
This project targets written assessments or exams taken for screening process in any organization/institution.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This project targets written assessments or exams taken for screening process in any organization/institution.

Preliminary CRUDS (Admin Part) and Question Bank (Admin Part) (Group 1)

  1. Question Category and subcategories
  2. Complexity and Marks
  3. Office Departments
  4. Interviwee Designation and levels (e.g. Designation: SQL Developer, Levels: Junior, Mid, Senior)
  5. Question CRUD
    1. Subjective (Text Area)
    2. Objective (Single Text Area for questions and answers)
  6. Question Bank Dashboard

Question Paper (Admin Part) and Answer Sheet (Examinee Part) (Group 2)

  1. Paper CRUD
    1. Set Exam Time, question categories-subcategories and designation with job levels
    2. Question Select/Deselect UI
  2. Fetch question paper on an answersheet UI without actual answers on DOM and render all on a single page.
    1. Objective: Answer options must be radios or checkboxes
    2. Subjective: Textarea for an answer

NOTE: I will be looking into authentication, authorization and examinee registration part.