
CSC 594 Artificial Intelligence Topics - Natural Language Processing

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Project 1: Text Pre-processing

The project's task is to write a program that accepts as input a plain text document and extract some properties of the content.

Project 2: Language Models

The project's task is to implement unigram and bigram language models from scratch. Specifics: Create models from a given (training) data and run them on a test data to evaluate the models.

Project 3: HMM-Viterbi Algorithm for POS tagging

The project's task is to implement an HMM-based approach to POS tagging from scratch. Specifically, implement the Viterbi decoding algorithm, as described in J&M section 10.4, using a bigram tag/state model.

Project 4: United Airlines Twitter Sentiment Analysis

This project is the personal final project for this course. The task is to classify UA twitters's sentiment by building a Naive Bayers Classifier from scratch using unigram, bigram, trigram language models.

