
Open Matrix API for R

Primary LanguageR


CRAN status Build Status

The goal of omxr is to provide a convenient API for R users working with Open Matrix (OMX) format files. For more details on the file standard, see the osPlanning wiki.


We hope to have omxr on CRAN in the near future. Until then, you can install omxr with the devtools package



With omxr you can examine the contents of existing OMX files within R.

# path to the omx file
omx_file <- omxr_example("skims.omx")

# list contents
#> $OMXVersion
#> [1] "0.2"
#> $Rows
#> [1] 25
#> $Columns
#> [1] 25
#> $Matrices
#>                      name dclass     dim   type
#> 1                    DIST  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 2                DISTBIKE  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 3                DISTWALK  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 4   DRV_LOC_WLK_DDIST__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 5    DRV_LOC_WLK_DTIM__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 6     DRV_LOC_WLK_FAR__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 7   DRV_LOC_WLK_IWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 8  DRV_LOC_WLK_TOTIVT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 9    DRV_LOC_WLK_WAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 10   DRV_LOC_WLK_WAUX__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 11  DRV_LOC_WLK_XWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 12     HOV2TOLL_BTOLL__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 13      HOV2TOLL_DIST__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 14      HOV2TOLL_TIME__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 15     HOV2TOLL_VTOLL__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 16         HOV2_BTOLL__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 17          HOV2_DIST__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 18          HOV2_TIME__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 19         HOV3_BTOLL__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 20          HOV3_DIST__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 21          HOV3_TIME__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 22      SOVTOLL_BTOLL__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 23       SOVTOLL_DIST__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 24       SOVTOLL_TIME__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 25      SOVTOLL_VTOLL__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 26          SOV_BTOLL__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 27           SOV_DIST__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 28           SOV_TIME__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 29 WLK_LOC_DRV_BOARDS__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 30  WLK_LOC_DRV_DDIST__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 31   WLK_LOC_DRV_DTIM__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 32    WLK_LOC_DRV_FAR__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 33  WLK_LOC_DRV_IWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 34 WLK_LOC_DRV_TOTIVT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 35   WLK_LOC_DRV_WAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 36   WLK_LOC_DRV_WAUX__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 37  WLK_LOC_DRV_XWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 38 WLK_LOC_WLK_BOARDS__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 39    WLK_LOC_WLK_FAR__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 40  WLK_LOC_WLK_IWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 41 WLK_LOC_WLK_TOTIVT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 42   WLK_LOC_WLK_WAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 43   WLK_LOC_WLK_WAUX__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 44  WLK_LOC_WLK_XWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 45    WLK_TRN_WLK_IVT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 46    WLK_TRN_WLK_IVT__MD  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 47    WLK_TRN_WLK_IVT__PM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 48  WLK_TRN_WLK_IWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 49   WLK_TRN_WLK_WACC__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 50   WLK_TRN_WLK_WAUX__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 51   WLK_TRN_WLK_WEGR__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> 52  WLK_TRN_WLK_XWAIT__AM  FLOAT 25 x 25 matrix
#> $Lookups
#>         name  dclass dim lookupdim                 description
#> 54 Districts INTEGER  25                             Districts
#> 55        EI  STRING  25           External and Internal Zones

You can choose to read the matrix as either an R matrix or as a tidyverse-friendly tibble, depending on your needs.

m <- read_omx(omx_file, "DIST") # return an array
m[1:5, 1:5]
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] 0.12 0.24 0.44 0.41 0.68
#> [2,] 0.37 0.14 0.28 0.29 0.59
#> [3,] 0.57 0.28 0.14 0.46 0.45
#> [4,] 0.34 0.24 0.33 0.12 0.35
#> [5,] 0.70 0.64 0.52 0.40 0.20

read_all_omx(omx_file, c("DIST", "DISTBIKE", "DISTWALK"))
#> # A tibble: 625 x 5
#>    origin destination  DIST DISTBIKE DISTWALK
#>     <int>       <int> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1      1           1  0.12     0.12     0.12
#>  2      1           2  0.24     0.24     0.24
#>  3      1           3  0.44     0.44     0.44
#>  4      1           4  0.41     0.41     0.41
#>  5      1           5  0.68     0.68     0.68
#>  6      1           6  0.97     0.97     0.97
#>  7      1           7  0.98     0.98     0.98
#>  8      1           8  1.15     1.15     1.15
#>  9      1           9  1.56     1.56     1.56
#> 10      1          10  1.59     1.59     1.59
#> # … with 615 more rows

More detailed examples, including creating and writing to OMX files, are available in the package vignette.
