
Primary LanguageJava

#Run the app

 ./gradlew clean build

DroneServiceTest > forwardMoveTest() STANDARD_OUT
    09:10:20.673 [Test worker] INFO com.drone.drone.service.MotionService - Drone in Forward Direction

DroneServiceTest > landTest() STANDARD_OUT
    09:10:20.683 [Test worker] INFO com.drone.drone.service.MotionService - Drone are in down direction

DroneServiceTest > rightTest() STANDARD_OUT
    09:10:20.690 [Test worker] INFO com.drone.drone.service.MotionService - Drone in Right Direction

DroneServiceTest > stabilizeTest() STANDARD_OUT
    09:10:20.693 [Test worker] INFO com.drone.drone.service.MotionService - Drone are in up direction
    09:10:20.694 [Test worker] INFO com.drone.drone.service.MotionService - Drone in hover mode.

DroneServiceTest > takeOffTest() STANDARD_OUT
    09:10:20.701 [Test worker] INFO com.drone.drone.service.MotionService - Drone are in up direction

Roll axis

###Back to Front #####rotation about this axis -> Roll #Pitch axis ###Left to right

rotation about this axis -> Pitch

#Yaw axis

Top to Bottom (counter/anti clockwise)

rotation about this axis - yaw

#Thrust Formula

F = m * v          F = ma
     = (m/t) * v       = m * (dv/dt) : dv rate of change of velocity
   where m is mass, v is velocity


  1. Thrust = weight -> hover condition
  2. Thrust > weight -> upward condition
  3. Thrust < weight -> downward condition

#Direction of Thrust

  1. move drone to forward direction
    • Increase the power of rare motor
    • Reduce the power of front motor
  2. move drone to Backward motion
    • Reduce the power of rare motor
    • Increase the power of front motor
  3. move drone left
    • Increase the power of right motor
    • reduce the power of left motor
  4. move drone to right
    • Reduce the power of right motor
    • increase the power of left motor


  1. take_off()

    • given weight
    • calculate thrust(given velocity)
  2. Thrust(Velocity vel)

    • f = weight * vel
    • compare thrust vs weight
    • if thrust > weight
    • then take of
    • if(thrust < weight){
    • then take down
    • if(thrust == weight){
    • then hover
  3. interface drone

    • void takeOff(Drone drone);
    • void stabilize(Drone drone);
    • void land(Drone drone);
    • Drone status(Drone drone);
    • void move(Drone drone);
  4. interface motion

    • void forward(Drone drone);
    • void back(Drone drone);
    • void left(Drone drone);
    • void right(Drone drone);
    • void up(Drone drone);
    • void down(Drone drone);
  5. void forward(List engines);

    • rare engine with power 10
    • front engine with power 1
  6. void back(List engine);

    • rare engine with power 1
    • front engine with power 10
  7. void left(List engine);

    • right engine with power 10
    • left engine with power 1
  8. void right(List engine);

    • right engine with power 1
    • left engine with power 10
  9. void down(Gyroscope gyroscope);

    • call thrust function with gyroscope velocity (z= -10)
  10. void up(Gyroscope gyroscope);

    • call thrust function with gyroscope velocity (z= 10)
  11. stabilize()

    • call take_off()
    • call status() : will provide the pitch and roll
    • call thrust function : thrust == weight
  12. land()

    • call take_off()
    • call status() -call thrust function : thrust < weight
  13. status(Grade grade)

    • return pitch and roll (OrientationSensor);