
This repo provides code for "CatScore: A High-Efficiency Evaluation Metric for Asymmetric Catalyst Design" by Bing Yan and Kyunghyun Cho. This repo is based off T5Chem by Jieyu Lu and Yingkai Zhang. Note that this repo can be found at


The code has been tested on Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.12.1.

  • Python 3.8: conda create --prefix ../conda_catscore python=3.8
  • PyTorch: conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

In addition, install dependencies using

pip install -r requirements.txt


python install
cd t5chem
export WORKING_DIR=$(pwd)


Note that we always assume the working directory to be WORKING_DIR:


Make a dirctory to save models and evaluation/generation results

mkdir example

Note that your data are saved under the data directory /path/to/data/AHO/100p_catdesign, path/to/data/AHO/100p_prodpred, and path/to/data/AHO/100p_cattest

Train a catalyst design model and generate catalyst from it

This project provides an automatic evaluation metric for catalyst design models, so we first need a catalyst design model. We will train such a model by finetuning a pretrained codet5. I am using the 100 percent setting (see my report for more details) as an example. For other settings simply change 100percent to other percentages:

stdbuf -oL -eL python --with_weights 0 --from_scratch 0 --data_dir path/to/data/AHO/100p_catdesign/ --output_dir example/aho_catdesign/ --task_type product --num_epoc 100 --pretrain Salesforce/codet5-small --num_classes 2 > example/log.train.aho.catdesign 2>&1&

Next, we generate catalysts using the trained model.

stdbuf -oL python --data_dir path/to/data/AHO/100p_catdesign/ --model_dir example/aho_catdesign/ --task_type product --prediction example/catdesign.csv --output_logits 1

Prepare input file (reactant + designed catalyst) for CatScore computation

cp example/catdesign.csv path/to/data/100p_cattest/
# Now change to the data directory and extract the catalyst information to generate test.source file
cd path/to/data/100p_cattest

Train a product prediction model

The core idea in CatScore is to use a product prediction model to replace running real chemistry experiments to test how good the designed catalysts are. Therefore, we need to train a product prediction model.

stdbuf -oL -eL python --with_weights 1 --from_scratch 0 --data_dir path/to/data/AHO/100p_prodpred/ --output_dir example/aho_prodpred/ --task_type product --num_epoc 100 --pretrain Salesforce/codet5-small --num_classes 2 > example/log.train.aho.prodpred 2>&1&

#test the product prediction model
stdbuf -oL python --data_dir path/to/data/AHO/100p_prodpred/ --model_dir example/aho_prodpred/checkpoint-58900/ --task_type product --prediction example/prodpred.csv --output_logits 1

Compute CatScore

To compute CatScore, we use the predicted catalysts by the catalyst design model as input, and evaluate the likelihood of producing the target product under the product prediction model:

stdbuf -oL python --data_dir path/to/data/AHO/100p_cattest/ --model_dir example/aho_prodpred/checkpoint-58900/ --task_type product --prediction example/cattest.csv --output_logits 1

Now we can compute CatScore of the system by simply taking the exponential of the total log likelihood. We can also calculate the round-trip accuracy based on the rank of the target product - if the target product rank at 1, the round-trip accuracy is 1; otherwise, 0. The above calcualted CatScore and round-trip accuracy are both at the instance level. The system-level scores are simply an average of the instance-level scores.

cd example
python cattest.csv

Compute DFTScore for the designed catalyst. This is done under the directory path/to/dft/

cp example/catdesign.csv path/to/dft/
cd path/to/dft/
python catdesign.csv
python catdesign_filled.csv

Now we can calcualte Spearman correlation: DFTScore-CatScore, DFTScore-round-trip accuracy

cp example/cattest.csv path/to/dft/
cd path/to/dft/
python catdesign_filled_dft_lasso.csv cattest.csv