
Load nyc-taxi data into Elasticsearch

Primary LanguageShell


NYC Taxi demo with Elasticsearch and Machine Learning

Download Taxi data

Go to http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/html/about/trip_record_data.shtml and download the CSV file for Oct-Dec 2016 (Yellow cabs).

To make it easier, use the script download_raw_data.sh to download those months (relies on you having raw_data_urls.txt local as well)

Once the download completed, you should find the csv files under the 'data' folder.

Use Logstash to import into Elasticsearch

Run the following command to get Logstash and it's runtime enviroment.

./ls.sh deploy

Change username and password in taxi.conf file in output section, then run the following command to load the data to targeting Elasticsearch.

./ls.sh import

Finally, go to Kibana, under Management create an index pattern called 'nyc-taxi-*'

Import Kibana visualizations

In Kibana, Managmenet, Saved Objects, Import taxi.json file

Install Elastic Stack

Please go to https://github.com/bindiego/local_services/tree/develop/elastic for more information.

Or https://github.com/bindiego/docker_images/tree/master/elastic for runing in Docker, this is lot easier once you have Docker installed.


如果大家对Elastic Stack的部署还有任何问题,可以参考 https://github.com/bindiego/local_services/tree/develop/elastic 这里就不做介绍了。

或者 https://github.com/bindiego/docker_images/tree/master/elastic 使用Docker来跑你的Elastic Stack,如果已经有Docker的话推荐使用这个方案。


数据下载的位置定义在 raw_data_urls.txt 这个文件内,默认的是2016年10到12月的数据,这些数据比较有代表性,适合我们demo中要演示的一些内容。当然你也可以任意修改,去探索其他数据里的奥秘。只要简单运行 download_raw_data.sh 这个脚本就可以自动把这些数据文件下载到本地 data 的本地文件夹里了。



./ls.sh deploy

现在你本地的Logstash和运行环境就都应该准备就绪了,现在需要修改 taxi.conf 这个文件底部输出到Elasticsearch的参数,主机地址、用户名和密码。然后运行如下命令来加载数据。

./ls.sh import

等待程序运行完毕,回到Kibana里建立一个index pattern名叫 'nyc-taxi-*' 就可以开始玩耍了 :-)