Harpy is a feature rich twitter experience built in Flutter.
Currently still in development. See the project for more information about the progress.
Login | Setup |
login_screen.dart |
setup_screen.dart |
Harpy is expected to be released in the PlayStore for Android, therefore only Android devices are used for testing the builds.
Get your Twitter API key here.
- Create a yaml file
with the key and secret.twitter: consumerKey: "your key" consumerSecret: "your secret"
The Sentry error tracking service is used to report errors in release mode.
- The DSN provided by Sentry can be entered in the
.sentry: dsn: "your dsn"
When omitted or left empty, errors are not sent to an error tracking service in release mode.
To generate json_serializable models:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Building an appbundle for release:
flutter build appbundle --flavor free --target lib/main_free.dart
flutter build appbundle --flavor pro --target lib/main_pro.dart