
shots home folder?

orschiro opened this issue · 9 comments

Dear @binjospookie,

What's the shots folder used for?


This folder used when you save your screenshot locally(default folder).

I see.

What if I always save my files to Desktop? Can I somehow prevent shots from creating this other folder?



You can't do it from settings. But if you save locally using Ctrl+L you can choose dist folder for your screenshots.

I'll add ability to change default directory for saving!

I'll add ability to change default directory for saving!

Wow, great. Thank you! :-)

@orschiro in next release you could to remove --shots folder!
I don't think that there is a need to add to settings default folder option, cause --shots remember your last choosen folder(when you saving file locally).
But --shots folder is unnecessary.
So... :)

I plan to release a new version at these week