
Microtasks for GSOC Idea: Build CHAOSS Risk and Growth Maturity and Decline Metrics in Augur.

Here is my proposal.

Microtask 0

  • Task: Familiar with augur and read blog posts.
  • Explanation can be found here

Microtask 1

  • Task: Using the Augur reference database included in the setup, configure a new metric from those available an not implemented in the "Metrics Status" page.

Microtask 2

  • Take a look at VUE cards, and try new visualizations for some of the already existing metrics.
    • Implement Stacked Area Chart
    • Implement Heat Map
    • Explanation can be found here

MIcrotask 3

  • Task: Make a pull request to update the newcomer documentation or, if you have questions about getting started in the steps above, open an issue in the Augur repository.


  • PR #260: Fix typo in dev-guide
  • PR #261: Implemented metrics 'Pull Request Closed' and 'Pull Request Comment Duration' in Ghtorrent
  • PR #264: fix Issue 'Missing dates on time-axis #259'