
Imagine you're a solitary undergraduate engineering student facing five upcoming exams within a month. Your professors intentionally concealing past exam papers, possibly to recycle questions rather than crafting new ones. Well... this did happened to me a lot, and here's what I did.

Primary LanguagePHP


The lastest version was developed and tested with PHP version 7.4 and above

Your PHP instance must also have the following extensions enabled:

  • MySQLi
  • Sessions
  • Mail


  • System - this class provides basic functions as a parent class, including database connection (based on MySQLi), system log, service availability checker.
  • ExamSearch - this class is a child class of System, providing basic functions for searching, retrieveing and download paper.
  • Maintenance - this class is a child class of System, providing basic functions for system maintenance information display.
  • Adminstration - this calss is a child class of System, providing administrtive functions including download statistics and time settings.
  • Submission - receive and sanitise user submissions. Currently under developement.


We use Sessions to hold user authentication information. Functions are currently under developement.

MySQL Database (v5.6+) Table Structure

ID Year Module Sub-Module Exam-Type Note
Primart int(5) UNSIGNED AI varchar(20) latin1_swedish_ci varchar(100) latin1_swedish_ci varchar(100) latin1_swedish_ci varchar(20) latin1_swedish_ci varchar(10) latin1_swedish_ci


Configurations have now all been migrated to config.php under the directory Classes.