
Toy rules based classifier in code

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rules Based Classifier

So you want to use the new rules based node classifier, but need your classification to be version controlled? Don't want to abandon your existing roles and profiles organization? Then this is the solution for you.

There are two options for defining your rules.

Defining rules directly in code:

Drop rules like the following in your default node:

node default {
  classification::rule { 'OSX laptops':
    role  => 'workstation',
    match => 'all',
    rules => [ 
                { fact => $osfamily, operator => 'is', value => 'Darwin'   },
                { fact => $virtual,  operator => 'is', value => 'physical' },
  classification::rule { 'webserver':
    role  => 'webserver',
    match => 'all',
    rules => [ 
                { fact => $osfamily,       operator => 'is',           value => 'RedHat' },
                { fact => $processorcount, operator => 'greater than', value => 2        },

Defining rules in Hiera

Simply include the class in your default node

node default {
  include classification

Then you'll need to define rules in a Hiera datasource. That might look something like

  OSX laptops:
    role: workstation
    match: all
      - { fact => %osfamily, operator => 'is', value => 'Darwin'   }
      - { fact => %virtual,  operator => 'is', value => 'physical' }
    role: webserver
    match: all
      - { fact => %osfamily,        operator => 'is',           value => 'RedHat' }
      - { fact => %processorcount,  operator => 'greater than', value => 2        }


This is a toy project and was written in about 1.5 hours. You get what you pay for.

