
Project for Duke University CompSci 516 F18

In your ubuntu terminal, type

cd ~
mkdir applications

#install neo4j

mkdir neo4j
cd neo4j 
curl -o /tmp/neo4j.tgz http://dev.nanomine.org/neo4j-3.5-and-nm.tgz
tar zxf /tmp/neo4j.tgz

#start neo4j with this command

~/applications/neo4j/bin/neo4j start

then your neo4j webapp should be running at http://localhost:7474, ask me for the userid and the password.

#download your fork of the nanomine_PDB to applications

cd ~/applications
git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USERNAME/nanomine_PDB.git

#download xml2neo module at https://github.com/moxious/xml2neo/archive/master.zip

#unzip the file to ~/applications/xml2neo-master and convert xmls to cypher queries

cd ~/applications
find nanomine_PDB/xml/ -name "*.xml" -exec xml2neo-master/xml2neo.py {} \; > neo4jqueries.cypher

this might take a while. There will be some error messages during the process, ignore them.

#feed the cypher file to the neo4j-shell

cd ~/applications
cat neo4jqueries.cypher | neo4j/bin/neo4j-shell 

#wait for the process to end and you are good to go.