
Install Artifactory

$ sudo -i
# wget -O bintray-jfrog-artifactory-rpms.repo
# mv bintray-jfrog-artifactory-rpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
# yum install -y jfrog-artifactory-oss
# service artifactory start

Check the Artifactory UI on the browser at http://IP-ADDRESS:8081, and skip out of the modal and click Login on the navbar. Login as admin with password password.

Setup a repository

Navigate Admin (left nav bar, lowest link/icon) -> Repositories -> Local.

Click on New (top-right). Pick Generic for Select Package Type.

Enter bootcamp as Repository Key. Click Save & Finish to create the new repository.

Upload/Download files

On the main menu on the left pane (below Home), click on Artifacts.

Click Deploy on the top-right.

  • From the pop-up dialog for uploading select a file from your laptop.
  • Select Target Repository as bootcamp.
  • Enter a relative path to the repo in Target Path. Multi-level directories are supported, for example try first/second/YOUR-FILENAME.
  • Click Deploy. This uploads the local file to the specified target path in the repo bootcamp.

Following the last steps upload another file with Target Path set to first.

Following Artifacts -> Tree -> bootcamp, browse the files uploaded in the last steps in remote folders.

Highlight on one of files on the left pane, on the right pane Info -> Name click on the file icon to copy the URL of that file. Sample path could like

Using such URL the file could be downloaded from a script using curl or url:

$ wget
$ curl -o IMG_7600.jpg

A file could be uploaded also using the REST API support provided by Artifactory:

$ curl -vi -u admin:password -X PUT -T ~/Downloads/2018-02-10.csv

Other important topics

Type of repositories and local caching.

Artifacts replication between Artifactory instances.

Artifactory maintenance.