
Golang Gin Test

Primary LanguageGo


Develop tools

Quick Start


  • golang 1.15
  • gcc
  • make
  • Config configuration
    • Run cp .env.example .env
    • Edit .env file
  • Generate executable program
    • Run make clean all
  • Execute program
    • Run ./app


File Structure

  • .github\
    • workflows\ : github action job descriptions
  • docker\ : docker image descriptions
  • docs\ : api documents
  • factories\ : fake entities
  • GithooksExample\ : git hook scripts
  • mocks\ : mock interfaces
  • src\ : main application components
  • tests\ : application tests
  • .editorconfig : editor configuration
  • .env.example : env example
  • .gitignore : git ignore rules
  • docker-compose.yml : docker containers description
  • go.mod : application used modules
  • go.sum : dependent modules of application used modules
  • main.go : application entrypoint
  • Makefile : make script
  • readme.md : application documents

Main Application Components

  • controllers : services provider
  • entities : application entities
  • handlers : handle services
  • managers : other applications connector
  • middlewares : features before/after controllers execution
  • repositories : data operations
  • routes : application routes
  • services : application features
  • utilities: helpful tools


  • Run docker-compose up -d

Execute development application shell

  • Run docker-compose exec application /bin/sh

Generate executable program

  • Run make clena all

Execute program

  • Run ./app


  • Run go test ./tests/... -v

Add missing and remove unused modules

  • Run go mod tidy

Generate api documents

  • Run swag init