
A tooltip view written in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version License Platform


EasyTipView is a custom tooltip view written in Swift that can be used as a call to action or informative tip. It can be presented for any UIBarButtonItem or UIView subclass. In addition it handles automatically orientation changes and will always point to the correct view or item.




CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

CocoaPods 0.36 adds supports for Swift and embedded frameworks. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate EasyTipView into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'EasyTipView', '~> 0.1.3'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

In case Xcode complains ("Cannot load underlying module for EasyTipView") go to Product and choose Clean (or simply press K).

Supported OS & SDK Versions

  • Supported build target - iOS 8.0 (Xcode 6.x)


  1. First you should customize the preferences:
  var preferences = EasyTipView.Preferences()
  preferences.drawing.font = UIFont(name: "Futura-Medium", size: 13)!
  preferences.drawing.foregroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
  preferences.drawing.backgroundColor = UIColor(hue:0.46, saturation:0.99, brightness:0.6, alpha:1)
  preferences.drawing.arrowPosition = EasyTipView.ArrowPosition.Top

   * Optionally you can make these preferences global for all EasyTipViews
  EasyTipView.globalPreferences = preferences
  1. Secondly call the show(animated : forView: withinSuperview : text : preferences: delegate:) method:
  EasyTipView.show(forView: self.buttonB,
  withinSuperview: self.navigationController?.view,
  text: "Tip view inside the navigation controller's view. Tap to dismiss!",
  preferences: preferences,
  delegate: self)

Note that if you set the EasyTipView.globalPreferences, you can ommit the preferences parameter.

Alternatively, if you want to dismiss the EasyTipView programmatically later on, you can use one of the instance methods:

 let tipView = EasyTipView(text: "Some text", preferences: preferences)
 tipView.show(forView: someView, withinSuperview: someSuperview)
 // later on you can dismiss it

Custom types

public protocol EasyTipViewDelegate : class {
    func easyTipViewDidDismiss(tipView : EasyTipView)

Custom protocol which defines one method to be called on the delegate after the EasyTipView has been dismissed.

public struct Preferences {

      public struct Drawing {
          public var cornerRadius        = CGFloat(5)
          public var arrowHeight         = CGFloat(5)
          public var arrowWidth          = CGFloat(10)
          public var foregroundColor     = UIColor.whiteColor()
          public var backgroundColor     = UIColor.redColor()
          public var arrowPosition       = ArrowPosition.Bottom
          public var textAlignment       = NSTextAlignment.Center
          public var borderWidth         = CGFloat(0)
          public var borderColor         = UIColor.clearColor()
          public var font                = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15)

      public struct Positioning {
          public var bubbleHInset         = CGFloat(10)
          public var bubbleVInset         = CGFloat(1)
          public var textHInset           = CGFloat(10)
          public var textVInset           = CGFloat(10)
          public var maxWidth             = CGFloat(200)

      public var drawing      = Drawing()
      public var positioning  = Positioning()

Custom structure which encapsulates all the customizable properties of the EasyTipView. These preferences have been split into two structures:

  • Drawing - encapsulates customizable properties specifying how EastTipView will be drawn on screen.
  • Positioning - encapsulates customizable properties specifying where EasyTipView will be drawn within its own bounds.
enum ArrowPosition {
  case Top
  case Bottom

Custom enumeration which defines the supported arrow positions.


// MARK:- Class methods -

    Presents an EasyTipView pointing to a particular UIBarButtonItem instance within the specified superview

    - parameter animated:    Pass true to animate the presentation.
    - parameter item:        The UIBarButtonItem instance which the EasyTipView will be pointing to.
    - parameter superview:   A view which is part of the UIBarButtonItem instances superview hierarchy. Ignore this parameter in order to display the EasyTipView within the main window.
    - parameter text:        The text to be displayed.
    - parameter preferences: The preferences which will configure the EasyTipView.
    - parameter delegate:    The delegate.
    public class func show(animated animated : Bool = true, forItem item : UIBarButtonItem, withinSuperview superview : UIView? = nil, text : String, preferences: Preferences = EasyTipView.globalPreferences, delegate : EasyTipViewDelegate? = nil)

     Presents an EasyTipView pointing to a particular UIView instance within the specified superview

     - parameter animated:    Pass true to animate the presentation.
     - parameter view:        The UIView instance which the EasyTipView will be pointing to.
     - parameter superview:   A view which is part of the UIView instances superview hierarchy. Ignore this parameter in order to display the EasyTipView within the main window.
     - parameter text:        The text to be displayed.
     - parameter preferences: The preferences which will configure the EasyTipView.
     - parameter delegate:    The delegate.
    public class func show(animated animated : Bool = true, forView view : UIView, withinSuperview superview : UIView? = nil, text :  String, preferences: Preferences = EasyTipView.globalPreferences, delegate : EasyTipViewDelegate? = nil)

// MARK:- Instance methods -

    Presents an EasyTipView pointing to a particular UIBarButtonItem instance within the specified superview

    - parameter animated:  Pass true to animate the presentation.
    - parameter item:      The UIBarButtonItem instance which the EasyTipView will be pointing to.
    - parameter superview: A view which is part of the UIBarButtonItem instances superview hierarchy. Ignore this parameter in order to display the EasyTipView within the main window.
    public func show(animated animated : Bool = true, forItem item : UIBarButtonItem, withinSuperView superview : UIView? = nil)

     Presents an EasyTipView pointing to a particular UIView instance within the specified superview

     - parameter animated:  Pass true to animate the presentation.
     - parameter view:      The UIView instance which the EasyTipView will be pointing to.
     - parameter superview: A view which is part of the UIView instances superview hierarchy. Ignore this parameter in order to display the EasyTipView within the main window.
    public func show(animated animated : Bool = true, forView view : UIView, withinSuperview superview : UIView? = nil)

     Dismisses the EasyTipView

     - parameter completion: Completion block to be executed after the EasyTipView is dismissed.
    public func dismiss(withCompletion completion : (() -> ())? = nil)


EasyTipView is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


You can follow or drop me a line on my Twitter account. If you find any issues on the project, you can open a ticket. Pull requests are also welcome.