
convert excel rows to javabeans and vice visa

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


convert excel rows to javabeans and vice versa.
Build Status Quality Gate Coverage Status Maven Central License

Convert Excel to Javabeans


// ... 
Workbook workbook = getClassPathWorkbook("member.xlsx");
ExcelToBeans excelToBeans = new ExcelToBeans(workbook);
List<BeanWithTitle> beans = excelToBeans.convert(BeanWithTitle.class);
// ...
public class BeanWithTitle extends ExcelRowRef implements ExcelRowIgnorable {
    @ExcelColTitle("会员姓名") String memberName;
    @ExcelColTitle("卡名称") String cardName;
    @ExcelColTitle("办卡价格") String cardPrice;
    @ExcelColTitle("性别") String sex;

    @Override public boolean ignoreRow() {
        return StringUtils.startsWith(memberName, "示例-");
    // getters and setters ignored

Convert Javabeans to Excel

@Data @Builder
public class ExportFollowUserExcelRow {
    @ExcelColTitle("序号") private int seq;
    @ExcelColTitle("客户姓名") private String name;
    @ExcelColTitle("客户类型") private String grade;
    @ExcelColTitle("性别") private String gender;
    @ExcelColTitle("手机号码") private String mobile;
    @ExcelColTitle("建档时间") private String createTime;
    @ExcelColTitle("来源渠道") private String sources;
    @ExcelColTitle("跟进总数") private String followTotalNum;
    @ExcelColTitle("当前所属会籍") private String advisorName;
    @ExcelColTitle("最近跟进人") private String currentFollowName;
    @ExcelColTitle("最近跟进时间") private String currentFollowTime;

Workbook templateWorkbook = ExcelToBeansUtils.getClassPathWorkbook("assignment.xlsx");
BeansToExcel beansToExcel = new BeansToExcel(templateWorkbook);
List<ExportFollowUserExcelRow> members = Lists.newArrayList();

Workbook workbook = beansToExcel.create(members);
ExcelToBeansUtils.writeExcel(workbook, name);


Cell Image Support

Now the image in excel can be bound to bean field of type ImageData. The image's axis will be computed to match the related cell. image

public class ImageBean {
    private ImageData imageData;
    private String name;

public void testImage() {
    Workbook val workbook = ExcelToBeansUtils.getClassPathWorkbook("images.xls");
    ExcelToBeans excelToBeans = new ExcelToBeans(workbook);
    List<ImageBean> beans = excelToBeans.convert(ImageBean.class);

List<String/Integer> bean fields support


public static class MultipleColumnsBeanWithTitle {
    @ExcelColTitle("会员姓名") String memberName; // for the first row, the value will be "张小凡"
    @ExcelColTitle("手机号") List<String> mobiles; // for the first row,the values will be: null, "18795952311", "18795952311", "18795952311"
    @ExcelColTitle("归属地") List<String> homeareas; // for the first row, the values will be: "南京", "北京", "上海", "广东"

Excel SpringMVC upload and download demo

 * 从EXCEL中批量导入会员。
@RequestMapping("/ImportMembers") @RestController
public class ImportMembersController {
     * 下载失败条目的EXCEL。
     * @return RestResp
    @RequestMapping("/downloadError") @SneakyThrows
    public RestResp downloadError(HttpServletResponse response) {
        byte[] workbook = ImportMembersHelper.redisExcel4ImportMemberError();
        if (workbook == null) {
            return RestResp.ok("当前没有失败条目");

        ExcelDownloads.download(response, workbook, "导入错误" + WestId.next() + ".xlsx");
        return RestResp.ok("失败条目下载成功");

     * 使用EXCEL 批量导入学员。
     * @param file EXCEL文件
     * @return RestResp
    @RequestMapping("/importMembers") @SneakyThrows
    public RestResp importMembers(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
        @Cleanup val excelToBeans = new ExcelToBeans(file.getInputStream());
        val importedMembers = excelToBeans.convert(ImportedMember.class);
        // ...




@Data @Builder
public class CepingResult {
    @ExcelCell(sheetName = true)
    private String sheetName;       // 表单名称

    @ExcelCell(value = "A2", replace = "XX")
    private String interviewCode;   // 面试编号

    private String name;           // 身份证姓名
    private String gender;         // 性别
    private String age;            // 年龄

    private String position;       // 应聘职位
    private String level;          // 推荐职级
    private String annualSalary;   // 期望年薪

    private double matchScore;     // 岗位匹配度
    @ExcelCell(value = "C6", maxLineLen = 40)
    private String matchComment;   // 岗位匹配度评语

@Cleanup val wb = ExcelToBeansUtils.getClassPathWorkbook("template.xlsx");
val beansToExcel = new BeansToExcelOnTemplate(wb.getSheet("templateName"));

@Cleanup val newWb = beansToExcel.create(bean);
PoiUtil.protectWorkbook(newWb, "123456");
PoiUtil.writeExcel(newWb, "exported.xlsx");


travis encrypt a7fe683637d6e1f54e194817cc36e78936d4fe61

mvn clean install sonar:sonar -Dsonar.organization=bingoohuang-github -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarqube.com -Dsonar.login=a7fe683637d6e1f54e194817cc36e78936d4fe61


Autosize column does not work on CentOS.

Maybe there is not relative fonts installed. Methods:

  1. Create fonts folder:mkdir ~/.fonts
  2. Copy fonts to the fold:scp /System/Library/Fonts/STHeiti\ Light.ttc yogaapp@test.ino01:./.fonts/
  3. Install the fonts:fc-cache -f -v
  4. 查看字体: fc-list|grep SimSun
[betaoper@beta-hetong ~]$ fc-list|grep SimSun
/usr/share/fonts/winfonts/simsun.ttc: 宋体,SimSun:style=常规,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/winfonts/simsun.ttc: 新宋体,NSimSun:style=常规,Regular
/usr/share/fonts/winfonts/simsunb.ttf: SimSun\-ExtB:style=Regular,obyčejné

For all users available, just copy the fonts file to the /usr/share/fonts directory and then fc-cache -f -v.

Emoji output error

When writting emoji like 🦄女侠🌈💄💓 , the output excel content will show like ?女侠???, try to fix this with following dependency.


How to manually test excel downloads in Chrome console?

// execute the following javascript code in the console to download excel for testing
var fileName = "abc.xlsx"
var url = 'http://localhost:8090/yoga-system/MemberExportController/memberExport'
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open('POST', url, true)
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
request.responseType = 'blob'
request.onload = function(e) {
    if (this.status === 200) {
        var blob = this.response;
        if(window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
            window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName)
        } else {
            var downloadLink = window.document.createElement('a')
            var contentTypeHeader = request.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")
            downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([blob], {type: contentTypeHeader}))
            downloadLink.download = fileName

Ajax js

export const downloadBlobFile = (response) => {
  const blob = new Blob([response.data], {type: response.data.type})
  const contentDisposition = response.headers['content-disposition']
  let fileName = 'unknown'
  if (contentDisposition) {
    const fileNameMatch = contentDisposition.match(/filename="(.+)"/)
    if (fileNameMatch.length === 2) {
      fileName = decodeURIComponent(fileNameMatch[1])

  if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
    navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName)
  } else {
    const link = document.createElement('a')
    link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
    link.download = fileName

import {downloadBlobFile} from 'utils'
this.$http.post('/BasicParametersController/exportPositions/', {}, {
  responseType: 'blob'
}).then((response) => {


export GPG_TTY
set -gx GPG_TTY (tty)
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dgpg.passphrase=slgsdmxl
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip -DskipTests


  1. Support SXSSF (Streaming Usermodel API) for very large spreadsheets have to be produced.


  1. Avoid to upgrade poi-ooxml to 4.0.0. that will cause shift rows go failing. See Bug 62711 New: Calling shiftRows corrupts file in POI 4.0