Using Azure Graph DB for Movie recommendation

Purpose of this Node JS code is to bulk create large volume of Vertex and edges in Azure Cosmos Graph DB. This program utilizes publicly available movie rating dataset from [].We are utilizing subset of data from " MovieLense 1M dataset".You don't need to download the movie data once again as it is already downloaded and available as part of this repo.

Using this NodeJS program, you will be able to upload about 3900 movie details and about 340,000 movie ratings made by 2000 users.

Up on successfully running this program, you will be able to generate graph structure as shown below Graph Structure

Input Files

Rating File

All ratings are contained in the file "ratingssubset.dat" and are in the following format:


User File

User information is in the file "userssubset.dat" and is in the following format:


Occupation File

  • User information is in the file "occupation.dat". For clarity purpose, When uploading the occupation to Graph DB, Occupation ID is prefixed with 'o'.

Movie File

Movie information is in the file "movies.dat" and is in the following format:


  • Genres are pipe-separated

Steps to run the programm to create Graph Vertex and Edges in Azure Graph DB

As this program will be uploading large volume of dataset to Graph DB, it is best to run one command at a time to avoid any throttling in the server side

  1. Update the Azure cosmos Graph DB connection details in "config.js"
	config.endpoint = "<<Database account>>";
	config.primaryKey ="<<>>";
	config.database ="<<database ID>>";
  1. Go to the code directory and run "npm install" to install all the node packages required

  2. In Node.JS command prompt run for the following commands One-By-One

     node app.js --mode=movieset1
     node app.js --mode=movieset2
     node app.js --mode=movieset3
     node app.js --mode=movieset4
     node app.js --mode=occupation
     node --max-old-space-size=8192 app.js --mode=users
     node --max-old-space-size=8192 app.js --mode=rating1
     node --max-old-space-size=8192 app.js --mode=rating2
     node --max-old-space-size=8192 app.js --mode=rating3
     node --max-old-space-size=8192 app.js --mode=rating4

##Sample Gremlin queries

You can use the sample queries given below to perform analysis with the data you just uploaded to Azure Cosmos Graph DB. You fire these queries from Gremlin Console installed in your machine.

Purpose Query
Connect to Azure Graph DB :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote-secure.yaml
Get total count of Vertex in DB :> g.V().count()
Find total number of ‘movie’ vertex :> g.V().has('label','movie').count()
Find total number of ‘user’ vertex :> g.V().has('label','user').count()
Find total number of users who are age >40 :> g.V().hasLabel('user').has('age', gt(40)).count()
Find total number of users with occupation as artist (id ‘o2’) :> g.V().hasLabel('user').outE('hasOccupation').inV().has('id','o2').count()
How many ratings movie “Toy Story” got totally? :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').count()
How many users rated movie “Toy Story”? :> g.V().hasLabel('user').outE('rated').inV().has('id','1').count()
Get all the ratings given for movie “Toy Story”? g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').properties('stars').value()
What is the average rating movie “Toy Story” received? :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').properties('stars').value().mean()
List the users who are more than 40 years old and rated movie “Toy Story”? :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').outV().has('age',gt(40))
Which user gave “Toy Story “ more than 3 stars :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').has('stars',gt(3)).outV())
Which user gave “Toy Story” more than 4 starts and what other movies did they give more than 4 stars to? :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').has('stars',gt(3)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gt(3)).inV().properties('title').value()
The above query might return many duplicate values, this is due to the fact that user who liked “Toy Story “ also liked many other movies, the dedup() step in this query filters out the duplicates.Given that there are 17933 highly rated paths from Toy Story to other movies and only 1961 of those movies are unique, it is possible to use these duplicates as a ranking mechanism–ultimately, a recommendation :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).inV().properties('title').value().dedup()
Which movies are most highly co-rated with Toy Story? :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).inV().groupCount().by('title')
Which movies are most highly co-rated with Toy Story? :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').inE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).inV().groupCount().by('title')
Movies that are genre “Comedy” and highly co-rated with “Toy Story”? :> g.V().hasLabel('movie').has('title','Toy Story ').as('x').inE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).outV().outE('rated').has('stars',gt(4)).inV().dedup().as('y').outE('hasGenere').inV().has('id','Comedy').select('y').by('title')

Concept for this program is inspired by this blog post -