04 on Digital Ocean. A Gitlab.com project was used. It may not work on Gitlab Community and Enterprise editions.

Cron will be used to avoid PHP timeout issues when fetching large projects.


  • An existing Gitlab.com project
  • A LAMP setup on Digital Ocean Ubuntu 14.04

Set up the repository

  1. SSH to the server as root. If you log in as another user, you will get permission errors.
  • If you're using Linux: type ssh <ip_address_of_your_server>
  • If you're using Windows: use Putty
  1. Find or generate your server's SSH key. This will be used to provide your server read-only access to the repository.

  2. On the sidebar of your Gitlab.com project, go to Settings->Deploy Keys. Add the SSH key from step 2.

Add hook to your project

  1. Copy and paste the gitlab-hook folder to your project. It must be in the same folder with .git, otherwise the script would fail.

  2. Commit the changes.

git add .
git commit -m 'Added hook script'
  1. Push it to Gitlab. Replace <origin> with the remote repo name and <branch> with the branch you must push it to (i.e. master).
git push <origin> <branch>

Set up production server

  1. SSH to the server as root.

  2. Install Git and PHP if they are not yet installed.

apt-get install git php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt
  1. Go to your webroot. Make sure that this directory is empty, otherwise, Git will fail.
cd /var/www/html
  1. Clone your gitlab.com project to the server.
git clone git@gitlab.com:<project_group>/<project_name> /var/www/html/
  1. Make gitlab-hook/json writable by www-data.
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/gitlab-hook/json

Set up webhook

  1. On your project's sidebar on Gitlab.com, go to Settings->Webhooks.

  2. Input the URL. If your site is http://www.mywebsite.com, then the URL should be:

  1. If the sync must only happen when a tag is created, uncheck all triggers and check Tag push events.

  2. Uncheck Enable SSL verification if you don't know what it is for.

Set up cron

  1. SSH to the server as root.

  2. Type crontab -e

  3. Add the following to sync your repo every minute.

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/gitlab-hook/trigger.php pull
  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Every time you push a tag, your repo and production server should sync.