
the visualization web app for nanomine project

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visualization for nanomine project

Installation (REQUIRES ubuntu 16.04 -- 18.04 will not work yet)

Note: if installing on a virtual machine, be sure to allocate at least 8G Memory, 2 CPUs and 50G Disk

bash < <(curl -skL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tetherless-world/whyis/master/install.sh)
  • whyis will be installed in /apps/whyis
  • install NanomineViz app following:
    cd /apps
    sudo git clone https://github.com/Duke-MatSci/NanomineViz.git
    cd /apps/NanomineViz/data
    sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Duke-MatSci/nanomine-ontology/master/xml_ingest.setl.ttl
    sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Duke-MatSci/nanomine-ontology/master/ontology.setl.ttl
    sudo chown -R whyis:whyis /apps/NanomineViz
    sudo su - whyis
    cd /apps/NanomineViz
    pip install -e .
    sudo service apache2 restart
    sudo service celeryd restart
    sudo su - whyis
    cd /apps/whyis
    python manage.py createuser -e (email) -p (password) -f (frstname) -l (lastname) -u (username) --roles=admin
    python manage.py load -i /apps/NanomineViz/data/viz.ttl -f turtle
    cd /apps
    touch .netrc
  • after you create the .netrc file under /apps, you need to edit this file.
    machine some_url (like or nanomine.oit.duke.edu) -- this is the address of the nanomine server
    login some_username (like testuser1)
    password some_password (like testpwd1)
  • after you edit the .netrc file, in your terminal type:
    • the xml_ingest.setl.ttl file references the nanomine server protocol, address and port and may need to be edited
    cd /apps/whyis
    python manage.py load -i /apps/NanomineViz/data/ontology.setl.ttl -f turtle
    python manage.py load -i /apps/NanomineViz/data/xml_ingest.setl.ttl -f turtle
    • The load process can be monitored with 'sudo tail -f /var/log/celery/w1.log'
  • go to http://localhost/ to login with your credentials during "createuser" command
  • go to http://localhost/viz to access the visualization

Developing mode

Each time a change is made on the visualization, apache2 and celeryd service have to be restarted manually. This is very troublesome. whyis has a developing mode that help you allevate this pain.

sudo su - whyis
cd /app/whyis
python manage.py runserver -h

The visualization then will be accessed on "http://localhost:5000/viz". Then, you only need to refresh your webpage to see your changes immediately after you make changes to the visualization. After you finished the visualization changes, you can shutdown the developing mode with CTRL+c. Then you have to restart apache2 and celeryd service by

sudo service apache2 restart
sudo service celeryd restart

After this, the updated visualization app will show up at "http://localhost/viz".