
A repo just to let me display cool information about Yara in a nice well themed GitHub Page.

Welcome to Yara Jobs:

Here is where you can find our currently open job openings:


Oh boy, top level weeb coders here. We got the #Hypes and #WeebSquad and we create top level stuff to please the Wumpus that hides down in Yara's server. You people code bots, our website, and anything else needed. You'll work with most of our staff through the Community and Head of Events to bring new things to reality, any changes you make will be approved by an owner and community manager, and works with our graphics artist(s) to bring spicy things wicy. #Hype! <3
Click the link to learn how to apply!

Yara Graphics Artist

This artsy weeb gets to design stuff and art for Yara! You'll be credited ofcourse and some of Yara's funds go to you (Yara funds are only used for bot hosting and event hosting).

Head of Yara Events

This person is a top level weeb who works with the community manager, server owners, event staff, and other Yara members to bring new and unique events. This person also deals with the issue of who hosts, who does what, who does that. ( We only have 2 of these guys )

Yara Event Staff

Event staff work with the Head of Yara Events to choose, plan, host, create new events, and work with Server Owners to bring spice to Yara! These people keep the community running and active! Note: This is the second easiest job to get at Yara, (the first being the Yara weeb job lol).

Yara Community Manager

Community managers work with server owners, mods, admins, devs, event staff and communicate between the members and the staff. Top class weebs of this level bring suggestions to our attention, spring up bug reports, and show moderators how to stop people from stirring up trouble.

Yara Chat Moderator

Chat moderators moderate the chat from the bad bois who want to come and take us down!

Yara Sponsor

Yara Donator

To become a sponsor or donator please DM bin#0160 and we can discuss from there.

Yara Weebs

Your loyal dedication to being a weeb. Be active in the server and get the highest rank with our prime Rikka!

Apply to any of the above listed jobs(except developer)

DM bindev#6573 in the Yara server with this information:

Your Discord Name:
Why you would like to apply:
Why you believe you deserve this role:
Why should we trust you: (not needed for graphics)
Showcase: an example of your work and/or proof that you deserve this role. (semi needed for anything that is not graphics)
Disclaimer: I agree or You do not agree to the disclaimer below.

For the Yara Weebs role: DM bindev#6573 with why you want to be a weeb!

Support or Contact

DM Shiro#6249 or bin#0160 on the Yara Discord.

What is Yara?

Yara is an anime and gaming community on Discord, you can join us here


Any job shown here does not have pay and is voluntary work, you join and work by choice and as a volunteer. Volunteers are volunteers after all! #weeb